光盘内应该有个同步软件,怎么没法安装啊?总是提示the getting started disc requires adobe flash player version 8.0 or later. to download the latest version of the flash player, go to the adobe flash player web site using the link below. if you already have adobe flash player 8.0 or later installed you may have a corrupt verison. please uninstall your current version and re-install using the link below./ C( U& _& I9 O8 G6 X( d
3 K2 G% H& B* ^4 @( V
根据其链接,已经把老版本的flash player卸载并重新升级了,请问坛里的TX有没有这个情况?怎么解决?( Q1 u$ p6 P2 y1 \6 @' z7 z
或者有没有可替代的同步软件?谢谢 " i9 t. `% g8 J$ f7 s9 S7 @) E t0 S) z8 D* S' [
[ 本帖最后由 LiuHaiTao 于 2009-2-15 13:34 编辑 ]