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PALM PRE快捷键使用方式大家学习一下

发表于 2009-6-29 01:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 ?# X3 u7 B( B# [Keyboard shortcuts 2 \2 h: ]4 S3 A) C2 l) f9 {8 Y5 j
& z; F% v* }& B. L) h9 ^2 C/ G6 o
3 x5 J# G" H' P4 W& U" H6 {
: b7 }& n- Q3 J# \) d/ N" E% nScreenshot: Orange button + Shift(or Symbol) + P -> will put screenshot in photos under screencaptures (ty artap99)
3 _: u: o' b# ?2 d; A& Z0 v9 D* z8 z0 u/ n/ `9 w3 ^; I
Deleting app from launcher: hold down Orange button and tap app icon (ty xplode)
8 Z, f1 q9 X! ~) G0 J1 g1 V8 y" c0 z9 ]. k) M$ W
Deleting Emails/Drafts: Flick the email to right/left, may ask deletion confirmation (ty TonyRad). E7 E) ?# F# U5 g: w( y; B

, g+ ^8 H1 r  R4 W4 JGoing back/fwd in text: hold down Orange button and drag finger to where you want to go, detailed explanation on page 11 (ty MarcoC and EcIipse)& ~$ b/ X: ?3 L# b# Z* o

. w/ @- v$ G. B% @( a5 Z- W" FDelete text fast (1 word at a time): hold down shift key then press delete (ty artap99)' }* D6 u9 P& a- S( w/ m- B
! j% Y9 }4 S+ G
Highlight text: hold down shift and drag finger over text
9 ]8 {5 |$ n! ~- ^% t5 |. r
" N8 C' l- v& Z4 q, |! wCut/Copy/Paste: highlight text with above method, place finger in gesture area and press X/C/V respectively (ty .plaid)
. [5 c  ^8 ^, B3 V6 a
$ O' T$ d  D8 r' @8 z$ ^Tab between fields (For Pre config only, NOT browser): press enter, will take you to next field (ty monkeyxplosion)
( x" I7 b6 w- ^- @/ A7 k: g
8 ~! |, I( P. FDial phone # with a pause: enter p or t within the phone # to obtain a pause (ex: 1(800)123-4567p1234), for more detailed explanation refer to page 4 and 9 (ty Tuckmobile, nfelddav, and wizzard13)
2 A5 k6 J) K+ b( [7 b( y4 q# ^* Q; a+ v
Page length scrolling (only for browser in landscape mode): use the right/top gesture area to scroll 1 page length up/down& U8 ^) J4 T! F) S0 |

' y' a( g  V8 dOpen link in new card: hold symbol + press link (ty aolbites) No longer works, may be due to 1.03 (not sure but ty .plaid)
9 M( Y) w( G1 \. t" n
1 z- X9 {8 Q# H5 d3 WTake a picture: press space bar while in camera mode
# X! o- Z, O( D$ f* \* b+ E- C6 g% {% ]9 y) ^
Silence/Ignore call: press power button once for silence, twice for ignore, J6 Q+ @& C; B6 x' Z. a5 L7 N4 D

, T  v9 I5 Y& h' b% XNum/Caps Lock: Hit the Orange/Shift button twice respectively (ty jstoman)0 X: F2 K# e7 C: l+ Q
" A* F8 \  t) u& w: {7 O  S
Square root, %, etc.. on Calculator: Press space bar to toggle between buttons (ty missy brown)
3 I! |9 H% s; s/ I$ n+ P7 H( M6 r) i* t( |1 S% F
Soft Rest: Orange + Symbol + R (ty velocityx)9 i3 z) t) t) m+ L2 u& I

* n7 B  \  n; u" wReverse Logistics Support: dial ##786# (ty velocityx and twentythreemx), Y" e, a. Y) X9 x

' t% j) D! |# F/ o- c1 bDebug Parameters: dial ##33284 (ty kansanpoker)
( \( j& V8 a, L( a
# K' P8 {, ~* Q5 j( Z& F' TEVDO Mode: dial ##3836# See pg. 13 for more details (ty Tokyo_Ben)


参与人数 1威望 +10 收起 理由
CyberVsQ + 10 谢谢分享



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-29 02:11 | 显示全部楼层
先抢了沙发,估计还是很多朋友需要翻译的, 最好lz好事做到底,顺手翻译一下,嘿嘿
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-29 02:39 | 显示全部楼层
7 Z& T2 d' k% b1 l
, n8 |: j( X  }- [3 u+ C英语撇啊。。。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-29 07:45 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-29 09:04 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-29 09:18 | 显示全部楼层
现在存钱准备入手了 哈哈 激动啊
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使用道具 举报

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