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[教程] 用Palm的Data Transfer Assistant 完美导入联系人 同步联系人有问题的可以借鉴

发表于 2011-8-17 17:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 martim 于 2011-8-23 16:32 编辑
4 ^$ K# |. A+ J1 U
8 P' t% P. D/ r1 I( R, i  G      此方法适合之前用Palm desktop或Outlook
& W, m2 x+ d% Q2 I" F      之前联系人以Vcard的格式导入Gmail邮箱,手机通过Exchange与Gmail通讯录进行同步,同步后的联系人不少,但是部分联系人缺少条目,有些电话莫名其妙的少了,删除帐户再进行同步还是如此。
+ G$ G( P* b9 \% l, ]) X. ~       后在HP的网页上看到有专门将Plam Desktop或Outlook的数据迁移到Palm pre/pixi的软件 Data Transfer Assistant ,http://www.hpwebos.com/us/suppor ... /migration/dta.html  a: i& j; ?  f; [
Webos 1.x For windows下载地址: http://palm.cdnetworks.net/suppo ... er_Assistant_1e.exe# B$ D/ T! A1 q! i9 B
Webos 2.x For windows下载地址: http://palm.cdnetworks.net/suppo ... er_Assistant_1f.exe
) L6 y- G8 [0 w  X
6 y+ d# _7 t% F6 }1. 首先删除Gmail上的通讯录(最好是导出一个备份);删除你Pre/Pixi上的通讯录帐户、邮件帐户;并保证你的Pre/Pixi联上网络4 ]( m0 K9 M* ?  l* C5 J
2. 确保你的通讯录在Palm Desktop或Outlook3 m( U6 j) s! T
3. 将手机与电脑连接,选择U盘模式。运行Data Transfer Assistant 点击“Accept”
3 g1 H$ J  s1 ]( m# g# a( R9 G9 X7 d" |$ H$ h' v

% p- ~2 X3 i& I! n2 |: K- e' d: j4 W% ~* y/ c. e6 K4 A
4、选择Palm Desktop或Outlook,这个工具可以把联系人、日历、任务和笔记全部导入到WebOS,因为我只需要导入联系人,所以把其他三个的勾都去掉,点击“Continue”。+ m8 V' J* A6 e/ {

6 W9 O4 r1 V+ K0 H  V+ g% b# M1 [3 u6 D; U- a- L8 z+ c
/ ]! ~7 N3 Z, b1 g9 h( X8 A6 d
5、继续点击“Next”( y/ l* q! c0 y
1 d2 g# |2 r" v: l$ ~7、系统开始导入。
8 l+ n  ?) J7 O' G8、导入成功,拔出手机。Palm Pre/Pixi/Plus会询问你把数据和哪个云端同步。选择添加帐户,创建Exchange帐户,填入你的Gmail邮箱地址、密码,服务器:m.google.com  用户名: gmail邮箱名(@gmail.com之前的名称),登录,就可以同步了。
8 ]& h6 m: C# `5 \4 K- {, T+ H, ?5 k1 C+ @
* {; j- [* l2 ?1 @% ^
$ O$ z% w2 S% n


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参与人数 2威望 +10 收起 理由
leeeeeee + 5 赞一个!
osolemio + 5 很给力!



使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-17 18:41 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-17 18:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-17 19:06 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
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发表于 2011-8-20 08:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-20 09:59 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-20 14:49 | 显示全部楼层
linter 发表于 2011-8-20 08:18 " a# x3 u* p& r7 [! P# \

) K3 A& g% E2 w7 l2 _! h/ ^都说清楚了U盘模式导入,导入到手机后会提示你推出U盘模式进行同步的
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发表于 2011-8-20 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-20 16:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-23 11:26 | 显示全部楼层
davidwaterok 发表于 2011-8-17 19:06
9 z; G- j" b( R  X1 i/ j转移了其他三项  好像没什么动静.  memo/notes 报告是转了  但是找不到.  classic notes/ memos/notes 都找 ...

) u# {" H+ c( [3 u) f$ i测试失败,去原网页看了一下,楼主给的下载链接是针对1.45版的,我是pre2,所以用2.xROM应该下载的地址是:
- A" B- Q/ @# S8 F  N4 N  k' h6 B$ @
http://palm.cdnetworks.net/suppo ... er_Assistant_1f.exe
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-23 11:37 | 显示全部楼层
PALMZIRE71 发表于 2011-8-23 11:31 $ T9 V) T* [  Q5 R0 r
# W- y2 {4 M# [$ Z+ k% E/ @
DTA分for webos 2.x 和 webos 1.x,并相对应的还有for windows 和for Mac版本的
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 11:46 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 11:50 | 显示全部楼层
MARK一下 支持~~~~~~~~
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-23 15:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 martim 于 2011-8-23 15:21 编辑
/ {( {1 o" p+ ?
' d" s+ V8 W4 A4 f只支持将PC本地上的通讯录导入到手机,然后再通过网络与gmail同步
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-23 15:20 | 显示全部楼层
股市小菜鸟 发表于 2011-8-23 11:46 ) V3 g5 v9 h' R+ h

5 D# W1 }! I7 Q4 C6 ~DTA只支持将PC上的数据导入到Pre/Plus/Pixi,不是同步,同步需要与Gmail进行;但是联系人也可以有变通方法:1. 将手机内的联系人保存为 vcf格式,通过palm desktop或outlook进行导入
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 16:05 | 显示全部楼层
martim 发表于 2011-8-23 15:20
. f- Y5 l% b1 ^( ]2 Y$ Q6 QDTA只支持将PC上的数据导入到Pre/Plus/Pixi,不是同步,同步需要与Gmail进行;但是联系人也可以有变通方法 ...
5 H0 b5 r- b1 l4 b+ y& l
谢谢楼主的解答。其实已经用gmail同步了联系人,但是在办公室里电脑不能上外网,只能用outlook管理日程,联系人,任务,还是得找到一个本地化同步的工具才能应付日常的工作,最近正纠结是否花40$购买‘the Missing sync’软件!5 R, R$ n! T& U6 ]- i
怀念palm os时代的方便的GTD管理啊!
# ~5 `' Y/ T# t9 J: S3 E  r我从Palm600->centro->pre plus一路走来,深刻的感觉palm没落了啊!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 16:13 | 显示全部楼层
* P6 B7 V$ t9 L+ G5 U# |0 y. n9 G

  P6 w) k* R/ P6 ?" F% I! w4 r& T/ J, Y- w楼主我的报错了,


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-23 16:39 | 显示全部楼层
venn 发表于 2011-8-23 16:14 ( y) i7 O  N- w$ a$ D5 D
1 n  o# c! f8 h; |+ o8 ]
1. 确认你的usb线缆同pre 2手机连接正常,并启用U盘模式而不是充电模式;% N, p4 F# |3 O' Z
2. DTA支持下列PIM的导入 Palm Desktop versions 4.1.4e, 4.2, and 6.2.2 (Windows XP with SP2 or SP3 or Windows Vista [Business and Ultimate] 32-bit), Outlook 2003 (Windows XP with SP2 or SP3), or Outlook 2007 (Windows Vista [Business and Ultimate] 32-bit or 64-bit).
2 g9 W8 r1 q" z' v, l5 i3. 如果从Palm desktop进行数据迁移,确保desktop内有你选择的数据;9 U0 E; \/ j9 ^4 r  D5 i
4. 确保手机内有传输数据所需的空间,这个应该没有问题吧
6 B4 e; v! }+ B1 J8 q6 m) g4 A# n6 o
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 17:11 | 显示全部楼层
[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application initializing$ x1 g+ b* A8 J& @1 a" Y
[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] outlook info:
2 W# t9 q4 N% u  L$ g% U" g9 p2 B[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         exists:         no
9 v1 _( o) x, ~/ @[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd info:
' Z1 x% R9 }' j1 x  y" c. h1 g( R[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         exists:         yes
* |+ z% X+ {" a[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         num profiles:   15 T0 e, C* c* {0 f. \3 l+ t
[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         profile 0 name: Handspring
. ^& q3 [! W% c9 Z: W4 v7 ?  @[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application initialized
( |- b5 n' W# j7 R! g6 G& s* s[08/23/2011 15:54:40] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: eula
4 A) i, _; |& t* {9 O[08/23/2011 15:54:43] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] eula accepted
! L" G& `) A1 S- |" E* T[08/23/2011 15:54:43] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: welcome; y4 J* \1 r" V. `% W2 M8 E
[08/23/2011 15:54:53] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: select pim types/ m+ ~# P" N  _
[08/23/2011 15:55:02] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: connect phone8 K, a& b+ R6 y
[08/23/2011 15:55:41] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] device mounted* X+ c# P) k1 w2 u. [) v* ?" r9 C
[08/23/2011 15:55:43] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: export
4 u( m3 ^: A7 j[08/23/2011 15:55:43] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] starting export7 T/ ]3 _& K* Q- i8 g5 m
[08/23/2011 15:55:43] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp" 5 r; j1 z6 X) Y! W) y/ P
[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] data source:  pd
2 X& \- P; k# B/ x& z3 a5 G[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] profile name:             Handspring9 `# m7 b7 X; u3 i; U
[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] user path:                D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp' X; h/ i. F4 o& G/ k# g& d
[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num total records:        658
7 x, U: `' {+ I! b3 p3 R[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num contact records:      604
. T8 ?, S+ d$ X. S4 o4 w! s[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num appointment records:  6
$ ~" J0 Y6 @7 \7 t" O[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num task records:         2* z- N+ I" F4 L% e6 ]
[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num memo records:         46
% H% H0 Y5 C, w  |! w[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp" 2 {) Y+ [6 y" U' M! z& N6 E  ]+ B
[08/23/2011 15:55:45] [error] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] export failure: ???? (0xFFFFFFF9), C8 o2 o2 o" w( G5 \4 r6 a
[08/23/2011 15:55:55] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: exit9 i4 |8 |0 {/ \: w7 i( D
[08/23/2011 15:55:55] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application exit
9 g8 N  N' ]) Q# q+ M1 x! F: r[08/23/2011 15:57:38] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application initializing' Z4 k! o$ p* x2 n, p; c
[08/23/2011 15:57:38] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] outlook info:2 c& l# _% F0 D+ P# |# m5 e
[08/23/2011 15:57:38] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         exists:         no; n* `6 J1 I+ c2 w7 g" H+ n
[08/23/2011 15:57:39] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd info:: A+ v6 z* k" t1 p: b. F1 }
[08/23/2011 15:57:39] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         exists:         yes% h$ ^& f( t, V; z
[08/23/2011 15:57:39] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         num profiles:   1- q: |6 V) V- @4 w
[08/23/2011 15:57:39] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         profile 0 name: Handspring
4 i. l& y1 _1 `; b7 t4 Q1 X3 o[08/23/2011 15:57:39] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application initialized, I7 x9 \- S$ _/ n5 Y+ x& ]" b
[08/23/2011 15:57:39] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: welcome
+ o# l  E" L& B  i[08/23/2011 15:57:51] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: select pim types
1 ?1 W) l, S8 L; a3 h1 o[08/23/2011 15:57:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: connect phone5 b+ V2 _0 u" P( d' N0 E$ I
[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: export
! ^; `- q$ m& }! m[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] starting export2 X& a2 c( _* Q
[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp" ; k  J; x& q1 v  `9 o
[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] data source:  pd
+ a8 A4 N# E+ O4 p' G[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] profile name:             Handspring. l7 L7 M1 X& p5 @7 f
[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] user path:                D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp# q+ V/ P& F8 G' h* t/ T+ `; o
[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num total records:        658& g' s: Z9 a4 V1 X+ z
[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num contact records:      604% n& c% j: E7 w
[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num appointment records:  6* U. y% D' e6 a3 I0 ~5 {) Y* T% H8 H
[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num task records:         2
6 l; @$ R6 n9 X8 S+ [+ A; ^[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num memo records:         46
' P# L( ~2 @3 H; _1 W[08/23/2011 15:58:03] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp" * }! h3 E# L3 [5 H: m1 ?
[08/23/2011 15:58:04] [error] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] export failure: ???? (0xFFFFFFF9)  z) {/ a  R2 i4 l# ]  |2 h7 w) Y- i
[08/23/2011 15:58:09] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: connect phone' _, z, {" }9 j1 q- p: m0 C
[08/23/2011 15:58:11] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: export& z3 a! ]7 @, O
[08/23/2011 15:58:11] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] starting export
) }% U# b! J" P" `  y6 f[08/23/2011 15:58:11] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp" 3 J7 h& b* m* ]% ?; z% U3 O  F
[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] data source:  pd
# N1 v) q* o: T[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] profile name:             Handspring- Y$ q2 T7 `- v5 t; b5 I
[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] user path:                D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp( V; a0 `, L) P
[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num total records:        658
. z5 y+ L8 t& x; d+ U- g[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num contact records:      6043 y, Y5 j, J$ I3 z; Y2 o
[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num appointment records:  60 F" b* S- X( z* R: k6 B+ h
[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num task records:         2
0 l5 D  P+ I" F0 F4 T[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num memo records:         46
6 X# M* s1 k( i* j) N[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp" 2 z9 g! p1 y% s( C: ]6 i! }8 `0 z
[08/23/2011 15:58:12] [error] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] export failure: ???? (0xFFFFFFF9)& }1 \, A" t+ g/ A6 p8 ~
[08/23/2011 15:58:14] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: exit
) n2 p2 ~8 C  S# w[08/23/2011 15:58:14] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application exit! C3 Q- R# U4 T* m- F- K
[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application initializing
) [2 v( W; D6 l; N6 F" [4 q7 I6 T[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] outlook info:# o" \5 \  ~  B! E+ M
[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         exists:         no
1 |( o4 Z6 I( W[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd info:
& i# Q; n4 o0 n[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         exists:         yes; f" e4 ?" l/ y4 o8 D) \" G
[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         num profiles:   12 K) r7 W# J  R% Q/ j
[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04]         profile 0 name: Handspring
3 t* \; ?& B+ V[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application initialized
% t1 g# O- C& O3 S[08/23/2011 16:08:20] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: welcome
/ e6 i: {+ D6 G8 ?[08/23/2011 16:08:33] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: select pim types; I2 U; V9 `4 s7 g' ~& k$ ]
[08/23/2011 16:08:35] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: connect phone; T" Z# w% S8 b. D' {. D+ c( v
[08/23/2011 16:08:36] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: export' ]% `0 ^3 Y) P" D
[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] starting export) G# A) U2 F6 J( s$ V
[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp" # m% v7 \/ c4 H
[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] data source:  pd' w& K/ J4 ?1 J) w0 }8 X: X1 t; U' A
[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] profile name:             Handspring. U! [1 n- L0 M$ V8 C
[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] user path:                D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp
' \1 R8 D: @- ]" Y[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num total records:        658
: E" G  f% m" j/ `[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num contact records:      604$ Q8 Q5 `! M: a$ D8 g# r: I
[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num appointment records:  60 |( A9 t% Y; n- u% J
[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num task records:         2
2 s+ C5 e. V. V# e[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num memo records:         46
- l# b9 Z# H$ I! C& J6 Z[08/23/2011 16:08:37] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp"
# _5 I# x6 @8 f' i' }[08/23/2011 16:08:38] [error] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] export failure: ???? (0xFFFFFFF9)" W* t/ m) x6 @: i6 l$ v/ ^
[08/23/2011 16:08:55] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: connect phone
; W9 D9 l: f" W; B' u, |9 @, o$ l[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: export
3 M+ R$ s! W- K* j0 H0 T[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] starting export* S+ z) j; X. W0 I
[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp"
7 ?% b$ @& N  ^0 t: U: i; ~[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] data source:  pd0 O" c& u- t- O9 y) ]
[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] profile name:             Handspring. D& N+ }; C3 k8 Z9 @, d3 d: H
[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] user path:                D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp
4 v6 e4 k* a6 R" _: Y( y. N3 f[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num total records:        6588 v5 F" G. @4 G
[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num contact records:      604  U( ~6 M7 [. ?1 U" S; @
[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num appointment records:  6
" R+ ^3 k3 [/ Z% @( G/ o[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num task records:         2
( H1 ?7 G$ a$ B- r& B1 \[08/23/2011 16:08:56] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] num memo records:         462 u2 r' Y  p" V
[08/23/2011 16:08:57] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] pd user path "D:\Documents and Settings\zhe\My Documents\Palm OS Desktop\Handsp" 5 y- {2 w& {2 B# j" _: r1 H, v* K' w
[08/23/2011 16:08:57] [error] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] export failure: ???? (0xFFFFFFF9)* ]' O8 o% j$ n6 \' O$ ]+ |
[08/23/2011 16:08:59] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] going to state: exit
0 w4 h4 Y8 }5 y. v) `$ n9 L  V3 `  j[08/23/2011 16:08:59] [information] [Oct 14 2010] [22:48:04] application exit
3 l, c6 h% p$ z8 p) H, b7 h' B! O
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
上面是生成的 DTA Logs 文件里的内容,不知道咋回事,应该没啥问题的,晚上回去重新装下Palm Desktop试下
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-23 17:55 | 显示全部楼层
venn 发表于 2011-8-23 17:12 7 t- [$ b$ l' z" v
上面是生成的 DTA Logs 文件里的内容,不知道咋回事,应该没啥问题的,晚上回去重新装下Palm Desktop试下
. T1 J3 u- O. {" I! a' z
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发表于 2011-8-24 10:51 | 显示全部楼层
martim 发表于 2011-8-23 17:55 6 N( b* L9 m1 m% T3 Y7 Y. i
3 x  ?3 p, y6 _% x4 N; |2 R
哈哈,好了,貌似是导入日历的时候有问题,task、记事本单独导入就行了,联系人已经有了,没试/ z  v8 t" R: R) O  ^: F
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-24 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
pre处于wifi网络里面, 电脑上面DTA也报告传送数据完毕. 拔出usb连线, pre恢复到正常状态下后, 什么提示都没有啊.   没有问我把数据和哪个云端同步.......  这是为什么? 我的设置哪里不对头?
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-24 14:28 | 显示全部楼层
coy 发表于 2011-8-24 11:47
( r# C( X6 L5 I9 R$ B3 N0 kpre处于wifi网络里面, 电脑上面DTA也报告传送数据完毕. 拔出usb连线, pre恢复到正常状态下后, 什么提示都没 ...
' B, h0 f0 ]# a0 ~3 W/ _
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-24 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
是的, 数据传送完毕, U盘上可以看见pre的根目录上是多了一个文件,有9m多, 我点击电脑安全删除了U盘(pre), 但pre的屏幕还是显示U盘联机的画面,   同时电脑的移动硬盘里面有个palm Novacom, 要停止它却停不了,电脑报告说某一程序正在访问............   之后拔掉usb连线, pre屏幕上还是没有出现数据和哪个云端同步的对话..............  问题何在????
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-24 16:08 | 显示全部楼层
coy 发表于 2011-8-24 15:43 3 \3 s' z/ b: z, S* J* M
是的, 数据传送完毕, U盘上可以看见pre的根目录上是多了一个文件,有9m多, 我点击电脑安全删除了U盘(pre), 但 ...
  k/ _9 Z  u1 B+ T5 B0 D9 Y
首先确保你的wifi能够连接到internet( _: H& ]8 u4 F+ p5 S6 ~, G) l9 ^
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发表于 2011-8-24 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼主指点. 刚才试验过了. 选下拉菜单中的“弹出”, 并没有拔出usb线. pre屏幕立即从U盘的界面回复到正常界面, 但........ 还是没有自动提示同步信息啊!!!!   通知栏里面仅仅有充电的指示, 555555555555, 问题到底在哪里啊????>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-24 16:18 | 显示全部楼层
另外,我的wifi是能正常联网的, 这个没有问题的.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-24 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-24 16:23 | 显示全部楼层
楼主,按你的指导,这次只选了联系人一个选项, 另外3个没有选, 但在弹出后pre屏幕上依旧什么动静都木有,55555555555555555...............
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-24 16:35 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-24 17:04 | 显示全部楼层
pre的wifi很正常的!  只是一旦pre做为U盘连接电脑后, wifi好像会自动关闭. 等选择U盘弹出pre屏幕回复正常, wifi的信号会重新连接……  总之, 没有同步信息出现啊....... 急!  为什么啊!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-24 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-24 17:15 | 显示全部楼层
wj642002 发表于 2011-8-24 17:08
7 Z' D0 w# ^0 a( d! S( j有多少没成功的兄弟?原因在于没有登录profile,这个方法必须有profile才行。有的免激活rom是没有profile的

+ l$ e% g" ^. n/ i( \如何登陆profile, 可以教教我吗?
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-24 17:21 | 显示全部楼层
论坛 搜 first use
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发表于 2011-8-25 18:02 | 显示全部楼层
8 b( N6 R, q! F% m7 l3 d/ b1 e0 P, l. d8 z
" b9 _* c. T3 p3 |  s3 x9 J( u& e
7 M7 ]- T  Q3 P3 X8 i6 k: U
+ U0 P: D8 X/ P  X9 t系统重启后,奇迹发生了。DTA软件启动了。。。
& q/ t" W8 C6 U& K' p' ^
9 I* W) W) b7 c) K5 }原有centro的所有待办事项、笔记、联系人、日历,全面导入成功!
, m! `" b7 j2 P. h; I2 s& ~6 L; L  f% \- A6 H) E
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