1 2 3 4 5 构图不错,第四张有点模糊了,对焦没对好.小花也如此可爱,淡雅,真是美啊! Originally posted by ghpaint at 2003-6-18 02:30 PM:
土人,第四章显然是虚化了前景阿,这么成功的照片…… Originally posted by johnye at 2003-6-20 00:40:
呵呵,没看出来,以为是没对好. Hi, 琪琪.
Good work!
Personally, I much perfer the other set '双休日摄影展区', since the color and the disposition is much nicer that this set.This idea to shoot small flower as such is great, however, since the subject is so much simplier and less colorful--it is definitely more challeging than the other set.
Regards Originally posted by comis at 2003-6-21 06:55 PM:
Hi, 琪琪.
Good work!
Personally, I much perfer the other set '双休日摄影展区', since the color and the disposition is much nicer that this set.This idea to shoot small flower as such is gre ..
comis兄,谢谢你对展区的关注,我想我会改进一些不合理的地方,以使以后的展区有更鲜明的主题。另外,我的E文不是很好啦,也请您以后包涵:) 简单的花朵拍的如此这般不错。 还不错了
不过不是很完美 !