[quote]原帖由 寂夜清风 于 2009-6-7 02:23 发表 + S" S5 w7 a( [2 E- }. F& M
不知道 有什么改进 ?7 X' Q1 N/ d3 n3 {6 ]- ]1 R
webOS 1.0.2 apparently brings with it increased stability and a new alarm clock. Some reviewers found that their Pre rest itself, losing all of its data and requiring a restore from the Palm Profile backup. That’s not something we experienced in the process of our review, but that’s not to say it couldn’t happen.& i& e }0 v- a. ]2 d) a
这里讲了一个很重要的信息,翻译如下: "1.02显然是为了强化稳定性, 并增加一个新的闹铃应用. 一些用户发现他们的pre会自己休眠, 丢失数据,并要求执行恢复操作. 这些都不是我们之前的测评里遇到的, 但这并不是说测评中不发生在的情况在实际中就不会发生." |