" Y4 Z8 a1 `1 U7 q1 q; HPalm Pre Hardware Overview and Impressions$ V0 K" r/ x9 X3 B
8 F# D" G# i6 q" \! K7 v0 u, _
By: Kris Keilhack Photography by Ryan Kairer January 10, 2009 ' F6 O) ^6 W) a; Q6 O- N; B! D
( @1 O5 L- r* ]Pre 很小.关闭滑盖后比TREO PRO和CENTRO都小.比我预期的还小一些,尺寸上象一个从MOTO的Pebble系列中脱胎而出的小一号的HTC TOICH..Palm PRE的更紧凑圆滑一些.
. a. d4 I0 I( A7 b, o$ [
7 |; K- s* j9 Y: ] ! Y* V3 M' ^! A& p6 o5 Q
4 ], u8 ^9 k& F* Z
" f- D# L" W Q- K J# i我无法描述这种顺滑感但是我真的觉得它顺畅快捷,没有发现原来的PALM TT系列是那种滑盖结构的低劣,我看到机器一直在展示界面中,滑盖/键盘没有因意外误动作而猛然合上过(在TT3中经常出现这种问题)
0 C+ |5 j% Q$ r6 w7 g当滑盖打开.显露出来的背面是一个光洁的镜面,那个位置通常是被忽略的,PALM在那里装了一个大的抛光后的镜面,加大了拍照时用的镜子或是给女士们化妆时使用.' Z# _# A% H9 R, S1 F/ u. @2 J
& X0 o( a Z' g5 [3 e. w# v' e0 m# M
就象一些经常使用手机的人希望的"如在耳中"的感觉,PRE显得握持和使用非常舒服,尤其是与G1的"弯曲"外形相比.我感觉这款手机滑开或关闭时使用都很符合"电话人体工程学"的理念,尽管PALM说如果打开滑盖使用键盘的话,当然距离稍稍远一点更顺手3 S2 _0 O2 z4 F2 [
, I5 @! G: R1 F2 O: _4 g! _
" J; }7 G4 x, r1 S2 k6 I/ v( U9 W- @, M3 }3 _1 N5 r2 }9 d9 Z
Keyboard" O& B7 l f/ q
Palm Pre的键盘看起来庄重雅致,向Palm致敬,他们开发了一个非方屏机上用的"真正的"键盘,在一台这样圆滑外形的设备上有这样的一个键盘真是让人高兴的事情2 o+ ?( V7 Q1 T
/ z! j6 I) X% B! P# o% r
0 L5 ?2 d& k O0 D$ o抛开原来的一些不实报道,我很高兴地告诉大家,键盘中除空格以外几乎所有的都有背光. 背光是亮白银,只照亮字符本身而不是象CENTRO那样整个按键都是亮的..说到CENTRO,PALM PRE好象没有使用采用Centro那样的单面平键盘设计,而是轻微地有些圆,象个球,有鲜明的标记,数字和Shift钮是橙色的( q+ v2 a( i; x( }, f# V; d9 O
1 M+ ~: j# o( |# y, y( A$ C4 q9 ], T: \, A) T
0 |2 f6 A1 G( ^* A! o, H - @ 键放在空格键边上,与0一起.Palm的解释是近年来@比以往越来越多地使用0 C, a2 m. p* ^5 d
- 原来右下角的菜单 "menu" 键换成了输入符号用的SYM钮
( m, q9 c/ I' ]/ P/ N a - 挨着空格的ALT现在定义为句号(.) --(就是一个点,小数点那种)+ ]: K. U/ A% A& l d' F: _; _
1 d g- j2 O7 ?
我近距离观察但没真正拿在手上,看起来键盘总面积及间距都比比Centro和Treo Pro要大一些,但是不如经典的Treo 700系列那么大
{' u. E8 Z ?/ @, j6 v# D) D9 Z. e0 K3 c
. Thankfully, the vertical smile shape is retained but it's not as pronounced as on earlier models. 0 F: P. @) X8 T% `7 W3 F- H
- z. p6 I) Q) p( C 3 F7 R' \ _4 r
) Q" A8 y6 y6 e" l
Screen & Sensors& F9 Y7 B- P$ Y' `
a. G1 M6 i4 vPalm把屏幕描述为“丰富的24位色彩”和3.1"大尺寸屏幕.它采用电容式触屏科技,不象以往palm过去12年里的各款产品上的透反触屏& q+ B! I& t7 `0 F# T
palm的用户期待大屏幕智能电话已经多年(不要求系统),这次他们没有失望# T8 L: `2 Q0 s# a; e5 R2 S3 L
- P$ N' U9 T( O2 B
6 \: A3 W6 o/ B, P在Pre上播放的几段视频没有出现卡的情况(很顺畅),画面轻松充满整个屏幕.对于将来的WebOS设备,我喜欢能有更大的屏幕和更高的分辨率.但 320x480的屏幕已经是我们在 320x320方屏之后期待了很久很久的! H9 b5 q4 i6 ?7 m7 Y, b. ^' i
# q5 W' f" u5 k$ Z" v$ { 5 K6 ], S( L Q" P5 Z4 |
! t7 \0 m! K- Z2 m5 h在屏幕上角上有一个环境亮度感应器,还有一个接近感应器在通话时可以关闭屏幕以节约电力并避免耳朵触到屏幕上的按钮,( q/ i% m* o, @6 m3 q
$ ?9 v! `9 E5 _- ]) l. p' K在重力感应器和OS配合下有一个很好玩的应用,Palm的员工向我演示了照片程序,Ryan和我与Palm员工隔着桌子站在对面,他说"看看我朋友的这张照片"并拿起Pre.留意PRE从身体较低的位置拿到手上,经过一个向下的手势(就象他把PRE递到我们手上一样),这时PRE处于一个顶部朝下,键盘部分指向人的位置,重力感应器马上感应到这个位置变化,并自动调整屏幕以使我们能够以正确的角度看到照片,WEBOS正确地预测了动作并旋转图片(沿X轴方向)使其正确显示.,当他把Pre转回朝向他自己的时候,感应器又重新调整图片到原来的角度,对我来说中,这是一个非常让人高兴的功能,你可以很轻松地把照片展示给家人看又不必非把机器交在他手上并担心他们可能搞坏你的宝贝(这可能是很多数码发烧友买机初期的心理,即使是家人,也不放心把机器交在他们手上把玩)
; K# P* k; |7 X! Q
" D* q8 A" B/ P3 q' `' P* H- s$ zMicroUSB and Storage Memory' h( G U+ l; b& D; }" @* y
装在机器侧面的 Micro USB接口由一小块塑料盖保护着,这机器拥有全速USB2.0 接口,最大传输速度可以达到480Mbps. 这个接口可以用来充电,可以把PRE用作PC机的Modem,也可以允许访问是PRE内部把PRE当作一个外接存储器,标准的内置存储究竟是8GB,用户可用大概7.4G.
" h, B/ `/ R+ V目前的架构下,机器上没有存储卡槽,就象老PALM一直在原来PalmOS4时代的m505一样,我个人认为,这是Pre上最大的遗憾
/ k3 o' E! `/ {1 E% GPalm展台上的人告诉我"8G对于所有的人来说已经很大了,SDHC目前价格很高而最高也才能到8GB"
7 E0 }: ^; E) `
( f0 J8 A2 P$ F" |2 r0 A
$ ?) s+ \ k; @! O这是在体积上和让步和给用户更多价值,他们不用再去买昂贵的扩展卡用在自己的新设备上,我个人而更希望PALM能象RIM那样至少设备里内置1GB可加密存储究竟并提供一个Micro SDHC插槽,目前市面上已经出现了16GB的MicroSDHC卡而且32GB的也将出现.8GB对于一些多媒体应用来说太小了点,尤其在Pre的大屏/立体声耳机和高性能的CPU/芯片组配置下.
, H% ~$ B* _4 }/ z* z3 c7 S( N我在某个晚上曾经跟SD卡协议企业中的一个成员聊过新的SDXC标准的情况,他们预计今年秋季将会有64GB的扩展卡上市,将来最高容量可能高达2TB.对于PALM来说,从2001年的m500系列机器起,早期的机器支持SD/MMC卡,取消扩展存储卡支持让我很不爽(感觉PALM把Apple对存储卡的恶劣态度也沿袭了一些.)0 b$ F4 _5 S5 \: E
3 |( O3 Q s6 K' t4 @' | Y& \8 J/ N$ B. h2 e4 [/ ^7 y: T7 z {
" w4 @ Z* d( A9 i# b- yPalm确认目前Pre的电池是1200mAh,PALM宣称电池是可换的,我们可以通过图片证明这一点,看起来与Centro/800W的电池设计略有不同,Palm的人员说PRE可以用其他设备的电池但是PALM并没有确认或1 @9 S. q" |+ }& [
N4 X/ c2 |0 {, I, a Palm rep did state that the Pre could share those devices' batteries but it was not endorsed or recommended. While 1200mAh is certain to send chills down users' spines, we need to wait for Palm to make an official statement on battery life, as they were essentially offering 'no comment' at the show. _" `$ I* m7 j
: F0 I2 t, r/ N: g6 V1 c% L
+ J! N: o. W! C+ h1 P9 lPre Performance9 Z. _6 ?9 P8 L. K, p6 K
The Pre's innards are comprised of the cutting-edge TI OMAP 3430, a very nice integrated CPU whose specs I will not bore you with here. In short, I remain absolutely blown away by the device's performance. Nearly no lag at all, and near-instantaneous screen transitions and redraws were seen all around, everything has a very snappy and fluid feel to it. And the capabilities of the Pre are just the tip of the iceberg, based on the stunning feature set available to the TI chipset.
7 ]; Q1 P8 B# L: h7 m. {After over four years of battling with the inherent NVFS lag of various Palm OS devices, I finally have nothing to complain about based on what I‘ve seen so far. This thing is honestly Tungsten T3/TC fast, folks, even with a heckuva eye candy festival going on.
0 ^; J3 F6 A7 m1 F/ m/ W2 D, T; ~
: K8 h3 ~ G& h/ qMiscellaneous hardware observations
! l: b+ F& i* h6 xThankfully many of the traditional Treo cues remain on the Pre. The top-mounted ring/mute switch, while slightly downsized, is present and handy as ever. The volume up/down buttons are still on the left side of the phone but an unfortunate casualty of the new form-factor is the loss of the shortcut/multifunction button found on previous Palms below the volume keys. I'm also glad to report that the 3.5mm stereo headset jack found on the Treo Pro was not a one-off decision and appears here to much rejoicing. This was a feature heavily touted by Colligan onstage yesterday. - g- }" `7 {! U' h4 c) r9 K0 [6 }/ r
# @9 q9 g, E6 Z* K. L. B HThe preliminary Palm Pre retail packaging lists a microUSB sync/charge cable in the box alongside an AC adapter and a stereo headset. As you likely know already, a few stalwart features of every previous Palm device have been jettisoned in the transition to tis new era of hardware and software: the stylus, IR port, and hard application buttons and directional keys found on every device since the original Pilot are gone, in addition to the removable memory card slot and programmable side button discussed above. 2 s! t- x- D' B- U# G4 k
The back battery cover is replaceable and will require replacement if the optional and very cool Palm Touchstone inductive desktop charger accessory is used. I did not see a Pre being charged, so I cannot comment if there is a charge/alert notification LED built in the illuminated button area. I also did not notice a reset button under the battery door but I would assume that is just handled via a battery removal cycle. Given the superb stability of the devices we witnessed, hopefully this is a moot point.
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: g w H( C" C
Build Quality
# V' L+ m* w# }. O) C' o- k5 \0 V4 Y) X: o! h. _! E
Please note that these comments are only from close examination of a brief fondling of one of the Pre-Pre Production device Palm is using here. Build quality in general seems exemplary and the slider makes the action of the old Zire 71 and the T|T series looks like shoddy stuff.
- _* K# |; v0 U3 I( COne fantastic nod to Palm's traditional attention to detail is evidenced by the mirrored back panel on the rear of the unit that is exposed when the keyboard is pulled down. This wide reflective area has a nicely embossed Sprint logo and also serves as a fantastic way to frame yourself for self-portrait photos. Simple, classic and elegant and a nice touch that is "simply Palm".
/ M( F1 \" Y: w2 v. \Continuing alongside the rear body of the Pre reveals a small 3.1 megapixel camera lens with a small LED assist lamp. Palm is touting this camera as offering "extended depth of field" capabilities via an onboard DSP but it remains to be seen how this feature can actually benefit the typical sub-par mobile phone image capture experience. Palm is saying the camera is for pictures only at this point and they won't say whether video recording is planned. * d& i+ G! G( b0 {4 `: I4 D
This wraps up about every aspect of the device's hardware and form factor, based on many discussions, interviews, spec sheets and hands-on observations that I've been able to make over the past few days here at CES. We are going to try and meet up with Palm once more to field a few questions and will then be well-equipped to develop a thorough overview of the device's main attractions of the fantastic new OS and UI.
F, R: G( I- z4 x$ P; }7 ]: [% p- b4 y' D9 v! I3 E
" F& x* m6 ?4 {& H1 o" M
http://www.palminfocenter.com/ne ... pressions-from-ces/ |