Posted By: Kris Keilhack Friday, May 15, 2009 8:05:56 AM
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& w: Y3 `5 i2 f& r5 kDespite the fact that Sprint will be gunning for as many new and extended contracts as possible upon the Pre's release, there remains a small but faithful group of users with money to burn who only purchase unlocked wireless devices or at full retail without signing a contract. To date, the two biggest remaining questions have been whether or not Sprint and Palm will even offer Pres for sale without contract at full retail price and, if so, what that price will be for the Pre both retail and subsidized. ' ^2 y4 u7 Z, s& R* Q4 p
Last week we reported on an internal Best Buy inventory leak that suggested the full retail price of an unsubsidized Pre would be a staggering $999, though this amount was suspected to be a temporary placeholder price. Now thanks to some clever sleuthing and calculating, engadget is speculating that the full retail price of the CDMA Pre may actually be a bit more reasonable than previously reported.
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engadget arrived at their Pre retail price by subtracting the known cost factors from the new Palm/Spring Pre giveaway sweepstakes' total prize value. After discounting the total Sprint service plan cost, all taxes, surcharges and the cost of the Touchstone accessory dock, Sprint arrived at a grand total of $469.99. Additionally, some are speculating a Sprint subsidy anywhere from $200 to $300 on new devices with a 2yr contract, so the retail price of the Pre could be anywhere from $150 to $299, depending on whether or not mail-in or instant rebates are involved. 1 o4 d) ?( }& Y% z9 u
For comparison purposes, Palm.com currently sells CDMA versions of these devices without contact for Sprint at $399 for the Centro and $549.00 for Sprint's Treo Pro. $ d) u1 u8 X0 r# y
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. Y2 S0 [$ {9 G @) o# bhttp://www.palminfocenter.com/news/9777/speculation-on-the-full-palm-pre-retail-price/ |