楼主 |
发表于 2009-5-27 11:43
After reading some comments and concerns around the forum and other interwebz sources, I’ve decided to attempt to answer, to the best of my ability, a good chunk of the unknowns. From the “Meet your Contacts on the Pre” article, we already know that the Pre can pull from Google, Facebook, and/or Microsoft Exchange. So picking up from there, I added 2 accounts in contacts while an existing account was already in there. I started by adding a Gmail account and then a Facebook account, and immediately my new mail messages were available while the 70 contacts from Gmail and 75 contacts from Facebook took just under 2 minutes to completely sync.
' e( k# t2 F7 X在读了在本论坛和其他的一些资源网站上的评论和关注后,让我来试着回答(大家)很多的疑问。从‘pre查找联系人’的报道,我们已经知道 Pre可以从Google, Facebook, 和 Microsoft Exchange同步联系人。我增加了2个在上述支持的包含联系人信息的账户,一个Gmail账户和 一个Facebook账户。立刻 ,我的新邮件信息就可以看到,另外Gmail的70个联系人和Facebook上75个联系人不到2分钟的时间就同步到Pre上了。
+ x1 C3 f }& ]2 n. \; P* K" hAdding the account in contacts also added them in mail and calendar so you don’t have to create accounts in each.& n2 }& Z ^( p f
增加账户里的联系人同时 邮件和日历也将同步,因此你不大可不必每次都创建账户。. }7 O) N' F# ^5 O
Currently there doesn’t appear to be any options for setting the time between syncs or any clear indication of when the syncs are done, but adding a contact in Gmail via the web took no more than 5 minutes to show up on the Pre. If you need it faster than the auto-sync, there is an option to Sync Now in the preferences, which will force the sync. Other options in the preferences allow you to add or remove accounts, and set a default account (where any new contact will be added).2 Q# D- U2 c& F1 @
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现在没有任何迹象显示同步时时间的特征设置,也没有清晰的迹象表明同步的时候会做(同步时间),但是通过web took 增加一个邮件里的联系人 要超过5分钟才能在Pre里显示出来。假如你想在同步的时候更快,现在有了强制的参数可供选择。其他参数允许你增加 删除联系人 和设置缺省的账户 |