一切都跟当初iphone上市的做法一样...9 o4 F% m8 w% m. `5 ]2 I% f
u! y3 o- m( C+ S) D汗..还有N多人非不承认iPhone的重要意义..
% D- |1 W8 y( ^, z# t尽管iPhone这机器我用着也不爽...但是真的是重新定义了手机这个行业..( `1 W _2 F0 [) s$ r( F# ? @
) Y, U/ S& ~7 S& o现在看Pre是不是可以再推进一步了/ N1 H- N, d) f' l1 t
8 Q0 _) p+ z$ n/ H2 x- n7 w" I
5 d) H( ?; A* C* ASprint shutting down June 5th Pre pre-sales?
. Y6 g( `" V7 H# K$ @3 f# e! g7 R' _. |3 B% \
1 y: M: s; D% g# d. G, J& m* U/ r8 k+ g& `2 g; m9 q
If Boy Genius Report is to be believed (they’re running about half-and-half with Palm Pre rumors thus far), Sprint corporate has decided to put the kibosh on the handful of stores that decided that they were going to sell the Pre on the Friday before the June 6th launch. 3 C/ [4 A+ W! j: N7 Q/ u
/ @7 q9 H( x( u/ C H3 ^While the ten Sprint Premier parties will still have Pre phones on hand for night before sales (and many lucky folks in our forums are going), those other rogue stores have been roped in and told to hold their Pre stock until Saturday morning. We're still hearing reports of people being told that they can buy the Pre on the 5th, however, so as is sadly typical with Sprint launches, the exact situation isn't 100% clear.. j. ]! w8 g% ~: ~' L
! e7 s1 k! C0 [+ C! `" fIn any case, it's clear that Sprin and Palm are worried about the number of Pre phones they’ll have on hand, so holding all available units for the 8 AM Saturday launch will let them keep it all in check.9 z6 z- u8 k& q0 R
2 A/ i7 H& J% N1 J# n( ?
http://www.precentral.net/sprint ... e-5th-pre-pre-sales |
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