但是treocentral.com有人的att centro用了这个seidio 2600mah的电池效果不错,难道att的rom里对seidio的电池做了某些update?) r& O. g4 u& q/ Q
http://discussion.treocentral.co ... -palm-centro-3.html
! D( W* x1 N% v# R
' ~# p8 q2 E- Z& Y2 bupdate by popular demand (since San Jose is my home. it would be funny if you're the guy down the street with all the ham equipment on your car and house) -( M4 e* L3 c! G7 Q4 A
4 e5 i6 t) J4 a ]! c2 C$ u) r
seidio battery - still only showing as 2357mAh under battery.prc. It has only had 2 deep discharges though (till shutoff) if that makes a difference? Am I concerned? well, not terribly... This battery seems to be lasting 3-6 days at a time (with my usage) before I even think about plugging it in. whether it straightens out and gives me a little more after a few charges or not, I'm still satisfied with the battery.* ]4 f }% _4 ~4 V
Right now, Power Hero shows 35% remaining. Its been running 3 days since the last charge, and it is estimating almost another 2 days of usage at this rate.
, W* r# @# s" Y- _ U
1 N" p8 R' V# @; B" a0 Vbattery cover - yep. i was right, this is a looser of a cover. a little too loose - it has slid off slightly several times now when going to get it out of my pocket. Not all the way- but enough to "unlock" the cover so that I would have to snap it back in place..Maybe it was a bad cover, or maybe they are all like this, i don't know. I wish it were like the other cover that came with the non-working extended battery.) T6 J# b! G" p
1 ?5 n* g% X+ G
/ q* U c1 J7 K3 y7 ?- b2 N* `Thank you for the comments and encouragement. I put a lot of time in writing up all of this over the past couple months in the hopes that it would be useful to others in my situation, and its nice to hear that it is appreciated 1 k" t8 r+ y- H$ {
) k# F0 o p9 }
==========! X3 t5 Y% j6 `3 }( k# G, z
y9 Z. T- x0 T4 T
Originally Posted by wernst View Post
9 H/ E( J) T+ v0 a% JDay 2:( U( l( O2 p& W) n
Today is day 3, and it is now noon, and I used Kinoma to stream an hour-long podcast, spoke bout about 25 minutes on the phone, and have Chatter getting my busy email box in the background, and the new battery is down to 75%, which i consider outstanding.
! b/ f6 H* J! y2 B5 B- A/ b5 s9 ]& M& G5 g) a
Playing movies with TCPMP seems to drain the new battery about 10% an hour.9 d P0 r% J1 T, e
- d6 h e7 O: o- l0 g# ]- u
So far, so good.! v, R8 O$ n" L' w) o
& K" R# i2 W3 ~; m2 l
4 D$ \: U, s8 Y! \4 y6 \5 \7 S& |I wrapped up Day 3 (yesterday) by watching most of yesterday's Debate on streaming video with Kinoma, had about 1 hour on the phone while using bluetooth, and of course, plenty of web surfing and email checking.' \& [- o }1 y6 b5 z
* }, U) q$ N3 L9 n
The extended battery was down to 40% when I recharged it before going to bed.1 J/ B7 f4 @/ O3 d$ h/ u3 s
5 T0 W2 p- A/ O4 }So, far, I would consider the new battery outstanding.
& ?% i5 A1 n* j5 P( M. I& b: K8 x8 d! h O+ P* O
With the OEM battery, I would be constantly wondering if the thing I was doing (playing a game for a long time, watching videos, doing streaming stuff) would affect my ability to get through the day. Recharging in the car for the drive home was an option for those days when I was driving home, but that's just not possible when I'm traveling on business or on vacation.
2 u/ N' A! `8 O
1 A1 W# ]1 R6 H" ]! {! L8 z2 t/ WWith the new battery, I now feel I don't need to fear doing anything on my centro, at least in terms of power use and battery life.
) J6 O( G6 `* L2 J H3 \
& V$ ~4 N# V4 Q2 SThe hump-back battery door is a little unergonomic, but it is basically un-noticeable on a dark-blue Verizon centro or black Sprint model, and it fits within the Seidio spring holster just great.
" N& p9 ~. U5 J. ~
H5 F: T$ Y7 _8 }I've had products of varying quality from Seidio in the past, and even in the present, but the centro extended battery and door are winners in my book.
~3 R* U) m0 _- h& R
4 w9 z2 [% j! Y& S-Warr- b1 {, R, \8 c- r7 l+ U' G
# Y. a6 a+ k8 d" \3 U
[ 本帖最后由 有点搞笑 于 2009-2-8 01:04 编辑 ] |