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1 @1 M6 \% x5 S! QJohn是iPhone的用户,最近他刚买到一台Palm Pre,当然这不是什么新闻,一不能说明他变心了,二即使他变心了也没什么,现在谁不是喜新厌旧赶着换手机呢。当然这事没这么简单,不然你以为他拿出的那把锤子是敲核桃用的吗?
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: p! b4 f5 m1 q1 U. D7 K是的,锤子,一把闪着寒光的锤子。在把自己的一代iPhone和新入手的Palm Pre并排放好后,John便开始下手了,而且还是狠手,你认为受害者会是谁呢?iPhone还是Palm Pr?; J4 j8 Y& F% N+ z) P2 e& F- K
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$ R/ X" t3 w8 D" P) n( J3 ]. q1 G6 \3 U! h J
6 P0 y; W$ `+ x" s& I( Q/ r! i* hTitle says it all. John, who just switched from his 1st Gen. iPhone to the Pre, thought there was no better way to show his love for his new Pre than to: Smash his iPhone with a steel Hammer! Epic. Though extreme, not to this level.+ D% j/ _0 c- f1 _( P
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He calls the 3 photos, "Problem, Method, Solution".2 j. |, a+ O7 E% h7 s8 [
4 f4 P7 Z- O% G7 u- h# ^# `Are you a Switcher? How'd you like your new Pre?
. C% J# l5 @! u$ f: u" i* F5 D& M& M* d8 ]$ u
More photos after the jump! Click them to enlarge.
% K3 x3 w( i @) r% Z6 X- n1 N5 |/ h! I) _* j9 Z: E
http://www.prethinking.com/home/ ... s-new-palm-pre.html |
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