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[新闻评论] [ZT]《新闻周刊》:Palm卷土重来/Palm’s New Reach 写的确实不错

发表于 2009-1-15 12:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
腾讯科技讯 北京时间1月13日消息,PalmPre成为了国际消费电子展(CES)上最受人瞩目的产品之一,而作为一款高端智能手机,如今最容易被问到的问题就是“它是否能击败iPhone?”,但是Palm董事会执行主席鲁宾斯坦却对此不以为然。其中的原因何在?鲁宾斯坦这位曾经帮助苹果走向复兴的人又将如何在困境中的Palm再续辉煌?美国知名杂志《新闻周刊》撰文对此进行了分析。
) g9 E9 A% h5 u9 N7 C& p2 _' \4 E1 R. G9 ?- y5 |* s
传奇人物鲁宾斯坦% G# ^0 m6 I9 @! F$ S  r  D
! ~9 z5 W. y: z) }! L. @; e2 A
你或许从未听过乔恩-鲁宾斯坦(JonRubinstein)的大名,但是在电脑工程师的圈子里,这位52岁的前苹果工程师却是一个传奇人物。他曾经帮助苹果创造了过去10年间最具标志意义的两款产品:首先是色彩鲜艳的蛋形iMac,也正是这款产品解救了困境中的苹果;另外一款则是iPod。通过iPod,苹果成功的由一家日渐衰落的电脑厂商转型成为最炙手可热的消费电子品牌。因此,当鲁宾斯坦2007年夏天加盟处于困境之中的Palm并计划开发新款智能手机时,业内人士便开始将注意力重新投向这家本已奄奄一息的公司。在此之前,多家手机制造商都曾试图超越苹果iPhone,但均以失败告终。所以,人们对于Palm能否完成这一使命拭目以待。终于,我们在拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费电子展(CES)上看到了Palm发布的PalmPre手机,该产品将于2009年中期发售。这表明,Palm将会以最好的状态重获消费者的青睐,并抢占市场份额。9 h' \: L% R$ B  O/ Z

6 ~7 J! `9 q7 s1 Y去年12月,当《新闻周刊》在Palm位于加州桑尼维尔的总部采访鲁宾斯坦时,这位Palm董事会执行主席对于iPhone和PalmPre的对比不以为然。他说:“我们并不是想要克隆iPhone。”苹果CEO史蒂夫-乔布斯(SteveJobs)对于鲁宾斯坦的离职非常不满,更令他生气的是,鲁宾斯坦还从苹果挖走了一些优秀的人才。尽管如此,鲁宾斯坦还是坚持认为,他并不是有意要抢自己以前的老板和同事的风头。他说:“我与乔布斯共事了16年。现在我被人们看作是一个叛徒。但是这一切都与苹果无关。”
3 m. Z7 x3 S% B% u- J) w. h- s* _$ f5 v! K9 |; M3 u: b* E
0 {5 x+ |0 Z/ D8 J3 l# U2 u' }0 L, U/ R# [6 {- X7 s
至少他们期盼着鲁宾斯坦能够为Palm带来新的生机,并希望公司能够终止进一步的下滑,并支撑到Pre扭转局势。拥有16年历史的Palm公司曾经凭借Palm Pilot个人数字助理(PDA)在1990年代获得了快速发展,随后他们又将Pilot转变成一款名为PalmTreo的智能手机从而沿袭了这种发展势头。这一次,Palm可谓是下了最大的赌注。曾几何时,这些产品是多么炫酷。而如今,在黑莓和iPhone的光芒下,这些产品却成了遥远而阴暗年代的遗物。受制于过时的软件平台,Palm的设备不得不依靠微软WindowsMobile来运行。但是Palm的收入却在继续下滑,亏损额也不断加大,更要命的是,Palm还在不断烧钱。去年12月,Palm还被迫傍了一回大款——从私募股权公司Elevation Partners那里获得了1亿美元的投资,以便维持生机。
/ j- S) x; T# J. _' s$ D/ J2 e5 W. V
智能手机潜力巨大: w& x: Y- M5 o4 w8 Q- d. }# |+ @% [
9 Y! I7 e3 D. _9 x7 B. _. X
尽管公司已经宣布裁员,但是Palm仍然非常乐观向上,它甚至还在继续吸纳新的人才。ElevationPartners同样非常乐观,早在2007年时,他们就曾向Palm注资3.25亿美元。尽管那时的Palm已经成了无人畏惧的昔日英雄,但是Elevation Partners的负责人、硅谷资深投资人士罗格-麦克纳米(RogerMcNamee)却认为,Palm是一家拥有较高品牌知名度且与运营商关系良好的公司,而且其所处的市场即将迎来爆炸式的增长。麦克纳米之所以投资Palm,原因很简单:每年的全球手机销量超过10亿部,但其中却只有5%是智能手机。* R, q4 M) D! n. d' A
9 J& S/ r- K- S  x& C& t
今后几年中,智能手机将会抢占更多的市场份额,10年内有可能达到50%,并将成为最热门的互联网接入方式。如今的移动计算领域与当年的PC市场类似:人人都知道PC市场拥有巨大的潜力,但是谁将成为最终的赢家却无人知晓,而且大规模的增长还未真正开始。现在,市场上有许多款智能手机平台在相互厮杀,但是没有一款占据统治地位。正如麦克纳米所说,尽管苹果和RIM等厂商都在持续增长,但是Palm成功的机会仍然很大。“我们的成功与其他厂商无关。我们之所以会投资Palm并不是简单的认为RIM或苹果会失败。就算我们只获得了1%的市场份额,Palm的规模也将比现在大得多。”麦克纳米说。- O3 Z: b$ \; _: x

# I: G8 Y/ {5 Q/ [麦克纳米的合伙人还包括U2乐队的主唱Bono和前苹果公司CFO(首席财务官)弗雷德-安德森(FredAnderson)。后者曾经与鲁宾斯坦一同在10年前帮助苹果实现了复兴。而且,也正是安德森的努力才使得鲁宾斯坦得以加盟Palm。当时,安德森表示,除非Palm董事会能够说服鲁宾斯坦加盟,否则Elevation不会向Palm投资。那时正值2007年夏天,鲁宾斯坦已经离开苹果并居住在墨西哥巴亚尔塔港,希望在那里建造一栋度假别墅。Palm派出了一组高管南下与鲁宾斯坦进行了三天的会谈。他们向鲁宾斯坦展示了自己正在开发的项目,包括代号为Nova的新款操作系统。Palm以前的操作系统PalmOS原本是为了组织相对简单的个人信息而开发的,但是后来却被应用到了手机上。然而,这款系统压根儿就没想过要执行这类任务。这就好比用割草机的引擎来驱动卡丁车,然后又给卡丁车配上了大个儿的地盘试图将其打造成为一部真正的汽车,后来又想将这部汽车变成飞机,甚至飞上月球。所以,Palm需要从头再来。: Q7 E. w, X$ n2 ^3 `0 a* c9 @/ V

7 p; D% C4 ^  |/ I0 l2 z大刀阔斧的改革7 @( z' F  o! S) y  N

& J# Q4 k% h+ ~3 U) Z% q鲁宾斯坦爱上了这款新的操作系统,并接受了任命。随后,他立刻采取了非常激进的策略——砍掉了Palm几乎所有的产品和项目,只留下一些过渡性的设备以保证销售收入,同时让工程师们专注于Nova。鲁宾斯坦还引入了许多新的管理人员,除此以外,他不仅替换了工程部门的所有管理人员,还换掉了大量的工程师。这种将公司其他业务迅速剥离只保留核心业务的做法与苹果公司10年前的改革如出一辙。当年,乔布斯和他的团队砍掉了几十款产品,只保留四款:两款笔记本电脑和两款台式机。随后,苹果又投入巨大的精力开发新的操作系统,也就是著名的OSX,它将在今后10年成为苹果的核心产品。鲁宾斯坦说,如今,在Palm“上演着同样的一幕。”
9 Q, d- D2 x4 S7 T- u, [8 ?( }
3 u4 W8 m& w, d. J& ]鲁宾斯坦希望通过新的软件平台来驱动Pre和其他一系列尚未发布的设备,并借此超越所有的对手。如果这一计划能够奏效,Palm将会重新崛起,并将再次成为一家又酷又赚钱的公司。鲁宾斯坦说,否则“我们就将成为另外一家WindowsMobile手机制造商”,这其实是以另外一种方式宣告Palm彻底失败。开发操作系统是一项艰巨的任务,但是鲁宾斯坦认为,一家科技公司如果没有这种能力,那就无法掌握自己的命运。Palm的Nova操作系统正式发布时的名称为Palm WebOS。该系统基于Linux内核,专为移动设备开发。相比而言,苹果的OS X最初则是为个人电脑设计的,后来被压缩进了iPhone。8 d! T  J* N# @- H9 t+ K
! p4 [* U3 C% r/ \$ L& ?% Z
4 ?5 R4 y6 _% |6 b- l5 R) w) V$ |
! R- F7 M1 ]$ B) y7 q8 jPalm Pre的优势; L5 ~2 e. d* X
  d' ]6 g  o7 }: u
那么Pre究竟有多好呢?硬件设计非常棒,外观平滑而时尚。它采用了圆滑的边角设计并搭配3.1英寸多点触摸屏,使用方法与iPhone类似。不过,尺寸比iPhone的3.5英寸略小。除此之外,Pre还搭配滑盖式QWERTY键盘。打电话时,无需打开滑盖。滑盖关闭时,Pre手机宽2.3英寸,长4英寸,厚度仅为2/3英寸。拿在手里感觉非常小。而且由于重量仅为5盎司(约142克),可以轻松的放到口袋里。Palm希望凭借Pre小巧的机身吸引那些想要购买智能手机,却被iPhone和黑莓等产品的庞大机身困扰不已的用户。( E( h% x0 D5 ?3 _! s7 w7 Z- y
5 {3 h. J6 g5 {4 V
3 L" c% B% \' F! m& n, f- k& \/ E8 M0 I" C8 c1 N$ z
' C  [: K, l" f! q8 q0 o/ ^
. _. W2 ~5 S6 y. C/ J" f. J- d! _不做iPhone杀手
" o+ f$ r% y- d, z" {: i# N! y
! n. F. h1 H) B' Q2 ~7 c9 n% W3 o那么Pre是否能够成为iPhone杀手呢?麦克纳米不喜欢人们问这个问题。他说:“手机行业里的人似乎都忘了重点所在。他们都希望能够做出一个iPhone杀手来。我并不想跟苹果竞争。你们为什么非要将iPhone置于死地呢?当我看到这些一心想要跟苹果竞争的人时,我在想,这帮家伙疯了吗?我只是想要学习苹果的经验而已。”然而,“能否击败iPhone?”已经成为任何一款高端手机面市后面临的第一个问题。因此,我认为答案很可能是否定的。这并不是说Pre不够优秀,事实上它非常优秀。但是苹果的品牌力量太强大了,而且iPhone的销量已经达到了1300万部,针对iPhone编写的应用程序也已经达到了1万个。不过,Pre已经迈出了非常重要的一步。它所提供的使用体验已经与笔记本电脑和台式机非常接近。如果移动设备想要成为人们网络生活的核心而非个人电脑的外设,那么这一点将至关重要。1 U0 V3 V0 p& }! s
' f# B( r0 ]% P
最重要的还在于,Pre只是Palm的第一步。鲁宾斯坦和他的工程师已经准备将Palm WebOS应用到更多的设备中去。苹果是否会在开发了一款突破性的产品后就停滞不前坐等他人超越自己?这种事情以前的确发生过。苹果于1984年推出了首款Macintosh电脑,并凭借其图形界面超越了同期的所有对手。但是几年后,微软却复制了这一想法并开发了Windows,并最终获取了90%以上的市场份额,而苹果的份额却始终徘徊在个位数的水平。这一先例或许正是鲁宾斯坦最近几天春光满面的原因所在。“苹果想要让所有人都认为游戏已经结束,他们赢了。”他说,“但是我可不这么认为。我觉得游戏刚刚开始。”
( W6 N* r3 v. m% z3 z5 v+ F- f) S
! q  W- f+ p' X8 T- a[ 本帖最后由 wangzhangchao 于 2009-1-15 12:58 编辑 ]


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-15 12:57 | 显示全部楼层
( Q3 Z1 J. t* shttp://www.newsweek.com/id/178536/page/1
0 k8 e7 L+ r3 S1 Y% y. V% C
' ]; {9 x- F7 j& CYou've probably never heard of Jon Rubinstein, but in computer-engineering circles, the 52-year-old former Apple engineer is a legend. He helped create two of the most iconic products of the past decade: the original brightly colored egg-shaped iMac, which saved Apple from going out of business, and the iPod, which turned that once-ailing computer maker into the hottest brand in consumer electronics. So in the summer of 2007, when Rubinstein (nickname: Ruby) joined Palm, the beleaguered consumer-electronics company, to develop a new smartphone, people in the industry began paying attention once again to an outfit that most had written off as dead. They also began wondering whether Palm could do what every other phonemaker has tried to do and failed: create a device that could outshine Apple’s iPhone. The result is the Palm Pre which debuts today at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and will go on sale by the middle of 2009. It embodies Palm's best shot at reclaiming both market- and mind-share.. z. F% E) u# V9 U6 w6 u

2 j4 e/ I, B9 s  A2 }Rubinstein, Palm's executive chairman, was quick to downplay comparisons when NEWSWEEK met with him at Palm's Sunnyvale, Calif., headquarters in December for a sneak peak at his latest creation. "We're not trying to build an iPhone clone," he said. And though Apple CEO Steve Jobs was furious about Rubinstein's move to Palm, and grew even angrier when he started poaching some of Apple's top talent, Rubinstein insists he's not driven by a desire to upstage his former boss and longtime colleague. "I worked with Steve for 16 years. Now supposedly I'm a traitor. But this has nothing to do with Apple," he says.
5 v/ e, T% A" R# e
; X5 M% X& u/ sStill, over the course of two days, Rubinstein and others at Palm couldn't help pointing out that the Pre outperforms the iPhone. Palm's advantages include faster Web browsing, a better camera, and the ability to run many applications at the same time. Egos being what they are in the Valley, it's easy to believe that despite all the talk about not competing with Apple, these guys do, in fact, secretly harbor the desire to knock Apple firmly on its backside—and that while the marketing guys may have decided, correctly, that it's best not to pick a fight with a bigger, wealthier opponent, the engineers simply can't help talking smack.
' K. F  o3 N6 g; U7 T) l3 T, N% D, e& e( l5 k! S( _. V9 l$ v
At the very least they are praying that Rubinstein can breathe new life into Palm, and that the company can stop its steep decline and hang on long enough for the Pre to make a difference. The stakes could not be higher for a 16-year-old company that boomed in the 1990s thanks to its Palm Pilot personal digital assistant and then boomed again by morphing the Pilot into a smartphone called the Palm Treo. At one time these gizmos were the cutting edge of cool; today, they seem like relics from some dark, distant age, eclipsed by the Research in MotionBlackBerry and the iPhone. Hampered by an aging software platform, Palm has limped along by selling devices that run Microsoft's Windows Mobile software. But revenue is plunging, losses are mounting, and Palm is burning cash. In December Palm had to take a $100 million investment from its private-equity sugar daddy, Elevation Partners, in order to remain afloat.+ E1 L* {$ w% r+ h" Y+ a

) E& F2 u: e$ n# {" d* l. G/ L. oNevertheless the mood is upbeat at Palm; though the company has announced layoffs, it is also bringing aboard new talent. Equally upbeat are the people at Elevation Partners, which invested $325 million in Palm in June 2007. Back then Palm was starting to look like high-tech roadkill. But Roger McNamee, the veteran Valley investor who runs Elevation Partners, saw in Palm a company with a well-known brand and well-established carrier relations in a market that he was convinced was about to explode. McNamee came to the deal with a simple thesis: More than a billion cell phones are sold each year, but only about 5 percent are smartphones.
) N5 {) G6 q2 I  b  w2 u! J$ k5 |( C1 I( v1 X
Over the next few years, smartphones will start to make up an ever-bigger slice of the pie, perhaps growing to 50 percent of the market within a decade and becoming the most popular way of accessing the Internet. The mobile-computing space today looks a lot like the early days of the PC market, when it was obvious that PCs were going to be huge but nobody knew who the winners would be and there was loads of growth yet to come. Right now a half-dozen smartphone platforms are competing in the market, but none has gained dominant market share. As McNamee sees it, the market opportunity is so big that Palm can succeed even if Apple and RIM and all the others continue to grow. "Our success is totally independent of what the others do. We would not have invested based on the premise that RIM and Apple would fail. If we get even 1 percent of global market share," he says, "we'll be huge compared to where we are now."
4 y. V8 a1 ^: F. }$ X
( }0 @2 Z: ]0 ?3 jMcNamee's partners at Elevation include U2 frontman Bono and, more notably, former Apple finance chief Fred Anderson, who, alongside Rubinstein, helped engineer the turnaround at that company a decade ago. Anderson is the one who brought Rubinstein to Palm. He insisted that Elevation had only agreed to put money into Palm if they could convince Rubinstein to come aboard. At that time, in the summer of 2007, Rubinstein had left Apple and was living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, building a vacation house. Palm flew a team of execs down to meet with him over a three-day weekend. They showed Rubinstein the projects they were working on, including a new operating system that was code-named Nova. Palm's aging operating system, Palm OS, was originally created for a relatively simple personal organizer; it was then added to and patched up to do things like power a cell phone—a task it was never intended to perform. It was a bit like using a lawn-mower engine to build a go-kart, then adding a bigger chassis and turning the go-kart into a real car, then turning that into a plane, and then trying to make the plane fly to the moon. Palm needed a fresh start.2 s+ t, q- x1 o/ m# L
. S* K( E& s- A9 |9 Z
Rubinstein loved the new operating system and signed on. He immediately decided on a radical course—killing off almost all of Palm's products and projects except for a couple of "transitional" devices that could keep sales coming in while engineers toiled away on Nova. Rubinstein brought in a slew of new executives, replacing all of the executives in engineering and much of the engineering staff. This crash course of paring the company back to its core is exactly what Apple did a decade ago. Jobs and his team killed off dozens of products, leaving Apple with only four things to sell: two laptops and two desktop PCs. Then they put a huge amount of effort into developing a new operating system, called OS X, which would become Apple's key product in the decade to come. Now, at Palm, "we're using the exact same playbook," Rubinstein says.: b- z/ l$ T8 @9 J
6 ~6 W; E  x2 I3 R( I1 Q
Rubinstein's idea is to leap ahead of everyone else in the mobile space by creating a new software platform to power the Pre and a string of as yet unannounced mobile devices. If the plan works, Palm will bounce back and become cool—and profitable—once again. If not, "we turn into just another Windows Mobile phonemaker," Rubinstein says—which is another way of saying they roll over and die. Operating systems are tricky things to create, but Rubinstein believes that without this piece of the puzzle a tech company cannot control its destiny. Palm's Nova system, which will bear the official name Palm Web OS when it ships, is based on the open-source Linux operating system and has been created from the ground up to run only on mobile devices. In contrast, Apple's OS X was originally created for personal computers and then got squeezed down into the iPhone.3 r  b9 l9 R' O* f6 _. l

9 g+ J# s: V% O$ }While the iPhone has demonstrated the power of putting a real computer operating system on a mobile device, the iPhone itself is far from perfect. For one thing, the battery life on the new 3G model is abysmal. And while it is cool to be able to browse the Web from a handheld device, the iPhone's Internet experience is nowhere near as good as the experience you get on a laptop or desktop computer. It's much slower; Rubinstein and his team say that's because the OS X code is not lean enough to run swiftly on a mobile device's relatively tiny processor and small memory footprint. And you can only do one thing at a time. To change applications—to go from checking e-mail to making a phone call to putting an appointment in your calendar—you have to keep climbing back to the home page and then down to the other application. Apple introduced OS X for its personal computers in 2001, but pieces of the system trace their roots back to the 1980s, when they were used in the operating software of computers made by Jobs's other computer company, NeXT. Palm sees an opportunity to come out with something newer, better and—perhaps most impressive to gadget geeks—faster. A lot faster. "We're already four times faster than the iPhone, and we're still optimizing," McNamee boasts.# w0 W( Z2 W% j% y

! J$ u& J5 T( ISo how good is the Pre? The design of the hardware is wonderful. The phone is smooth and sleek, with rounded edges and a 3.1-inch (diagonal) multitouch screen that lets you pinch and slide objects the way you do on an iPhone. (The iPhone's screen is slightly bigger, at 3.5 inches, diagonal.) There's also a QWERTY keyboard that slides out from underneath. You can make phone calls without ever opening the slider, and in that closed position the phone is 2.3 inches wide, 4 inches long and two thirds of an inch thick. It feels small in your hand, and it's easy to carry in a pocket, weighing just under 5 ounces. Palm hopes the small footprint (and nice touches like a thin leather carrying case) will be appealing to people who have been intimidated by smartphones like the iPhone and the BlackBerry.1 t( v$ Z8 V2 S: {6 g! u6 u$ \
" F; r5 m+ j0 {, x( E
Under the hood is a speedy new microprocessor from Texas Instruments that runs videos quickly and smoothly, with less of the herky-jerkiness that mobile devices are known for. The phone has 8 gigabytes of storage, which is decent but not great; it can run Adobe Flash, and can cut, copy and paste, which iPhone can't; it supports multimedia messaging service (MMS) so you can send text messages with photos attached, which iPhone can't do; it has a 3 megapixel camera and a flash, which iPhone lacks. There's a button that lets you buy music from Amazon's download store. Then there's the multitasking. Want to talk on the speakerphone while browsing the Web and entering stuff in your calendar? No problem. Palm expects people will keep 15 to 20 applications open at the same time.
$ N$ F+ q$ h. x8 s8 Z+ \  `9 y3 f; K; g) C9 X# i3 J1 u
Palm's engineers have done some really slick things with applications themselves, especially contacts and calendars. You can pull together multiple calendars and view them all at once—say, your work calendar, your home calendar, even calendars from other people, like your spouse's Google calendar (your spouse needs to give you the log-on info). The contact manager pulls contact information from multiple sources—Yahoo contacts, Google contacts, Facebook contacts. A listing in your address book can contain every way of reaching that person—via work mail, Gmail, or Facebook mail, for example—and lets you send a message to a friend using any one of these. Also, the applications talk to one another. When the calendar application prompts you for a reminder about a meeting, it also pulls up a list of the people who will be attending, with their contact info. So if you're running late, you can let everyone know." t5 _- i4 Y, K4 ^; E9 N
. E- {! K* X6 F7 H
So: is it an iPhone killer? McNamee wishes people wouldn't ask that question. "Everyone in the cell-phone business has missed the point. They're all trying to make an iPhone killer. I don't want to compete with Apple. Why the hell would you want to get in the way of that machine? I look at the guys who are trying to compete with Apple and I think, Are you guys crazy? I just want to learn from Apple's experience." Nonetheless, the "Will this kill the iPhone?" question is the first one everyone asks about any new high-end mobile phone today. And the answer is, well, probably not. Not because the Pre isn't terrific—it is—but because Apple's brand is so powerful, and because Apple has sold 13 million iPhones, and because there are 10,000 applications already written for the iPhone. Nonetheless the Pre has moved the ball forward in some very significant ways. The experience it delivers is much closer to what we get on a laptop or desktop computer, which is essential if mobile devices are to become the hub of our Internet lives rather than mere peripherals that attach to a personal computer.
& K/ Z! o: I$ U7 l2 ~% Q% {3 }+ x& _: v: E4 ?2 V( ?- m/ Y
Most important, the Pre represents only a first shot. Rubinstein and his engineers are already preparing a family of devices that will run on the Palm Web OS. Could it be that Apple has staked out an early lead with a breakthrough product only to be passed by others? It's happened before. In 1984 Apple introduced its first Macintosh. The machine featured a graphical user interface and was way ahead of its time. But several years later Microsoft copied the idea and created Windows, which gained 90-plus percent of the market while Apple's share lingered in the low single digits. That bit of history may be why Rubinstein seems to be feeling so good these days. "Apple wants everyone to believe that it's game over, and they won," he says. "But I don't think so. I think this is just the beginning."
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-15 14:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-15 15:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-16 08:50 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1威望 +2 收起 理由
niuhuang + 2 同感


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-16 11:03 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-16 13:05 | 显示全部楼层
Palm以前的操作系统PalmOS原本是为了组织相对简单的个人信息而开发的,但是后来却被应用到了手机上。然而,这款系统压根儿就没想过要执行这类任务。这就好比用割草机的引擎来驱动卡丁车,然后又给卡丁车配上了大个儿的地盘试图将其打造成为一部真正的汽车,后来又想将这部汽车变成飞机,甚至飞上月球。所以,Palm需要从头再来。# L* U5 U8 q* [9 d( d) S$ b: s

% G8 `; ?9 j# ?" r0 V) n一针见血
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-16 20:35 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-21 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-21 17:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-22 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-23 16:32 | 显示全部楼层
PalmOS可能是单任务的极致: @  f% w3 O& T0 x
Palm WebOS希望成为多任务的典范
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-23 20:26 | 显示全部楼层
看了文章,觉得很振奋,终于迎来了PALM的般涅。但是,希望拿到产品后,产品真的能够令我们满意。也希望众多的程序高手写出更多的好软件出来。 我们拭目以待。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-28 22:17 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-3 09:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-5 11:17 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-5 17:53 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-11 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-12 12:29 | 显示全部楼层
看完这个比喻,终于知道为什么PALM要放弃旧有的系统了。3 J8 k' y5 d6 {: }' v1 ^
$ i4 i; C, t3 f; \6 p; l! p" R
--" F: W8 Q2 F, o+ i3 l

+ ~. o, R5 _  S* G4 r4 o! Y这款系统压根儿就没想过要执行这类任务。这就好比用割草机的引擎来驱动卡丁车,然后又给卡丁车配上了大个儿的地盘试图将其打造成为一部真正的汽车,后来又想将这部汽车变成飞机,甚至飞上月球。所以,Palm需要从头再来。' z# h: G  `; u) N6 ]$ c+ m
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-13 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-13 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-14 09:52 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-14 16:54 | 显示全部楼层
【palm以前的操作系统PalmOS原本是为了组织相对简单的个人信息而开发的,但是后来却被应用到了手机上。然而,这款系统压根儿就没想过要执行这类任务。这就好比用割草机的引擎来驱动卡丁车,然后又给卡丁车配上了大个儿的地盘试图将其打造成为一部真正的汽车,后来又想将这部汽车变成飞机,甚至飞上月球。所以,Palm需要从头再来】. c$ R! N" ?+ C

1 ^7 v7 c+ @  S& p. uless is more. PALM已经创造了一个奇迹,期待NOVA能成为下一个奇迹。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-15 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-17 11:54 | 显示全部楼层
# a  C# M8 ~# C* e, O
  O' R2 W& b$ ?- j这篇Newsweek的文章,最早在ifanr.com由Akanekou,Streetsmart全文翻译,原文链接 http://www.ifanr.com/1143 ,原文的标题译成,《Palm的新疆域》,现在他们竟然修修改改成了另一篇译文。
0 B+ N( H8 z+ C1 R  P( `$ ~
; A; v! l( C6 Q证据很明显,“遥远阴晦年代的遗物”“硅谷独有的自负回来了”,“这些伙计们肯定在潜意识里想着要结结实实摆Apple一道”,这些很个人化的译词,都是ifanr的原创。而且搞笑的是,“再次修改”的版本,错得一塌糊涂。。。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-17 16:49 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-17 21:52 | 显示全部楼层
2 j# [$ f" a. sPALM只能在PIM上超级下工夫,才能恢复以前的容光!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-18 02:51 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-3-2 10:18 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-3-2 15:42 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-3-29 14:40 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 jjb820303 于 2009-3-2 10:03 发表 ( b( D8 A6 s/ |9 O5 i
原帖由 hul221 于 2009-1-23 16:32 发表, C, |# j) M5 c: x4 e% ?
" j' h3 G* w0 n/ ?Palm WebOS希望成为多任务的典范
5 |$ a. O- N8 \8 S
3 \6 |7 b) G/ C+ H总结的很透彻!
" V& y+ z8 D7 E- j8 e: a8 G前半句大家都已经看到了,后半句外贸都在期待.

' V# g$ U0 u5 j7 k
8 w1 C, E7 N' Q, E1 ?非常精辟和透彻!希望WebOS能带来下一次的辉煌!4 Q- X8 B$ B% Q! @  u

1 g$ h/ g' e$ {% k! D2 Z- e8 `0 j[ 本帖最后由 john1 于 2009-3-29 14:43 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-3-29 14:46 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lalagod 于 2009-2-17 21:52 发表
0 z# ?: O! Y( e  x) {8 z" ^如果以前的程序不能通过模拟或仿真的运行的话,PALM必将再次失去本已经很少的用户。2 w5 c* X1 m, e- X& h1 R& P. R

# C) A( m+ T. {( ?0 O# \" D+ p1 M) M4 J3 m3 Y
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-3-30 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
随着iPhone 3.0的发布,这篇文章的几个观点要更改了,比如说iPhone不能复制/粘贴,不支持彩信等
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-17 00:40 | 显示全部楼层
The Game is On,Baby~~~
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-17 00:41 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kindaichi306 于 2009-3-30 16:56 发表 ' f/ x& f! i6 E3 z- v* x7 q7 ~/ n$ E
随着iPhone 3.0的发布,这篇文章的几个观点要更改了,比如说iPhone不能复制/粘贴,不支持彩信等
! @) P; _+ [5 E8 I. b
- I( r# n* W- M# ^$ {. c4 \: y% B
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-20 10:03 | 显示全部楼层
9 J: L& Y! n9 ]6 a* ^5 W) j永远支持
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-23 15:39 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 支持一下
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-28 16:12 | 显示全部楼层
palm 、thinkpad我的最爱啊
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-20 16:23 | 显示全部楼层
& S* Y! C  m1 A4 F+ U很期待pre的多任务操作。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-8-19 01:44 | 显示全部楼层
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