常见的模型主要分为四类:Checkpoint、LoRA、Textual Inversion、Hypernetwork,分别对应 4 种不同的训练方式。
Checkpoint:通过 Dreambooth 训练方式得到的大模型, 特点是出图效果好,但由于训练的是一个完整的新模型,所以训练速度普遍较慢,生成模型文件较大,一般几个 G,文件格式为 safetensors 或 ckpt。
LoRA:一种轻量化的模型微调训练方法,是在原有大模型的基础上,对该模型进行微调,用于输出固定特征的人或事物。特点是对于特定风格特征的出图效果好,训练速度快,模型文件小,一般几十到一百多 MB,需要搭配大模型使用。
Textual Inversion:一种使用文本提示来训练模型的方法,可以简单理解为一组打包的提示词,用于生成固定特征的人或事物。特点是对于特定风格特征的出图效果好,模型文件非常小,一般几十 K,但是训练速度较慢,需要搭配大模型使用。
Hypernetwork:类似 LoRA,但模型效果不如 LoRA,需要搭配大模型使用。
模型推荐:Checkpoint > LoRA > Textual Inversion > Hypernetwork
通常情况 Checkpoint 模型搭配 LoRA 或 Textual Inversion 模型使用,可以获得更好的出图效果。
补充:还有一类 VAE 模型,简单理解它的作用就是提升图像色彩效果,让画面看上去不会那么灰蒙蒙,此外对图像细节进行细微调整。
Fine-tuned Model Checkpoints (Dreambooth Models)
[*]Download the custom model
[*]Place the model inside the models/Stable-diffusion directory of your AUTOMATIC1111 Web UI instance
[*]Refresh your model list or restart the Stable Diffusion Web UI
[*]Select the custom model from the Stable Diffusion checkpoint input field
[*]Use the trained keyword in a prompt (listed on the custom model's page)
[*]Make awesome images!
Checkpoints 模型:放在models/Stable-diffusion 目录下
Textual Inversions
[*]Download the textual inversion
[*]Place the textual inversion inside the embeddings directory of your AUTOMATIC1111 Web UI instance
[*]Use the trained keyword in a prompt (listed on the textual inversion's page)
[*]Make awesome images!
Textual Inversions(文本):放在embeddings 目录下
Aesthetic Gradients
[*]Install the Aesthetic Gradients extension
[*]Download the aesthetic gradient
[*]Place the aesthetic graident inside the aesthetic_embeddings directory of your AUTOMATIC1111 Web UI instance
[*]Restart the Stable Diffusion Web UI
[*]Adjust the aesthetic gradient setting
[*]Make awesome images!
Aesthetic Gradients(梯度):放在 aesthetic_embeddings目录下
[*]Download the hypernetwork
[*]Place the hypernetwork inside the models/hypernetworks directory of your AUTOMATIC1111 Web UI instance
[*]Restart the Stable Diffusion Web UI
[*]Select the hypernetwork from the Hypernetwork input field in settings
[*]Adjust the hypernetwork strength using the Hypernetwork strength range slider in settings
[*]Make awesome images!
Hypernetwork(超级网络):放在 models/hypernetworks目录下
Video Guide by Lykon
[*]Download the LoRA
[*]Place the file inside the models/lora folder
[*]Click on the show extra networks button under the Generate button (purple icon)
[*]Go to the Lora tab and refresh if needed
[*]Click on the one you want to apply, it will be added in the prompt
[*]Make sure to adjust the weight, by default it's :1 which is usually to high
LORA:放在 models/lora目录下
(Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models 基于大型语言模型的低阶自适应,是经过特殊训练后的一个微调补充)
Old UI (Versions Prior to Jan 20th) 旧版
[*]Ensure that you've installed the Additional Networks extension, you can do this from the extensions tab. After installing you will need to restart AUTOMATIC1111.
[*]Download the LoRA
[*]Place the file inside the extensions/sd-webui-additional-networks/models/lora folder
[*]On the txt2img or img2img tab, dropdown the Additional Networks area at the bottom of the page
[*]Check enable
[*]Set Model 1 to the LoRA model you downloaded
[*]Set Weight 1 to a 0.85 a good starting value and adjust as needed
[*]Make awesome images!
确保安装了Additional Networks,然后放在extensions/sd-webui-additional-networks/models/lora目录下。
Note: You can use a LoRA with any model, but usually they are trained on a specific model and will perform best on that model or a derivative of that model.LoRA可以用于任何模型下,但是实际上最好是放在训练时的大模型下能达到最佳效果。
[*]Ensure that you're utilizing the latest version of Automatic1111 or that you've installed the LoCon Extension
[*]Download the LoCon
[*]Place the file inside the models/LyCORIS folder
[*]Click on the show extra networks button under the Generate button (purple icon)
[*]Go to the LyCORIS tab and refresh if needed
[*]Click on the one you want to apply, it will be added in the prompt
[*]Make sure to adjust the weight, by default it's :1 which is usually too high
LoCon:放在 models/LyCORIS目录下
[*]Ensure that you've installed the Wildcard Extension
[*]Download the Wildcards archive
[*]Extract the archive into extensions/stable-diffusion-webui-wildcards/wildcards
[*]Use one or many of the wildcard words in your prompt to trigger the word replacement on generation (ex. __hair-style__)
Wildcards:确保安装了 Wildcard 扩展,然后放在extensions/stable-diffusion-webui-wildcards/wildcards目录下
Motion Module
[*]Ensure that you've installed the AnimateDiff Extension
[*]Download the Motion Module
[*]Place the file inside the extensions/sd-webui-animatediff/model/ folder
Motion Module:确保安装了AnimateDiff 扩展,然后放在extensions/sd-webui-animatediff/model/ 目录下
目前 CivitAI(俗称 C 站, )是业内比较成熟的一个 Stable Diffusion 模型社区,上面汇集了上千个模型,以及上万张附带提示词的图像,这大大降低了 Stable Diffusion 的入门学习成本。
这里有简要介绍 C 站的一些优秀模型,并结合示例进行应用说明。