Verizon Mobile Hotspot 1.0.14 [was 1.0.3] + s! Q3 G% T. c! q" t" R
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 _! K* F% `' j0 y# R& Q' s
2 V, u/ \" j9 l" u, [& J
This is is designed for the Verizon webOS device and unforeseen consequences may occur from using it on Sprint devices, though none have been found so far.+ H) `0 w! g0 F V$ @7 ]
: C' h" x8 F+ _9 u% V& q
Attached is a zip. Extract its files. Install the following to your device:
' i, [ @9 B9 {0 L3 G! v- com.palm.app.mobilehotspot_1.0.4_all.ipk
5 f' f* @! q7 O# I; L5 M- auto-enable-ip-forwarding-in-mobile-hotspot.patch
F6 V, B5 L8 w/ f& F. q y- us.ryanhope.freetetherd_0.0.3_armv7.ipk (Palm Pre Only!!)
; m. o/ b! J, r( U- us.ryanhope.freetetherd_0.0.3_armv6.ipk (Palm Pixi Only!!)) q4 f" c! b: V
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 b6 @/ d. }6 [7 Z; N8 k
A WebOS Pre (Sprint 1.4)
& P4 C8 y+ A5 \9 a$ n3 d# iSome way to manipulate and/or transfer files/apps on the Pre (SSH/Novacom)
7 ^8 t$ O) _+ t; EThe 1.0.3 Mobile Hot Spot app that was pulled from Verizon
: j9 o* I* L1 A6 u7 `! l( ZThe Freetetherd app4 ~. S& c& ^8 C" N5 h
Jason Robataille's patch that automatically enables IP Forwarding in Freetetherd when the MHS app is loaded
. S0 Z0 C# B/ ~ |* B2 VSome Files from an image of WebOS T0 C! ]+ f" V2 |
: Z( x6 L9 i) J1. transfer the file in the mobilehotspotd-binary directory to /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/bin/
w3 y$ F- ]$ g
8 o. b8 Q! ~) ], X+ H t) Z# h2. transfer the file in the mobilehotspotd-event.d directory to /etc/event.d/1 k' o, w f0 |- W
; I# b6 ?0 n* ^8 ^0 o/ F3. Remove the following files:
/ i5 m8 }2 j1 @9 R% c% s$ I! l5 M% X: \3 Q
/usr/bin/mobilehotspotd L, L+ }( R: O) @. q
/usr/lib/ipkg/palm/mobilehotspotd.postinst0 r! j6 Y7 P1 w r
; F. r" s, w/ ~* v: v8 A- b: o8 _7 S7 B
4. Reboot your phone6 c) v! b5 v9 L4 u, W
9 q& U3 D8 J) R
5. Install the Freetetherd app (us.ryanhope.freetetherd_0.0.3_armv7.ipk)
' q* H f' m# s% Q6 w
+ ^! J9 h3 D8 s6. Install the Mobile Hot Spot app (com.palm.app.mobilehotspot_1.0.3_all.ipk)+ Q* [4 ?6 S% w) B& @) h O8 A* ^4 _
' {3 d! L, {- g: {( Q- P7. Install the patch (You will need to restart Luna after doing so) (auto-enable-ip-forwarding-in-mobile-hotspot.patch)- U' I# c- Q7 [
$ s/ Q# x2 |% q6 g
Once done, you should be able to fire up MHS and begin tethering again. |
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