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[求购] 要买导航仪的朋友不要错过了,做工暴好顶级车载GPS 导航仪tomtom duo

发表于 2009-6-16 15:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

联系方式:电话:13482100011  QQ: 732334423  MSN:[url=]sh_sunpeer@hotmail.com[/url]

模拟导航演示:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjEwMDA4NjQ=.html (请复制地址到浏览器地址栏打开)

价格:499 [支付宝购买](全机身铝合金框架包围,抗震抗干扰能力强,品质可不是山寨品牌能比的哦!1周内不满意接受无条件退货,通淘宝联系购买的朋友请说明吹友吧来的,谢谢!)
备注:tomtom duo 为AVN2210p Physical 的导航部分,具体看下面国外网站介绍。本页面销售的是导航部分模块,少了一个多媒体控制底座,所以一些功能会缺失,如FM控制,iPod连接,蓝牙电话免提。
包括:主机一台 (原厂出品) (无包装工厂过来的库存,成色大概9成新左右/ 对成色太在意的朋友请谨慎购买)
特点:收星快速,稳定(高架路下不掉星)直观的界面,人性化的易用性操作,流畅的运新速度;  惯性导航,万一高架路下暂时卫星信号中断可以模拟导航,画面不会停滞; TTS 语音播报道路(几乎达到真人语音播报程度); 固定测速点预警,智能路径修正(错过了路口/道路自动计算新路径,不用人工干预),多种路径规划可选如最短/最快/避开高速/步行路径/自行车路径/提示收费站等。
配件:挡风玻璃支架/ 车载充电器/家用充电器/ 品胜高级屏幕保护膜/ 2G SD地图卡(均为第三方通用配件,非原厂)

地图:包含最新大陆的详尽地图(中国)/台湾/香港 (另外有需要可以加SD扩展卡付费安装欧美等其他国家地区地图)

服务:提供3年地图免费升级服务 / 机器硬件1年保修服务 (友情提示:GPS更重要的是地图的及时的更新和操作系统升级,我们能给您更好的服务哦!)



Eclipse Audio System with TomTom Duo


I recently wrote an article called[url=]Death of the PND[/url]where I stated most of the things I don’t like about portable navigation devices. The suction cup mount is ugly, cords hang everywhere, and the devices don’t interact with your car in a “smart way”. In dash-systems also have less than desirable features– many don’t offer 3D views, upgrades are difficult and costly, and you can’t take the device to another vehicle. Luckily there are products on the market now which are designed to address most of those issues, and recently I’ve spent some time with one of them, the TomTom Eclipse AVN2210p. The TomTom Eclipse is basically an in-dash stereo, CD, and navigation system which replaces your current double DIN stereo. However the really unique part is that you can quickly snap out the GPS device and turn it in to a slim and portable navigation device for another vehicle. I’ve got the AVN2210p mounted in my car and have been test driving it extensively for the past few days, and here is what I think.

AVN2210p PhysicalDescribing the TomTom Eclipse takes on two aspects, one is the overall unit itself and the other is the PND. The overall device is what is known in automotive circles as “Double DIN”. So if you have an existing Double DIN sized stereo, or room for one, it will likely fit in your vehicle.
On the top left is an audio display which will show you the current radio station, CD track, or other interactive feedback such as setting the bass level or other sound quality settings. In the middle of the left side is round four way button which resembles the round button on an iPod. This is used to advance tracks, switch radio stations, etc. Rotating that dial changes the volume. Surrounding the dial are buttons to change the music source, power the device on and off, select a different band, as well as a handy mute button.

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