Zune4G,8G,30G,80G 按键/组合键操作一览表
转自:Zune中文网 作者: chaney原帖地址:http://www.zunecn.com/thread-245-1-1.html
1-4为通用操作,5-6为zune30G专用,7-8为zune4G,8G,80G 专用。其中5-8操作有风险请慎用,
1.Press and hold the play button and it will put your zune into sleep mode.
长按 播放键 会使zune进入睡眠模式(此模式12小时无操作后会自动转换到深度睡眠模式)
2.Press and hold the back button and it will take you to the main menu no matter where you are.
无论你在任何位置,长按 后退键 会直接退回到主菜单。
3.Press and hold the back + down buttons and your zune will go into deep sleep mode (so you dont waste battery).
同时长按 导航下键+后退键 会使zune进入深度睡眠模式(也就是彻底关机模式,再开机会出现zune logo)
4.Press and hold the back + up buttons to reset your zune. (This is justlike a rest button _disibledevent=blue>在开机界面的时候,长按 后退+导航中键+导航左键,zune player会删除所有文件包括音频,视频,图片以及重新加载固件。
6.Press and hold the back + center + right buttons and the zune will delete everything _disibledevent=4>
These do work with the updated zune firmware
These also work with the zune4, zune8, and zune80
These _disibledevent=blue>长按 后退+中央键+播放键 格式化(删除)所有文件以及重新格式化固件。