法国帕玛红酒Château Palmerhttp://www.evinite.info/media/catalog/category/file_183.jpg
Our selection of Château Palmer : It is during the nineteenth century, that the General Charles Palmer acquired the château de Gascq, to which he gave his name. He undertook many investments to develop his property. He contributed in particular, to the reputation of his wines in England. The field was, then, bought by the brothers Péreire. They have exploited this exceptional site at its fair value. However, they would not benefit of enough time, to raise this wine among the elite (...)
与PALM公司同名。 不同名,一个叫palm,一个叫palmer 原帖由 卒子 于 2010-1-29 22:16 发表 http://www.treo8.com/bbs/static/image/common/back.gif
论坛中很多胖友都可以称之为"palmer" :dabing_10 :dabing_10
管他啥名,小卒赶紧给开了,俺们喝了他! 女王就知道喝:1174 美容的呀 昨夜公司年会,那帮人喝红酒不叫喝,叫牛饮,糟蹋呀:mad
[ Edited by panita on 2010-1-31 12:41 ]