职位需求:软件开发 或者 软件测试
申明我只是帮朋友转发这个消息~上面的邮箱是他的~职位空缺还是比较多的~bless everyone 我觉得小雨应该合适:lol 我符合第2.3条,但是第1条就把我给毙了了,郁闷:sweat
早知道当初在学校的时候就应该多学计算机知识了 我倒是觉得1和3我都合适,英语么,,,看资料没问题,,交流的话,还需要点时间:( 1,3行,2被毙了。 只能过2~5年再说了:mad 我只有3合适。:lol 2和3
哈哈,treo8也万能了哈 好吧,待遇和公司很适合我,别的都不适合:sweat 看看默默路过 没这个条件,过来看看而已 我不符合第三条括号中的部分:cry english 感觉还是不太行,其他的都还行。。:dabing_05 我都合适只是目前无法去北京工作 英文部分个人认为可以不用太担心,面试的英文相简单很多,工作中的英文相信大家更不成问题
更主要的是,猎头之间的信息要多很多。进入以后如果有能力,将来其他的机会也会很多 我只符合第3条 15k啊。。。要是在西安多好啊。。。小雨去吧 原帖由 ursace 于 2009-3-23 21:50 发表 http://www.treo8.com/bbs/static/image/common/back.gif
咱不着急...:112_08 就第一个人符合点 哎,看来还得过个2-5年 要找几个人,我开始写简历喽…… 要求不高,工资倒不错
不过8K-15K跨越幅度也忒大了点吧... 我准备现在学英语和c语言,2-5年后再来。:)1 :)1 深圳的还可以考虑一下!:pig_002 嗯,我基本适合就是工作年限超出5年了....... 我女朋友合适~ 但是我在天津~能否有天津的公司~薪水低些也可以~
期待~ 如果可以我可以把她的简历给您发过去·
谢谢 郁闷拉!!!!!准备专攻C语言和英语了,等个两三年再去应聘!!!!!很诱人的待遇啊 原帖由 CyberVsQ 于 2009-3-24 23:09 发表 http://www.treo8.com/bbs/static/image/common/back.gif
用时间隧道退回去几年:lol 我再去学个2-5年后不知还招不招:shy
回复 楼主1# treo 的帖子 我也来一个!
Position: Broadband Hardware Senior Development Engineer Location: ShanghaiJD:
1.Responsible for feasibility analysis of requirements input from Product Line Manager during project initiation phase
2.Guide the design team from technical perspective to ensure requirements implemented with cost-effective, high quality approach.
3.Review test plan and drive cross-functional team(SW, HdS, Test) to verify HW design in line with functionality/quality requirements
4.Take charge of reviewing critical documents from feature development to secure quality
5.Lead the design team to analyze issues detected during design, verification, compliance test, manufacturing and field deployment
6.Prepare guideline and strategy as input to design and review to ensure design consistency
7.Support competence leader to make competence improvement plan for design community and support them to achieve their technical development goal
1.More than 6 years working experience with focus on HW development activities
2.Rich experience in HW digital/logic/analog circuit design and debug
3.Rich experience in xDSL/POTS/Ethernet hardware design and verification
4.Be able to co-ordinate tasks among different teams
5.Excellent English written and verbal communication skill
6.Open-minded, good team work spirit
7.Self motivated, ability to work independently with minimal supervision
8.Strong learning desire and good self-study ability
Language: CET-6
回复 楼主1# treo 的帖子 我也来一个!