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sole译:好马配好鞍,新Pre有新程序!6 B" x- U9 [0 ]- {# T$ t
今天,webOS的几个开发人员正式向外公布了一些Palm Pre的新程序,如果你是Palm Pre的第一批用户,那么你是否已经准备好要探索一下App Catalog中的测试版软件呢?在Pre发售的第一天,这些软件的下载量已经达到150000次!/ R# }5 N' C( f% w
9 N* s) P0 h/ ]! P; j+ W* uLocate:WHERE类别的程序,基于所处位置提供相关的内容,包括天气、新闻、餐馆预览、加油站、电影时间、与他人交流。: y K0 W+ [. B( g; f9 U" U Q) c
* Zumobi:今日秀和棒球程序,后者提供了不断更新的新闻和运动的更新。
5 e9 H* r/ f1 M& H! b* LikeMe:将用户所处位置与LikeMe信息结合起来,就近为用户提供个性化的推荐。
" h1 ]! B' f6 }; q* FlightView:为用户提供精确到分钟的航线信息。
6 F' e1 i. |6 v5 O* Mark/Space:“The Missing Sync for Palm Pre”Beta 1 MAC版本,用于同步Mac和Pre的联系人、日历、音乐、铃声、照片,还有更多~$ N6 x, {( \* z( ^9 F! E. o0 r
* Chapura:PocketMirror标准允许Pre用户与非EAS的桌面版outlook同步数据。
7 ?; O+ T2 p# f- x" h* v- r* Citysearch:浏览、搜索和共享本地商务信息并发布实时评论。6 m: S. g, c- ]; E0 T+ _
* Handmark:股市快递有助于Pre用户及时了解自己的股票信息以及股市新闻。
8 U; c9 Y3 v1 o. I9 [5 W q* Pandora: 广受欢迎的无线电程序,为Pre用户提供个性化的免费音乐电台。5 L+ I/ p$ ^' i+ {+ Q5 M
* Fandango:并非只有Pre用户才可以查看电影信息和订购电影票,有了Palm Synergy就可以自动安排日历上即将上映的电影。) ^$ k F& ^ y$ C0 q$ q% e" b
* Beeweeb:为Palm webOS平台和Pre提供开发服务。
! s* U1 a* G, P) `/ _+ A8 m* Agile Commerce:开发者可以使用Agile Commerce来创建Palm webOS平台和Pre手机的程序。数百个独立开发者正参与Palm Mojo SDK的早期程序开发,更多的开发者正准备投身于开发中。同时,有了MotionApps的被称为Classic的模拟器,Pre可以运行Palm OS平台上的众多程序!; ^3 j8 P4 a, Q& G G
" m$ r! q |* E6 d原文:New Apps for New Palm Pre3 W. P; A0 V; Z3 y7 Z
Today, several webOS developers are formally unveiling new apps and functionality for Palm Pre1. If you’re one of the first customers for Palm Pre, you’ve probably already discovered some of these in the betaversion of the App Catalog — over 150,000 apps were downloaded on thefirst day that Pre was available.
0 G% k) [8 U/ q Q1 D- c) h* pThe webOS developers announcing apps and developer services today include:
; A) g& X( O6 Y1 G* uLocate: the WHERE application for Pre provides local content based on your current location, including weather, news, restaurant reviews, gas stations, movie show times, and the ability to connectwith other users.
8 g8 \+ s4 A( n& x* Zumobi: the company’s Today Show and Sporting News Baseball apps for Pre offer on-the-go news and sports updates.
* i6 @: ?9 e( N' J. e3 Z% p G6 w0 w* LikeMe: This application combines your location with your LikeMeprofile to offer personalized recommendations on nearby places.
! `1 Z* l1 `7 c6 ^* FlightView: The FlightView app provides users up-to-the-minute flight information.
+ t9 q" F3 G1 f! n- E: l* Mark/Space: The Mac version of “The Missing Sync for Palm Pre”Beta 1 synchronizes contacts, calendars, music, ringtones, photos andmore between a Mac and Pre.5 L: T/ z7 m8 H! p
* Chapura: PocketMirror Standard lets Pre users synchronize data with non-EAS desktop versions of Microsoft Outlook. X& j; A' g7 |3 }8 \% i
* Citysearch: With Mobile by Citysearch, Pre users can browse,search and share local business information and post real-time reviews.. B# _4 T. y2 j
* Handmark: Express Stocks helps Palm Pre customers keep up with their stock portfolio and market news.
! ?: `! V/ L- m* G/ ]* Pandora: The popular internet radio application provides a personalized free mobile music channel to Pre customers.' w8 g: P* t8 n% u
* Fandango: Not only can Pre users view movie trailers and ordertickets using this app, but Fandango will automatically schedule yourupcoming movies on your calendar thanks to Palm Synergy.
( u. ~( a, Z( x/ ?- E* Beeweeb: beeweeb is offering development services for the Palm webOS platform and the new Palm Pre phone.
q1 h1 g* r m' `/ e8 U& i% w) s$ C5 \* Agile Commerce: Agile Commerce is working with developers tocreate applications for the Palm webOS platform and the Palm Pre phone.9 O L9 v+ {1 N2 f( n' F ?* U
Hundreds of independent developers are participating in Palm’s earlyaccess program for the Mojo SDK (the software development kit forcreating webOS apps), with thousands more developers ready to dive inas we ramp up. And with MotionApps’s emulator called “Classic,” Prealready runs programs from the vast library of apps already developedfor Palm OS.
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! }3 W+ X, W3 t[ 本帖最后由 rylee 于 2009-6-9 12:57 编辑 ] |