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发表于 2011-10-13 16:34
4 j1 L8 N @ D0 A
% ?0 T1 u' v8 OMoBoot is a project separate from CyanogenMod, lead by jcsullins and tmzt and based on the "lk" project, which allows the TouchPad to boot into multiple operating systems or recovery images. Technically speaking, it loads just after the "bootie" bootloader that comes with the TouchPad, and displays a menu for the user to select whether they'd like to boot into the stock WebOS or Cyanogenmod, or something else.3 V" N. n% e% r& S( r' u/ j* X9 a
! i. w7 U# D0 i
You can install the latest version of moboot using ACME Installer. It can NOT yet be installed from ClockworkMod Recovery./ w' Z* I( x; \1 a/ U2 I
/ L/ u x0 ^2 S: ~5 p* \
More information about using moboot can be found on IRC (freenode server) in the #moboot channel.- v% a: P" T% C
- N/ e, L; W) }7 k+ F5 ?0 q: N
Or, you can learn more about the project at:
" C- E0 ~( [7 u% d# |$ u
0 ]7 {4 g0 V( V) n8 q- Mhttp://code.google.com/p/moboot$ j) Y& Z3 G: T% Q: H
- b. n' o( t. K/ a' q; @SO WHERE DO I REPORT BUGS?
2 @4 `6 B: k S( l R9 h. ]+ `9 z; l8 M/ g
The issue list is currently at http://code.google.com/p/cmtouchpad/issues/list
* j# M9 G: O2 e0 g
$ e( w# w' G" P' D- `To avoid duplication, do not submit a new issue until you have thoroughly read the existing issues.+ w* M w1 w" o0 j1 ?2 J6 r
1 f& C6 h+ u- y, D9 b$ ^: ]
; V& \1 I! S1 w
After you freak out and regret having tried this, you can attempt to hold down the "home" button and the power button together for about 30 seconds.
6 M2 L% o8 a+ N7 X2 p3 }
# V* N" K6 S' \% s
: I0 E; F9 H+ Z# DDIDN'T WORK :(/ y, _' c0 R. K) P" k
4 H! U$ L" |- Z1 |8 x+ \2 `
Still nothing? Or maybe you have a dreaded triangle-with-an-exclamation-mark on the screen?3 n& M5 y5 J2 _7 [' Q
3 r; M& X# }; \% S4 F( w
Another "emergency" idea (for advanced folks only) is to boot ClockWorkMod Recovery *directly* from your computer via USB cable rather than from the TouchPad's internal storage. To try this, find an "update...zip" file that contains ClockWorkMod. Inside this zip file is a file called something like "uImage.ClockWorkMod". Extract/unzip that file to your computer, then use novacom (which you used with ACME installer) to "inject" ClockworkMod into your TouchPad.
) D2 {' e5 b1 k5 x; N2 v5 O4 V S/ Y) p5 G8 {2 m/ s& `% j7 n4 A
This process should be familiar to you-- very similar in fact to using ACME Installer. It's done by starting the tablet with the up-volume key held down. When you see the USB icon, connect your computer to the TouchPad via USB, then, in a Terminal, navigate on your computer to where the uImage.ClockWorkmod file is, and type:; J- ]$ x- N+ e& n4 n q7 N- u
G& A6 _# E" v3 G0 V4 ?: y
novacom boot mem:// < uImage.ClockworkMod; h1 M' o; G# |3 T4 w6 p% N
5 g! j: }+ O; C2 p, A: u8 tAssuming everything went well and ClockworkMod did start up, you may now use CWM to re-install "update...zip" files, restore from backups, format partitions, or reset everything to factory settings. Or use ADB (search online for "ADB" if you're not familiar with this fantastic Android tool) to figure out what's wrong.& C+ g( K7 |+ {8 L. S9 W/ \. O9 p
9 N: ^ `+ K: B Q3 B
7 c) @' P7 J# { J3 U# B) {6 SSounds like you should give the "WebOS Doctor" a shot. The WebOS Doctor is a program from HP that is used, effectively, to wipe your TouchPad and reinstall the WebOS software so you can begin anew. Get more info here:2 O- ?- N3 P. j! U$ Q0 a/ Z
1 T% p% \) p; r$ nhttp://ws.hpwebos.com/webosdoctor/sorry.htm- P4 D8 f- r1 x: Q2 s \5 U
y& j7 P* {" Z wThe very helpful homebrew site WebOS-Internals.org also has a page that talks about how to use it:9 t5 Z8 `' j% |3 t
. y* C: @ M3 |$ c9 N, qhttp://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/How_To_Recover& {" j1 \& X+ u/ o, S# W6 N
( Q1 p* A; F+ F4 u" ~0 I' t
DO I HAVE ANY OTHER OPTIONS FOR HELP?: }3 @$ g% l8 t; L( Y5 o4 U
3 B- N6 _% K: P
If none of the above ideas helped, you'll have to go online for assistance.
1 C5 X, X& a- A8 X1 G' F* @
0 g1 N. W, c$ c2 PBrowse to http://webchat.freenode.net/ and fill out the web form. Under "Channels", put #cyanogenmod-touchpad and hopefully someone there will have some helpful advice. It is usually not necessary to preface your question with "Can I ask a question?"-- just go ahead and ask.
2 z( z! c c: c5 E/ S/ r+ v, X! @( Z' m6 W# c/ B
You may also try one of the many support forums at www.rootzwiki.com or www.xda-developers.com or another Android site.: ?0 E* o, h- A$ q H
$ e9 P7 ?9 H Q# [3 d' LTo a large extent, the Android community will have to help each other as this is an unofficial, buggy release with no corporate, official, or really *any* support. Now you know the reason for all the caveats and warnings.
7 U( j2 h$ S) ?) w+ T: S
4 V$ B; y8 A/ q1 Y( t; UWHERE IS THE SOURCE CODE FOR THIS RELEASE?' m% ^, K% s; v1 ]
% b* G& O5 e, w+ n- u4 h1 z
Some of the Android code licensed under the Apache and other Open Source licenses for this alpha test version is not yet available to the general public. However, all GNU Public Licensed software that comprises CyanogenMod, including the kernel, is available at http://www.github.com/cyanogenmod. The kernel for TouchPad used by this project is available at https://github.com/CyanogenMod/hp-kernel-tenderloin .- D6 z Y) H# ^3 ?6 t
. o0 v" c! R! y9 }/ |6 XWhen appropriate (hopefully sooner rather than later), CyanogenMod will open the code, and patches/fixes can then be submitted by developers via Gerrit at:" t5 k1 f1 a! [5 Y
8 u: O4 ?4 e. D' G
http://review.cyanogenmod.com7 z9 x- V- k3 _1 j( J$ c
6 V) ~/ H- A* v
K; @! H8 _2 ^
, X2 G/ B% |+ x% l7 ?+ i% U; VOverclocking is optional and can be done with an app like SetCPU. Keep in mind it can cause additional instability!: M- d% R3 F$ s9 E
1 V5 K1 z! Y/ f
( Q4 w7 ^4 C# ?! XTo be clear, the key developers of CyanogenMod for TouchPad are not interested in monetary donations for this effort. This is a project motivated by the challenge and satisfaction of working on the port itself, not by financial reward. The developers have previously announced that any "bounty" won for completing this port to TouchPad will be donated to charity.
: m1 K) ^ {$ ^6 a' p2 \6 h0 h
# \& U; Q! D p2 O6 M4 n$ JThat said, there are some who have insisted on making some kind of donation to express their support and gratitude. It should therefore be noted that the official CyanogenMod Web site does have a "donation" area in the bottom right-hand corner of the front page.
" z% l2 V/ P r, l8 N2 y8 \; i% H3 `8 j1 ]5 L- }# ^( d
" o0 ? d. u# u0 W# D9 [8 t) `; N9 w; U
Also, the CM for TP developers recommend you learn about the Electronic Frontier Foundation ( http://www.eff.org ), which is an organization fighting to preserve and protect the legal rights of the common citizen in this rapidly changing digital age. As large companies and governments try to limit or narrow your rights, the EFF is on the front lines defending the public interest. A contribution to the EFF is also tax-deductible for United States citizens. As supporters, the developers invite you to visit the EFF web site and learn more about their activities and goals.! W; N) I$ {' c/ v5 a V
5 e$ @9 X; M. t1 Q7 c
http://www.eff.org4 O$ g* l8 k6 n: V' M* o
; u- F. U2 Y7 ^* G3 U( B" r" M/ V& _6 I1 {8 ~- O
Absolutely not. One of the concerns about releasing an early alpha is the sad fact that unscrupulous parasites will creep from the shadows of the Internet, slap their name on this port, then try to sell it for an inflated and unwarranted profit. This has been the case for CM on other devices, and we expect, unfortunately, the same thing will likely happen here.
& D! [7 }" _% L- ]$ f0 k- Z6 P+ j# C$ |2 c# c8 G
While the GPL and Apache licenses certainly allow CyanogenMod and Android to be sold, and while there may be legitimate occasions where installation or support expenses may warrant or justify charging money, the CM for Touchpad developers are unified in disgust for those who prey upon the uninformed by simply not telling them that a free version of the software is available or by claiming in their advertisements or to the media (who should know better) that they have created or designed the port themselves.
6 W* R7 _3 ^4 O/ w7 e8 @
/ _1 j- G0 m& u. E* w, }To be clear now-- mods, themes, remixes, and hacks are great- it's the life blood of open source. And there's nothing at all wrong with asking for donations or even charging for something of value you've contributed. But skimming off the free work of others is plain douchy. And not in a good way.
" o/ b2 P4 s' U' C
# g) n8 I3 C; i1 c9 i: CSo the developers ask YOU, beloved Internet, to do your part in keeping an eye out for each other's welfare, and enlighten those, including in the media, who might otherwise be taken in by unscrupulous hucksters.
& q) {& ?! f7 }
, b7 `+ D" H- DSO WHAT ABOUT YOU? WHO DO YOU WANT TO THANK?" B( t4 x, D% K5 z" s) Q
# l y: l# c8 @* ?7 x9 y: }Shout-outs, yeah! Let's start with Hewlett Packard/Palm -- for creating a wonderful tablet, then making it affordable. We are inspired and encouraged by their commitment to Open Source (and do hope this kernel source kerfuffle is resolved quickly). Generally speaking, we really like WebOS and especially the WebOS community, and wanted to made sure that WebOS would continue to be accessible along with CM7, so that users can have the best of all worlds. While thanking HP, it's appropriate to also thank their technical partner Qualcomm, whose Code Aurora project makes CM7 possible not only on the TouchPad, but many other devices as well.6 K8 g" o4 F, ]
( K% x4 w# o; a( r: T, ?Thanks to Rootzwiki for hosting a forum where people could have meta-conversations about what was appropriate for the forum, as well as meta-meta-conversations and meta-meta-meta conversations... to degrees extending into meta-oblivion. Similarly, thanks to the residents of the freenode IRC channel #cyanogenmod-touchpad for never, ever asking for an ETA. Again, big ups to the WebOS homebrew community for their participation and willingness to offer all kinds of technical insights into how things worked. Particularly we'd like to recognize http://www.webos-internals.org as a source of enlightenment for anyone who's interested in WebOS. If you haven't installed their excellent Preware by now, you have no excuse. Go do it. O7 p8 N) U/ w+ Y2 q
- O: v7 r2 R" _0 ^% Y2 e4 N2 X
A special moment of recognition goes to the members of Team TouchDroid. Wow, that was some drama, huh?8 T1 ]; o* t4 `) r7 k- {
/ q4 W' b4 b4 [; F: l( c
There are countless others who deserve buku credit-- Google, Github, Kernel.org, the wider CyanogenMod and Android community, the thread-that-never-ended on slickdeals.net, those who contributed TouchPads to developers, our teachers, parents, wives, husbands, children, pets, Newton, Tesla, Turing, etc. But this isn't the Grammys, so we'll stop here. The general point is to recognize that all developers stand on the shoulders of giants.: t% |( ^$ m6 l; F( V
3 i( b z: p9 I9 C* f5 S( s. Y
So thanks, everyone, for your help and support so far. And if anyone was missed, sorry.
. f7 A* p! X8 i8 C9 L T( u/ z* N; S! y# ~8 q# {
! E# |$ u% k& i, GYou mean the next version of Android expected from Google sometime in November '11? Well, if the transition from Froyo (2.2) to Gingerbread (2.3) is a model, it may take several months from the release of the Ice Cream Sandwich source code before a viable port to TouchPad is available.# r* ?+ d+ s! I7 l) F& s
. |1 ~7 a, J5 { r' F, e7 z
Or not. Ya never know.9 e+ w+ t9 O6 T# k
WHERE IS THE SOURCE CODE?# n ?: O/ \4 L c+ v' `
. B# u. E; g- g$ x% lSource code can be found at http://www.github.com/cyanogenmod
7 H& P% v. k. M: P+ c; |5 Y* \As of alpha 1 the kernel source is open. The rest of the source will be opened
8 T) d. p7 T% o9 _, }as soon as some code can be merged into mainline CM7. This expected to happen! N' r7 r& k3 o$ R4 E
very soon.
3 r" H8 G. b; r5 O& e& Z6 t6 M! Z( D
1 d O$ x6 `& X; u7 @) M- l! a4 j, b9 c# }/ J
* I% k3 P! C4 |' {8 q$ b2 tInitial install will require multiple files to download. Download the installer README first0 S- X# M* U5 m4 E* }
and be sure you understand the directions.+ k1 P/ q1 s1 n' R) Q
Note: Please do not link directly to files. Link only to this thread. & m$ Q+ V) H& y7 D( x$ b5 r7 r
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 P: ^1 B9 k G5 w# K: ^5 }# _% y P5 P( }
, _/ N3 j6 H2 q4 U; q' {% s$ w! F7 Y" r$ L
Note: Alpha1 is an extremely rough build. Expect more crashes than you can count. Many many things do not work yet.
+ ]9 r. @/ H; X" b
& N/ m9 r( K6 ]6 F! V XBefore Installing watch this video for an overview of the process for the initial install:9 i$ v4 r5 M) p2 x/ h) r8 |1 J
http://tinyurl.com/3exy2v8% O7 h, |5 E* Q0 K, G- p
6 a' B0 K) n% M, Q9 lREADME and Installer:
9 @8 M! W- d: ]http://goo-inside.me/roms/cmtouchpad...EInstaller.zip( n+ z1 f0 i2 t! p8 |( r
md5: a9ef8c247bf41ec0cea6aa34b8420e88$ r& f) z- G! S1 s+ \
3 ~# Q4 Q+ r# h+ w: j# T" xCM7:
" T! s1 {; h9 l9 v& Ihttp://mirror.dal.tdrevolution.net/k...fullofbugs.zip' }) y3 c& G& P W4 ~" |
) k* P' n% |+ Z* A+ o$ |% nmd5: 2d3a4f1984c025a07f7cff0d43b3aae13 V# W5 @( h: t2 u& }) _' j: \/ r2 D
5 @% T; A# j& u; o. w0 F
Clockwork Recovery: 6 q* O+ r( p- o8 O& @# L( H' p
0 |. u3 m: | t2 [* Q8 ?http://goo-inside.me/roms/cmtouchpad...rloin-1012.zip+ \7 J9 |& q' F! C0 g. i+ l B, n$ L3 s
md5: 1308300f38685d44afde730efd9132cc
6 {/ }/ O9 _0 j' Z: M
6 _7 I1 l0 E; ~, V* E8 R7 U; z, L' W* u' x* a2 |' y
Please keep the conversations civil!
& `- z7 Y- u) g4 u
_% g; v4 Z( _& ]! K0 F1 JFirst video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c20yOVKm5UM q- ^% p7 A; S" y
Second video: http://youtu.be/fsZXe-_v9uQ
# M# q. X& d& ~7 g* rThird video: http://youtu.be/8IVkj_vdY6s# |( Z/ D7 X" Z# w5 A; E% I
Fourth video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApfeSj4Ql6Q
0 l! Q* }3 |9 n1 g3 ^9 Y/ JAlpha video: http://tinyurl.com/43gwjlo
% o5 P1 B! a+ R O; h8 i% E/ e* }( w C$ H6 }2 y/ ~, o6 M, u, f4 M
Show Your Support
4 a) [+ |# v w0 G. O* w/ j8 l% MIf you like to thank the author -> Click Here
* s6 |- \1 k& aThis modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.- t5 r# {0 W3 p0 b3 i7 P+ ]
The Following 390 Users Say Thank You to dalingrin For This Useful Post: ' S6 E; v" b# q/ u( D, A
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