僵尸射击游戏 Aftermath XHD - for TouchPad WebOS 3.0.0 1.3.0 : R' m( {3 G6 E( h4 o8 T6 q9 G
1 Z, q2 J* c+ } D& _$ NAftermath XHD是一款Xperia PLAY独占游戏,这是一款第三人称的射击游戏,从iOS平台上移植过来的,画面阴森而恐怖,节奏快速而紧凑。在一个夜晚,你独自一人行走在大街上,没有灯光,也没有人,空荡荡的大街上一片漆黑。% v6 V+ ^7 v2 b' W# O" p# }% M1 A- X
这个城市已经死亡了,你记起来在前不久,这条大街上每晚还会灯火通明,人声鼎沸的。突然,前方传来了一阵簌簌声,你下意识的捏了捏手中的手电筒,再摸了下怀中的手榴弹和手上的手枪,你的子弹不太多了,现在这个城市中到处都充满了僵尸。是的,这个城市被一个不知名的病毒袭击了,每个人都变成了僵尸,你现在需要小心翼翼的穿过街道,逃离这座被僵尸包围的城市。& f3 N- R2 h) Z: X9 p0 V, M
游戏特色:: |" m2 Z& G& a; E7 _) S' O5 y! G
- 恐怖的游戏氛围,手电筒照耀下的实时灯光景象;& i" d: R' I* C; X) ~! e. D. N
- 独特的智能手机操作系统,让你能够非常方便的进行游戏;
8 x4 j1 ~# o$ ]0 I; ~) b6 `- 要理智的使用你的手榴弹和手枪;- ^ L6 G# T; Q
- 无限的可重复的可玩性与评分挑战系统;* [; I6 J: c. H5 T5 w
- 恐怖的声音效果,建议戴上一个质量上佳的耳机,让你身临其境;
" I; u2 ^+ P3 Z- 拥有全新的高清模型贴图,游戏画面精细无比。
! ^6 Z: |5 y- \+ r8 J9 ?/ K# h. f! c7 j' O, c9 @/ B1 q; x+ A
Name: Aftermath XHD - for TouchPad WebOS 3.0.0
* L5 l) j0 A* Y4 z' HVersion: 1.3.03 Y% A2 I- ?7 x
URL: http://www.aftermathapp.com/
- F; b; ~2 }. M- U! I. q5 \2 C+ @* a
. R/ n- e" H7 T! M3 _, d, p
Quote:7 U/ s! h! G$ z1 `+ {- Z& {8 f
Requirements: TouchPad WebOS 3.0.0
3 H* o% r: @9 l" T4 j' lOverview: Alone in an infested city, you must survive the night. Use you skills with flashlights, guns and grenades to evade and destroy the city's deadly inhabitants.2 w: i* M/ w0 p& @. c
# h4 j1 l* K9 ?3 }3 s5 W+ W9 ?"If you're looking for an atmospheric zombie shooter, this one's an easy recommendation." - Touch Arcade
& s9 F" O" E: z; l: j
$ F1 D" Q& Z7 q0 X0 r% C* Illuminate your surroundings with real-time lighting never before seen on Anroid.
: l; U2 b- M# B$ D* `" v& {5 |* Unique intelligence control system designed specifically for mobile devices. Light up your enemies to shoot and choose how to use your grenades wisely.6 G u! v; c/ j; s0 X, L
* Fight through the zombie horde while taking care of cunning Spewers, bullish Screamers and lumbering Fatties# \9 {4 e& p' `
* Relive then trials and near-escapes of the night as you progress through the story mode
, ~% j ^8 t2 D* Infinite replayability with score-attack challenge levels.9 s8 n* c) H0 Q: X
* Play with headphones to fully experience atmospheric audio.! f" G: ?* X* t; ~+ A; q
* Exclusive 5 new levels not available on the iOS version.8 O* H1 k3 V1 e! B" D2 y( H# W
* All-new HD textures, models and environments.
9 H* S) }% W' Z0 p+ A9 ~* 50% larger city
* n! P* w8 d! x$ V# X; G& W' D2 Z0 C: _8 O. C, W$ [0 d- j. b
% M/ _) v8 I1 V电驴
, T6 w& f1 M: B( M! lcom.jakyl.aftermathxhd_1.3.0_all.ipk (14.33 MB) |