近期推特由于认证方式变更的原因,大多数客户端都不行了。+ Y' z! R0 I' J" }) N
2 \6 v5 T. p2 q- U/ h8 E之前,我在palm pre上,使用tweed,用的是basic auth方式,只要修改下/media/cryptofs/…下面js文件中的api地址,就可以安心、安全的使用了。可惜,这次也挂了。
9 n' s4 ?* p( l5 _9 K" d' u5 V J8 B, f2 }% Q
6 A& x& @3 E1 [3 ~' `4 T% q: S# O& A0 ]6 e: u- M
& q6 z% D7 v: ^0 z+ }$ I* Y/ n
; F3 t6 s% l: w- 到tweed网站上,去找信息。发现,目前只有付费版本才能支持oauth访问方式,免费版本只能使用basic auth,而且,免费版本目前应当已经不怎么继续发胀了
- 那就去看看付费版本吧。直接打开app catalog程序,输入tweed,查找,直接就找出来应用了。一看,不贵嘛,才1美金。
- 那就考虑如何搞定付费过程吧。之前研究过,目前palm webos上的程序商店,只能支持信用卡付款
- 那就在app catalog上面填写信用卡信息吧。卡号、cvv验证码一填,帐单地址呢?网上找了一个合法的美国地址、邮政编码,一并填写上去。我用的是浦发银行的双币卡
- 刚填好,如我所料,手机马上响铃了,浦发客服人员来联系了,询问这笔交易是否是本人发起?非常不错的服务啊。有点小遗憾,就是总是一个GG来电话,外呼还没有接到过MM的呢
- 通知浦发,对于本次信用卡确认授权,返回ok,授权通过
- 可惜,还是不行,app catalog上面的返回,依旧是这个卡有欺诈。。。
- 网上查了下,也有人提问,如何使用非美国发行的信用卡,答案和我的方式一样,也是提供合法的地址、邮编
- 反复查找,依旧没有进展啊。就在这走投无路之时,突然想起,不入虎穴,焉得虎子?
- 于是,我直接上了palm的网站,找到palm的online support入口,填写信息,问题大致内容,当然,问题写了英文,点击“chat with palm”
- 正当我准备开启新的联机网页,开始网上交流时,意外的事情发生了。。。。
- 网页直接转到下载界面,自动开始下载一个zip文件。。。。当然,palm网站的安全性还是有保障的,点击之。文件不大,zip解压之后才1.8M,很快就下载完成
- zip出来,是一个pkg。。。客官请注意了,我使用的是macbook pro,osx操作系统(番茄扔上来了,让你装B。。。),系统自动就匹配了操作系统,下载了对应的程序。这点上,国内的各个银行、阿里系的、腾讯系的、百度系的,烦请你们学习下什么叫先进生产力哦!
- 双击这个pkg文件,直接出来chat应用程序的窗口,palm的客服开始提供online支持了
- 过程非常顺利,palm的客服依旧说是非us的信用卡不能使用,我最后多问了一句,那有其他方式吗?专业的客服马上说,嗯,可以使用visa的gift card(礼品卡,国外的一种储值卡,相当于国内的联华ok卡,但是,可以在某些场合,作为信用卡使用),并顺便给了我申请的url
- 那就找visa的gift card喽?可惜,在visa网站上,发现国内是没有销售点的(废话),很多online的方式呢,也要求有US的银行帐户
- 这个难不倒我,打开taobao,输入:visa gift card,一搜,就出来好多的店铺,淘宝万岁!
- 就到这里吧,等我买了卡,成功买应用了,再来补充吧# ^5 \3 U& {8 s$ @+ _0 E3 u# T
$ C2 i4 J+ G2 O7 `8 K& G
* N) o( c5 V9 j( }整个过程下来,还是有点感受的:9 {, H* b; B% W
- 国外的客服水准是不错的
- 国外apple的产品应用率是非常高的,所以,palm上面直接有对应的解决方案
- visa的服务水准也是挺高的,直接网站上结合地图应用,查找你所在城市的销售点
- 储值卡的应用,还是有很大空间的,这个另行整理了8 g. y1 A' C0 A H5 |
! ~& N" Z1 i) u4 L* H& B8 |' o- ]1 l, X: z
- y) D! B+ O. V2 V0 }) q! Y1 A5 f% G4 g" Q( _3 n; ~
) Y6 K* y' ]# ~9 }6 n% h
; a/ T5 g6 E. i! A; o这个是在visa网站上找上海gift card销售点的显示:
% w8 o4 c3 N' I, J- }% z& j8 E: w) T7 i8 a* p. a E) K' j- C
1 K6 Y7 ~' i( j
# }+ u& v7 ^ m+ d再下面,是客服的记录,给大家看看原始内容,本人的英文很差,请不要就此发言噢+ u, ~' \9 D1 G( z* T
' W% w. W1 Y0 a[下午5:36] Connecting to Rescue Gateway: control.app02-11.logmeinrescue.com…( h; I( a9 A& u/ H; ]
[下午5:36] Connected to Rescue Gateway. A support representative will be with you shortly.$ g. a( s4 ?( L) Y1 @' B2 b) _/ U
[下午5:36] Chat session established with Sabino.7 X6 d; R5 s, `2 [; n
[下午5:36] Sabino says: Hi Simon. Thank you for contacting Palm.
7 {/ f6 F$ c1 X/ Y) {. Y& \[下午5:36] Simon Xu says: hi
" ]% T7 B+ T6 n& ~" }, k: e: C[下午5:37] Sabino says: I understand that you would like to buy apps via the credit card outside the US.9 o( `! i+ S' I3 m
[下午5:37] Sabino says: Am I correct?( @, c9 y) q; o/ k! Y) J
[下午5:37] Simon Xu says: yes
5 L4 f8 |+ r5 N9 i9 A. P[下午5:38] Sabino says: Let me know your carrier name.4 j# C* J- T9 Z
[下午5:38] Simon Xu says: sprint: k2 A1 Q% w7 f1 m- A D. H1 y: c
[下午5:38] Simon Xu says: palm pre cdma
/ Q( ?1 t; M8 z% M[下午5:38] Simon Xu says: profile email: xxxxx@gmail.com; \4 X1 B! I0 K
[下午5:40] Sabino says: App catalog will only give you the option to select only 3 countries US, Mexico and Canada.9 T: C# [6 f* O4 y7 @3 T
[下午5:40] Sabino says: Only Master or Visa cards from this countries are valid.7 X3 b4 M ^" n7 `* X* {! F
[下午5:40] Simon Xu says: I know, does the billing address matters?
& e+ Z' S- k3 q' W[下午5:41] Simon Xu says: my bank client service has already inform me that one credit card auth. request had received
( C. o! A; P& d( S; K/ o! [( U[下午5:42] Simon Xu says: and my bank reply with OK reply
/ R/ w4 w8 P' I6 U[下午5:42] Simon Xu says: I select US,VISA, and correct my credit card ID T4 G* B N6 S% ^# C3 i1 E" v
[下午5:42] Sabino says: Yes.
2 p+ {# n+ r- u- |[下午5:43] Simon Xu says: then , palm backend system should check my credit crard id , and receive OK answer from my bank( t$ ^- U3 h6 h8 O# Z/ Q# n7 y
[下午5:43] Sabino says: The billing address should be the same which is on the card.) o7 X( Q" Y) L) M6 T" n/ S6 E9 Q
[下午5:44] Simon Xu says: my billing address is outside US
7 c. ~! M. S x, Q4 {[下午5:44] Sabino says: Is the card issued in US?5 u- `3 e/ G! Y# x: N2 ?- K8 |0 \
[下午5:44] Simon Xu says: no$ z- V9 g* X9 W/ y1 ?
[下午5:44] Simon Xu says: issued in China! G- S. c4 }+ r7 n: ^8 t* l, p5 y' [
[下午5:45] Sabino says: I am sorry, you cannot purchase any apps using the cards which is issues outside the above mentioned 3 countries.( m! a+ _ a: Q% x0 |4 e" T p
[下午5:46] Sabino says: You can do one thing, you get shopping cards of $10, $25…..
8 m' Q" r/ o, p4 ]8 X/ y6 w[下午5:46] Sabino says: You can use this cards to purchase apps.
& t3 |( O! d! a0 @- h2 s t ]# r. Y[下午5:46] Simon Xu says: oh, great! thanks$ f% e. R( \ K2 ? i
[下午5:46] Sabino says: You’re welcome.
i+ s' N# D$ ]6 b[下午5:46] Sabino says: Is there anything else I can help you with?
& x4 U& |5 K( H( k[下午5:47] Simon Xu says: but can you tell some way on how to get shopping card?% x- Q$ }, b! `. L
[下午5:47] Sabino says: You can use the link below for more information on shopping cards.
7 Y# L2 P4 @8 }3 |, X( ?! e- C( U[下午5:47] Sabino has sent a link: http://usa.visa.com/personal/cards/prepaid/visa_gift_card.html
# d( |/ S; p( p# C1 C[下午5:47] Sabino says: For your convenience, Palm provides a link to this third-party website, but the content or software on this website is not owned or maintained by Palm.+ K& o! {" k K2 p9 M
[下午5:48] Simon Xu says: I see, thanks very much
2 i5 w9 D; s I$ u. ^[下午5:48] Sabino says: You’re welcome., Z( m5 X9 w3 }/ Q2 K
[下午5:49] Sabino says: Here’s the reference number for our chat: Chat session ID number 66469868. Keep this number as a record of this chat.* o" C& J! O1 N! c% x
[下午5:49] Sabino says: Is there anything else I can help you with?
5 h- {* N! O" C* Q[下午5:49] Simon Xu says: no more questions now.
( q4 M) l2 n# k H7 J; L[下午5:49] Sabino says: Thank you for contacting Palm and feel free to contact us for further assistance.
" }, N' A& m& @# [2 z( G[下午5:49] Sabino says: Bye and do take care of yourself!! k. u1 H" h& j. C, B0 p
[下午5:49] Sabino says: After our chat ends, please take a few minutes to complete the survey that you will receive via email.
* M0 D5 ~* j$ v5 b[下午5:49] Simon Xu says: 88
" \3 W8 x9 }, y+ K* A& E[下午5:49] Sabino has ended the session. |
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