how can i do ?
ZDICT下的湘雅医学字典怎么没用?一定要用MDICT的么? 发到PALM区吧。那边熟悉的人比较多。 是what can I do? 不能用how来表示疑问的 原帖由 卒子 于 2007-8-18 21:22 发表是what can I do? 不能用how来表示疑问的
:titter :titter :titter 打倒一切装B者:titter How are you ?怎么是你?
How old are you ?怎么老是你? 你们这些淫啊,说的这都是写什么no three no four的英语啊 funny! Many people think they are full of niubility, and like to play zhuangbility, which only reflect their shability upstairs guy is trying to pretent very NB, please, let's go and kick him down, knock his JJ until he dies 。。。。。。 原帖由 雪狼 于 2007-8-19 15:42 发表
How are you ?怎么是你?
How old are you ?怎么老是你?
正确!! ls各位都介于牛A和牛C之间:lol :lol :lol do这个动词也有"做"的意思嘛 至于做XX偶们就不深究了
so lz的标题还是可以解释得通滴 :sweat 果然是水区,非同凡响