So Close and Yet So Far: the Webshell On-Screen Keyboard. Z R, T+ U# M7 l
By Jason Robitaille | Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 |/ z# }4 }4 A- b: a: M& A; `
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One thing people continually want for the WebOS is an on-screen keyboard. And why not? Sometimes you only need to write a quick message and don't want to pull down the keyboard. Other times, you're in landscape and don't want to have to attempt using the hardware keyboard sideways.% }. K. k4 ~3 U4 m$ r6 e Z" J: t1 J
Well, today PreCentral forums member Deesugar was playing around with WebShell, a browser-based SSH client, running in the Pre's browser, when he discovered an on-screen keyboard. Don't get too excited though. Contrary to the confusion in the forums thread, it's not a WebOS on-screen keyboard, it's actually just a part of WebShell, as you can see from the official screenshots webpage).
6 |7 i8 v+ ]; [% F. n2 ~+ r: p* MSo where do that leave us? Well technically we're back where we started, with no on-screen keyboard. That being said, it could be possible to use the WebShell keyboard as a basis to try and create one for the WebOS. Which is a definite possibility given that the WebOS itself is based on html/css/js.
, n4 L/ v) F& h, g: l' |Even better, it seems the idea of a virtual keyboard has been now added to PreDevWiki's Development & Tweak Ideas page with people already working on it. Let's hope it's not too long before we see an official or unofficial on-screen keyboard solution. |