yuzu 发表于 2003-7-25 16:13

Brief Reviews the SanDisk SD Wi-Fi Card

Two things are certain: everything's getting smaller and everything's going wireless.

Take SanDisk's new SecureDigital Wi-Fi Card for example. Thinner and lighter than existing Wi-Fi cards, it pops into SDIO-enabled handhelds and cell phones to allow them to easily connect to private and public 802.11b wireless networks.

We've been testing a SanDisk SD Wi-Fi Card for the past few days along with an HP iPAQ h2210 Pocket PC and were able to easily connect to several wireless networks, including the 802.11b network in our office and the T-Mobile HotSpot at our local Starbucks. The only issue we found with the card is that it protrudes from the device about half an inch (see picture at right), making it succeptible to accidental breakage. Otherwise, it was simple to set up, worked the first time, and provided excellent range while not draining the battery.

yuzu 发表于 2003-7-25 16:14

More Pics here :lol: cheers

182479252 发表于 2003-9-12 15:54


samkk 发表于 2005-7-24 22:32

Originally posted by yuzu at 2003-7-25 04:14 PM:
More Pics here :lol: cheers
Could SanDisk 256MB Wi Fi SD card be used for Palm OS?

青椒 发表于 2005-7-28 19:08

?? 这个我也不太清楚 啊 ~ 我一小菜鸟 但是我来顶一下
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