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[PalmOS软件] 发现2个免费的软件Crash Pro, Energy Dimmer, Skinner

发表于 2009-5-20 13:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ m) v6 o8 N* S' S* pHandspring 同步名的注册码如下:& E3 H! s! {7 J
Product                                                                              Registration code
3 J+ J7 i1 C9 ]9 g( `Crash Pro                                                                     205705935b88a5
. N" S+ N6 Y: P8 D, TSkinner for Treo 680 / Centro (GSM)                             7e575393f2ddb7
7 L) y' F" q7 {2 {; gSkinner for Treo 650, 700p, 755p Centro (CDMA)             0f57cf9300e09f! z- K2 \1 d& }# I  p' _
Skinner for Treo 600                                                     8972010 d- R, Q  Z/ S+ a8 K; d
用其他同步名的兄弟请到官网免费申请注册码。: e4 L6 n5 n* V3 v3 G
http://www.79bmedia.de/palmos/index.php( n, R5 Y0 K8 r. Z! }' M, v( @
  }% A# w  l& U1 h! d) K) [
, y" o4 ]" w& {) D$ mEnergy Dimmer:6 f" M$ r  R8 i$ K- u( l
This application is discontinued.
" E% C7 O+ W( k  z( GFor the benefit of the PalmOS community, we have released Energy Dimmer as freeware and made one final update - Energy Dimmer 2.16 (released March 6, 2007) is now featuring (experimental) support for the Treo 680. Energy Dimmer 2.16 can be downloaded free of charge, no registration is required.. C) s# M, L* h, m
" s8 F6 \! e1 Q
There will be no future updates or bugfixes. If you decide to download Energy Dimmer for your PalmOS device, please be advised that you use it on your own risk and that no support will be provided.
4 c( I9 Z1 k( B0 R6 a! N! p. v# F7 l# y$ }  C1 d: A
The brightness of the screen is a tricky setting. Depending on the situation you may want it to be very bright or very dim. You may also want to keep the screen on for a long time without wasting too much valuable battery power by having it set to the highest brightness.
6 I5 l, u- {3 X4 @5 L0 K* M
- s0 ~+ U* @1 c! RBy default, PalmOS devices only allow you to set a fixed brightness and you will have to re-adjust the brightness whenever you feel it is required. But by using Energy Dimmer, you can switch between brightnesses much more easily ? plus you will have additional features like a screen dimming (hence the name) and adjustable auto-off values.
( K% I- S- N/ ^
" D* |5 {( ?7 O7 j) t3 WUsing Energy Dimmer will give you the flexibility to manage the brightness quick and efficient by u sing profiles. A profile ...
' g2 V/ u6 B# O" V+ I) Z) h. I& G2 V4 E! o  _% j& m1 w4 ?$ t
    * ... allows to set a brightnes
- q1 a" }/ v# J2 l    * ... allows to define if and after how many seconds of inactivity the screen should dim
8 L- M9 c7 g- ^6 k, p    * ... allows to define to what level the screen should dim
% n: h( X$ ~2 [. {6 w) z    * ... allows to define individual auto-off times in the range of seconds
+ C* k+ ~! z8 w: N' R( @2 D/ t, h/ X9 M! h7 S" P
The brighter the screen, the more power is consumed. Switching to a profile with the perfect match for your current situation will allow you to only consume the power that you really need, allowing for a potentially larger runtime on one charge.
5 F  A2 R( l) g" n% @$ ERequirements
! ^5 l1 h  a! p" H3 T, q& C  _6 k0 n0 y; Y  U2 G, b% f4 ?- s
Energy Dimmer requires:! g4 G5 L6 ?' Q4 R

5 s. `) Z  v1 Q    * PalmOS 5.x
) C. {4 f; Y4 {( A5 L4 U' l    * a colour PalmOS device (more specifically it currently supports the Tungsten C, T, T2, T3, T5, TX, E, E2, the LifeDrive, the Treo 600, 650 and 680, the Zire 71 and 72 as well as Sony Clie NX, NZ, TG, UX, TJ, VZ and TH series and also the Garmin iQue 3600 as well as the Tapwave Zodiac).
& W. q9 E6 P7 A+ G$ l5 L, w; N( S
7 f: ~# y5 O3 Q0 k9 IFor more details, please refer to the manual.
! O" C! @+ z) M3 u5 Y, F7 N9 w7 ?- {# O$ P2 p- V) a" R% ]) w
Important notice: On some devices Energy Dimmer allows to dim the brightness below what the device's own brightness slider offers. This is the case if the device's brightness slider does not make use of the full range of brightness values that the PalmOS-interface allows for. Devices where this happens are most notably the Tungsten T, T2 and E as well as the Zire 71.
: ?6 ?( _$ \* a/ X! U0 S* E) R5 O: Q/ R7 H9 b/ _
On newer devices like the TX, LifeDrive, E2 and Zire 72, you can not achieve this side-effect of dimming lower than originally possible by using Energy Dimmer. Please keep in mind that it is not the task of Energy Dimmer to do that. If you really need this feature, you could try out an application called Brightness Fix that is available at http://www.palmpowerups.com and accesses the hardware directly to extend the range of brightness. Energy Dimmer will be able to make use of this new range. Do note, though, that we do not endorse this direct access, and you will use this on your own risk. Energy Dimmer itself will continue to only use the OS provided capabilities.
* B/ l" U" Z6 L! w& o
' `4 r& R; @4 K( u6 j7 L
# b: b0 C- r9 d% YCrash Pro:2 O4 }7 h, D" U2 a6 w
IMPORTANT: This application is discontinued.
: S4 h( Y8 t6 `! y$ jFor the benefit of the PalmOS community, we are offering Crash Pro forfree. Create your own registration code.
9 V; [) F) ?  w$ |There will be no future updates or bugfixes. If you decide to downloadCrash Pro for your PalmOS device, please be advised that you use it onyour own risk and that no support will be provided. * d9 W6 v. @2 v9 p! O; p' \' i
Even PalmOS applications sometimes crash. Most annoyingly theon-screen reset button often does not work, requiring you to take yourdevice out of its case and perform a manual soft reset. For somedevices you may even find yourself in a frantic search for a paperclipto be able to actually do the reset.* Z- x4 Q/ c: i+ x% |& b, o4 i
Recover ...Buthere Crash Pro comes to your aid. Instead of the ugly default fatalexception dialog, Crash Pro will display a customizable image andperform an automatic soft reset after a couple of seconds.) P+ H' h! P6 X1 V) }8 b) K* q2 N3 w
Thisautomation will result in less stress when your PalmOS PDA crashes. Andif your PDA crashed in the middle of the night the automatic resetprevents its batteries to drain, as it will not stay on all night,until you eventually press the Reset button in the morning.* l3 y4 g: o0 ~+ `
' C  J2 }1 C3 N3 \* Z
Customize ...Theimage that is displayed can be exchanged. A number of image files areavailable as a free download and can be used by simply installing themto your device. If you like, you can even set Crash Pro to display arandom image from the collection. And finally you can use the CrashImager application (part of the download) to create your ownimages.  c" V3 E2 Z! v+ r% B) w) }. D
Together with the image you can also change the time until theautomatic reset. Default is 10 seconds. ; f( S. t# m8 k% X3 d7 \- x5 \. M
4 {% s$ m9 w; a- q( y0 I
Log it ...Tohelp you track down buggy applications or to assist you in beta-testingsoftware, Crash Pro allows you to keep a log of all soft resets andcrashes, including the name of the application, the exact error messageand the date and time./ E+ n2 X+ U% n! q* X2 u; i+ v; m
This log can be amended by personal notesand there is of course the possibility to export any logged entry (orthe whole log) to the Memo application so you can send the informationto the application's developer(s)., I: a! w1 F1 L- o- ?# i# g$ u2 F2 s

9 w$ I6 [: P9 Y) lOverview ...Hereis a short overview of Crash Pro's features. If you miss any, please let usknow.
7 b2 H( s/ ?# {% D, t
  • available in different languages, for example English, German, French,Italian, Russian, Brazil-Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese(simplified and traditional), Portuguese
  • displays an image when acrash is taking place
  • selectable image
  • auto-reset after afew seconds
  • countdown till auto-reset in lower-rightcorner
  • time till reset can be set by user
  • "Crash Imager"(Windows(tm) application) to create your own images for Crash
  • crashes can be logged

& E' C3 P% ]8 C; N) E$ p! a' O4 Q0 N8 t& A# n$ X
Skinner for Treo 680 and Palm Centro (GSM)IMPORTANT: This application is discontinued.% Z8 a: S( M% r3 h0 h
For the benefit of the PalmOS community, we are offering Skinner forfree. Create your own registration code.2 M$ `6 Z/ i) p/ ~  _$ j
There will be no future updates or bugfixes. If you decide to downloadSkinner for your PalmOS device, please be advised that you use it onyour ow risk and that no support will be provided.2 c) R' m. e/ M) E* r  o8 |
Tired of the look of your Treo 680's phone application? You don't wantto see the same old branded splash screens? Using Skinner for Treo680 you can change the look of your Treo's phone application as well as thesplashes that are displayed when you turn your Treo's phone on/off.
. r0 `6 q1 B' u1 l6 {7 F0 |[size=+1]Important: This version of Skinner supportsthe Palm Centro GSM version ONLY, i.e. the Centro that runs on e.g.AT&T and European carriers. The CDMA version of the Centro (Sprint network) is supported by Skinner for Treo650/700p/755p/Centro(CDMA)
5 r( S, x7 N. J9 {- J* F, v$ n8 V$ E2 N; U! i$ I
Treo style With Skinner for Treo 680 you can change the lookof your Treo's phone dialpad and favourite buttons. Tired by theboring design of the default dialpad? Just install Skinner,select a skin and you will experience a whole new side of the Treo'sphone application. Additional skinsare available.
, |' w8 H: D  z' X
: A6 y# A8 f8 \& [  x; dSkinner also allows you to change the splash screens.Don't look at branded splash screens, take matters in your own hand andcreate your custom splash screen with a funny snapshot from yourpersonal collection - or just use one of the many splash screens available online.
& \0 p1 q* z3 _5 x& V
/ W$ i' H7 g1 U6 g! Z4 |: | Create your own Skinner's download includes a free copy of theSkinner Desktop application, allowing you to create your custom skin- for example with a background image of your choice. The enclosedtutorial (PDF) and sample files (dialpads, Photoshop and GIMPtemplates) will make it easy for anyone to create such a custom skin.


692.98 KB, 下载次数: 523

Crash Pro


1.28 MB, 下载次数: 506

Skinner 680/centro 用


115.94 KB, 下载次数: 457

Dimmer 更改屏幕亮度的


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