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[软硬件讨论] Pre没有想象中的那么完美,不过已经相当理想了

发表于 2009-6-8 20:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
sole译:, \3 w! x0 j# ~5 I$ Y; E) A

; S9 w6 J- x  V, r6 L8 Z3 n% K2 ^老实说,对于手中的pre,实在没法抱怨太多。要说没有任何细微之处可以优化或改进,那是不可能的,不过,也不至于让我放弃买它的念头,因为我之前听到身边的朋友抱怨后悔买了pre。总之,我对pre还是很满意的。4 ]+ {" E& h$ Q
) e2 x. T  g: d3 E6 a0 A& p# N5 q4 B
至于购买经历,没法更好了!之前,我被邀请到Palm Pre 6月5号的产品发布会上,我和朋友们在晚上6点就准时拿到了Pre。在我们等待Sprint销售人员准备的时候,Palm的两名员工之一就坐在我们旁边,然后向我们演示了他自己的Pre。那感觉就好像我对Pre一点都不兴奋似的。* L9 E  F5 D2 l1 |7 o+ P

2 @  \5 Q% ?) K9 T$ o/ w不得不说,整个过程的感觉相当棒。Sprint和Palm的员工都很积极地帮助我们,在发布会上,我们积极地交流,他们也记录下了我们碰到的所有问题,比如没法更改短信和即时通讯的铃声。来自Palm的那位朋友很确定地告诉我,他们很在意用户希望改进的小问题,他们会积极处理这些问题。由于Pre的在线更新机制,实现这些改进时及其简单的。) x+ F; p- Y$ y, l! D* q

8 n9 e2 o. _0 A/ S( S6 ^  Y& @* ~1 L' y
& s. d* K9 Q! P  ^2 dNot Perfect But Pretty Damn Close…
: }( n5 Y6 q" Q8 ]
9 C3 f( v' c. o. eHonestly, I can’t complain about my Pre much. Are there little tiny things that could stand to be tweaked or improved? Absolutely, but none of them are deal breakers for me and that seems to be the consensus but there because I’ve yet to hear from fellow Pre owners regretting their purchase. All in all, I’m very satisfied.
' k5 \0 H, ~, g, P' Y3 q
6 Q* @0 F' H9 J, ~0 RI couldn’t have been more satisfied with my buying experience either. I was invited to a Palm Pre Launch even on June 5th so my best friend and I were there at 6pm sharp to get our hands on the Pre. We had to wait for a few minutes for a Sprint sales rep to be available but while we waited, one of the two men from Palm at the party sat down by us and started demoing the Pre to us on his own personal Pre. As if I wasn’t excited enough!
: u' o$ [# {5 b
3 j& C' ?, a7 F3 U+ Z0 D( LI have to say the entire experience was great. Everyone from Sprint and Palm were incredibly helpful and attentive but perhaps the best bit of news to come from the party and our interaction with them was the Palm seems to be aware of the minor limitations we have all come across, like not being able to change your alert tone for text messages and IMs. The guys from Palm assured me they are aware of all those little things we’d want improved and they are working on it and thanks to the Pre’s over the air update mechanism, it’ll be incredibly easy to implement the changes.) O2 b% j' c$ `' D- f/ d8 w
  G7 P  c. k5 q


参与人数 1威望 +10 收起 理由
寂夜清风 + 10 谢谢分享



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-8 20:26 | 显示全部楼层
8 \+ Y6 p. G% c2 m9 ]9 k! ?1 D' H5 Q/ f) B; W/ @3 n+ k5 g
% W, Q; Y4 c) v# U; \4 l) F
  q) \5 Q: m4 E* o$ n$ }0 A1 q我根据多数网友的阅读习惯把排版调整了一下.( v! j, v% H! U( ?

- ?& m. w' L8 j& k# _希望不要介意.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-8 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-8 20:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-8 23:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-9 02:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-9 05:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-9 08:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-9 10:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-9 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
, u3 E, \, N4 w" N0 m# r$ i8 j2 k4 a  M. z0 X
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-9 13:58 | 显示全部楼层
那感觉就好像我对Pre一点都不兴奋似的。- K& |0 c4 n) M$ \$ n2 s" r* f
As if I wasn’t excited enough!
$ B; u! b. x: w4 z6 N) ^2 v7 R* m$ a) G5 M) L: M' h* F+ W
应该是类似这个意思: 我已如此兴奋,他们还火上浇油!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-9 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-9 14:28 | 显示全部楼层
Not Perfect But Pretty Damn Close…
3 Z# X+ ?1 X2 z  h& f" y6 D; W6 g) A# A
Honestly, I can’t complain about my Pre much. Are there little tiny things that could stand to be tweaked or improved? Absolutely, but none of them are deal breakers for me and that seems to be the consensus but there because I’ve yet to hear from fellow Pre owners regretting their purchase. All in all, I’m very satisfied.
  d; |" f) H" b8 i1 c" y: j: g0 `8 L
& A; `$ M. M# G  ?. d坦白说我对Pre没什么不满意的。要说是完全没有可以改进的细节,当然不可能,不过即使有这些不足,我还是掏了钱签了手机合约,并且不光我这样,也还没听说谁买了Pre后悔的。总之我是相当的满意。- P. j2 m3 \: m! p+ s1 Z1 ]) L
& r, l0 S0 I& e3 T
I couldn’t have been more satisfied with my buying experience either. I was invited to a Palm Pre Launch even on June 5th so my best friend and I were there at 6pm sharp to get our hands on the Pre. We had to wait for a few minutes for a Sprint sales rep to be available but while we waited, one of the two men from Palm at the party sat down by us and started demoing the Pre to us on his own personal Pre. As if I wasn’t excited enough!
0 ~2 s9 O0 ?3 T. o- V
" F4 u2 I! B$ y对于购买过程,我也是满意得不得了。6月5号我和一位挚友晚上6点准时赴约参加了Palm Pre的发布会。(人多)所以得等一会儿才有Sprint销售代表接待,不过在等的时候Palm公司到场的两位员工之一主动过来给我们演示他自用的Pre。真是的,我已如此兴奋,他们还火上浇油,(眼红啊)!% p" ?9 M6 h" }9 P1 P
8 d7 q7 g9 x( I9 T
I have to say the entire experience was great. Everyone from Sprint and Palm were incredibly helpful and attentive but perhaps the best bit of news to come from the party and our interaction with them was the Palm seems to be aware of the minor limitations we have all come across, like not being able to change your alert tone for text messages and IMs. The guys from Palm assured me they are aware of all those little things we’d want improved and they are working on it and thanks to the Pre’s over the air update mechanism, it’ll be incredibly easy to implement the changes...
- I7 x+ M* T, U* s8 v8 f
- L: T- |, p7 h* W不得不说的是,从头到尾感觉就是一个爽字啊。Sprint和Palm公司的人个个都是热心肠。那次活动中我们和Palm负责人交流发现,其实他们已经知道了我们提出来的一些Pre可以改进的地方,比如说无法更改短信和聊天软件的铃声。对方确定地表示,这些问题已着力去解决,并且Pre是可以无线更新系统的,所以问题一旦解决都能第一时间更新。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-9 16:07 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 每天都来看pre的新闻
; B: g/ e, ]( O- I. i虽然离我还好遥远.......2013
; H8 t/ Y" d) y7 }# Z# X[3G坛,手机登陆吹友吧发帖]
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使用道具 举报

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