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[新闻评论] 转载 揭秘Palm Pre背后8位杰出人才 + 采访用户体验设计师Michelle Koh

发表于 2009-6-30 15:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文 http://news.csdn.net/a/20090608/211796.html. P+ q& d2 n- F1 u- O, D$ g

% f& R' c9 y) y. t2 L8 O7 _外媒揭秘Palm Pre背后8位杰出人才0 n1 ~& W. B: d5 u
本文发表于 2009-06-08 09:13 | 2790次阅读 | 来源:网易科技 | 共有评论(1)条 发表评论
% C$ p6 r& d* t8 {  P& |% T关键词:Palm  | 感谢ydj9931的提供 | 收藏这篇新闻6 H9 I' q9 E4 ^  H6 \

* c( ^- J4 W8 k; \/ ^* v6月7日消息,据mobilecrunch网站报道,8个杰出人才加盟Palm成功推出Pre和webOS系列产品,进一步促使Palm逐步走向成功。* u# _. A, s. E' z  x

0 e8 s% @2 y) h# ]0 i4 ?在2007年6月初,Palm逐步陷入崩溃边缘。其旗舰产品Treo已跟不上时代潮流。而且,与同类产品相比,Treo产品销售量也急剧下滑,同时关于Treo的各种批评也日趋增多。2007年6月4日,私募股权公司(Elevation Partners)以3.25亿美元收购了Palm公司25%的股权。公司开始重整旗鼓,在两年后的今天,Palm推出了新产品Pre产品。
& N! D7 D! G0 e  F. _% w4 x# r
* a+ S3 @2 g! W( w& u  t$ Z& a+ h0 ~但是,什么东西趋使私募股权公司出资3.25亿美元对Palm进行收购呢?答案就是人才,从竞争对手中争取更多的人才。通过合理的工作时间和薪金政策,Palm公司保留了公司中最杰出的人才,结果就促使Palm Pre和webOS这系列产品的推出,进下促使Palm走向成功。
1 N) {8 Q3 A/ h& o* ?& s1 f' @9 {9 {9 E7 W
以下向读者介绍Palm公司的8位杰出人才:, v# Q  S- ]3 ]7 r+ k3 U6 }: P

1 y9 {. F: T7 K/ I9 f7 H" P! ?乔恩鲁宾斯坦(Jon Rubinstein):鲁宾斯坦是Palm公司从苹果公司引进来的最出名的人物。从1997年2月到2006年4月,鲁宾斯坦一直在苹果公司工作。在苹果公司,他首先担任硬件工程部门高级副主席,然后担任苹果公司iPod团队高级副主席。当时,乔布斯将其注意力投放到移动播放器时,没有人知道怎么去实现这一产品。然而,当鲁宾斯坦在参观完后日本东芝公司的1.8的硬件驱动器后,他就开始对其进行组合,这样就诞生了iPod。2007年10 月,Elevation Partners收购Palm已成定论。鲁宾斯坦也正是在那个时候加入了Palm公司,担任Palm公司CEO。
* B. {" P6 v2 Z1 F+ w8 j( N( B2 ^  w) K3 ]1 D9 D$ X, ?" T
林恩福克斯(Lynn Fox):福克斯担任Palm公司公共关系部总监,负责对外关系。对于Pre这个新产品,所有的员工都宣誓保守这个秘密,同时所有的信息也都进行知密范围限制。这项产品的推出也就可以说成是惊空出世。2008年3月在加盟Palm公司之前,福克斯在苹果公司工作至少8年。在苹果公司,福克斯也是担任公共关系部总监。- ~  X, z! U9 e) {. {7 B

- C! J" N4 ^7 b8 @$ W. L) Z迈克贝尔(Mike Bell):贝尔是Palm公司产品研发部高级副总监。2008年1月,贝尔加盟Palm公司。他之前曾在苹果公司工作过16年。在苹果公司,他担任 CPU软件项目总副部监。贝尔也曾表示他喜欢在Palm工作,称他从来没有见过如些多、如些有天份的人才。( t% k4 I# k0 V8 v

0 t3 i% w. \; O% {) D. B接下来必须提到The Helions团队,因为余下的四位杰出人才来自这一团队:The Helions是一个生产硬件的团队,但没有任何人会对一个只生产硬件的Palm感兴趣。华丽的webOS的诞生同时也证明了Helions团队的能力。 webOS视觉体验和功能享受于一身。尽管目前webOS还没有实现,而还不能证明自己和iPhone OS/App Store一样具有可研发的平台,但这款产品还是很吸引大众的眼球。
. E4 U% x& s# I6 @* Q# T3 {1 X( P6 {. I/ B1 a
由于MVNO Helio无线服务也趋于灭亡,因此webOS的神秘存在可能会显得多余。但是Helio现在已经开始秘密进行,而且Helions的UI团队已向公司做出承诺。Helions团队中前任人员在Palm公司的用户体验团队中占据一定的比例,所有一切都表明webOS即将问世。
0 C8 s" ~7 F  d% ^/ ^0 z" }# F7 u- t$ g# m  p% s/ F# @* s4 `2 g9 a4 U& [
马蒂亚斯杜瓦迪(Matias Duarte):不管马蒂亚斯走到哪里,所用户都紧紧追随。当他在Danger时,他推出了UI产品。而且这些今天在Sidekick系列产品中还有使用。在Helio,他的团队艰难地做出了最著名的Helio Ocean。马蒂亚斯在成为用户体验项目部总监之前,他在Helio中担任首席设计师。不幸的是,我们对这个团队的其它成员并不了解。但是我们确实了解到一部分跟随着走进Helio的人员,他们是:
) _) i) F: f) |4 ~" {0 v: {
# \2 `) {1 p+ m0 H' H  B韦斯(Wes Yun):在到Helio工作之前,曾效力于Designory。
/ m% F- N, D7 q) A9 x9 U# b. \: g# K2 c! j
米歇尔(Michelle Koh): 在到Helio工作之前,曾效力于Designory。
6 G4 @% E1 C3 W( W4 T( `8 H! {9 ]& ~" c0 G2 V% o9 G+ H9 n
奈特(Nate Streu): Helions团队中前任人员
2 }/ e4 W$ L; {/ g
% ~2 Y6 a% ~3 ^3 p2 L丹尼尔(Daniel Shiplacoff): Helions团队中前任人员$ j8 v. ^! _+ g  n! v% h
" E* F8 Q# e0 W7 K2 b
马蒂亚斯过去在Danger和Helio的队友在自由和薪多方面都受到一定的限制。然而在Helio,他们成功的研发出Helio Ocean 2。但是限于技术原因和SK Telecom的反对,这项产品并没有推出。但是,在马蒂亚斯和其队友地努力下,webOS逐步形成。
0 |' W+ q0 J& _' N! v) g
8 U1 O4 y0 r1 E9 s. J4 _. J! X9 q4 R$ i7 ^
4 r! b0 `) g/ a! @) X& E6 u

3 f4 g3 \7 ^- J4 b原文 http://news.csdn.net/a/20090629/212252.html
+ d. b$ C( \8 W* J, W! B- u0 [1 v1 I: p- q

. t$ ]# Q  p! ?; n* p* g5 B. q' {- I0 Z$ ~
Palm Pre设计故事:采访用户体验设计师Michelle Koh) m: B; x, Y' W% A4 b- ]9 K7 m
本文发表于 2009-06-29 17:21 | 1521次阅读 | 共有评论(2)条 发表评论
( ]9 g6 c9 E: p9 P' E关键词:Palm  | 感谢jiangtao的提供 | 收藏这篇新闻
' ^! w! r# ]; Q9 c; w! ]" X
/ P. r8 W4 n/ e4 ^: L" L" t2 GMichelle Koh是Palm用户界面团队的成员,她是Palm新WebOS系统用户体验设计的主力,并负责设计Palm传奇般的PIM程序核心。为了更好理解Pre 的与众不同之处,我特地进行了这次访问。值得一提的是,她设计了全局搜索,并对设备的全局导航和系统用户界面设计也有贡献。
: v5 o, q6 I" C0 v; w3 }, J" C1 o% v! i: D, F
BRADLEY HEBDON(BH) :你并不是一直从事移动产品设计的。为什么从互联网设计转向移动产品设计?, m, d4 S4 v  m) f$ L

. V2 g9 L7 r; V/ q) D3 sMICHELLE KOH(MK):转向移动设计的原因有这么几个。首先,将全部的设计思想实践到一个人们实实在在能够摸得到的产品中,感觉就像魔法一般,我想参与到这个过程中来。
4 L) |, C4 k$ i# u8 e4 L8 S* Y9 Y' y: A- s+ ^! _
) c, j% ^/ c( ^# `& G, u; ]/ l+ z. Q
; S7 q" Q- S& b% r
3 J  A" P' ]* q; h  zBH:我想在iPhone出现之前,很多用户都有过非常糟糕的手持设备使用体验,是不是这种糟糕的经验驱使你去尝试?
0 Y, P- ]5 _, D. u/ U; |! j8 e* M7 S6 s3 P6 D+ T: U+ b
MK:我总是对事物有种不满意的感觉,所以可以回答说是的。7 Z! S# G2 w5 i& u

+ V: g" a/ p2 m9 u5 T9 ~BH:还有什么其他原因驱使你进入移动领域?0 L5 a& r+ d$ r
: J0 ?* N2 U4 ^
- u4 Y$ }0 n3 Z7 T5 p. i; k# h6 l+ {2 v9 D  R
) S5 Z( o* [8 c) V  C2 g8 ^7 D1 l
/ C% l6 K0 K1 B* f. W( j9 b& V( G  XMK:我下一个关注的领域是寻找一种有意义、有用的方法让网络体验和移动体验紧密关联有点说不清楚,但不清楚恰恰是一个开始,为了以后能有更多更有用的发现。我想这个方向是很好的,例如把网页版本的Facebook和iPhone版的Facebok关联起来。
1 X- Y5 {" l+ |) t% B+ f+ k: N
# H* X. `5 v7 |BH:从互联网设计转移到移动设计最大的挑战是什么?7 g+ ^2 F$ B% ]9 u1 ~; V
# d1 [7 I; S* V1 t9 a
MK:我转型时,个人遇到最大的困难是充满了兴奋、怀疑和不确定。从事网页设计的时候,网页设计师这个职业正在出现,行业正在走向成熟,我也一样。出现的新事物我都学习并且实践了。希望说这个的时候大家不会觉得我太骄傲或者自吹自擂,但我确实擅长。' d9 _4 W; U) q9 Q8 t6 L
# c5 N  y$ T, }% }
BH:所以那个时候你的工作是得心应手的?1 D6 c: E9 y- f3 q' r
$ V4 @- o- }+ A3 T8 E2 g
MK:没错,要呆在这个自己得心应手的领域并不难。但有人告诉我,作为设计师最大的挑战是在一次全新的飞跃中产生的。因此我就飞了!转向了移动领域确实是很大的挑战,我并不太熟悉这个行业,很多事情不懂,技术性又很强,我怀疑自己的能力。所以这个挑战也是很个人化的感觉,现在处在变革的中心我感到很兴奋,但也充满了挑战。; h: m4 [* _" a$ ]

) d: T( T3 |" w1 f4 Z* Y5 M7 YBH:提到兴奋,Pre对你和你们的设计团队来说,应该是非常激动人心的吧。很多人拿Pre和iPhone相比,你认为两者不同之处在哪里?2 N% J0 U( j6 _- g

3 c$ h  F* r1 A! S1 hMK:我还记得一年前第一次见到原型机的时候。我内心工业设计师的灵魂大喊:太绝了!弧线设计非常贴合手掌,滑盖打开时,曲线更加明显,能更好地贴在耳边。不需要键盘的时候就滑下去,我太喜欢这设计了。曲线延伸直到键盘,感觉非常协调。
; q* D/ y: w  ]3 d1 I' C; Z2 h; h" [
1 j# F+ o) D9 |4 o
# o9 t* W$ [( k9 k! L5 @& [MK:我用iPhone的虚拟键盘也有一年多了,我认为物理键盘vs虚拟键盘的争论其实是偏好的问题。我已经很适应虚拟键盘了,打字速度也非常快。我也喜欢Pre的物理键盘,因为打错的几率更小。他们的优势相当,但物理键盘有一个好处屏幕使用面积!iPhone屏幕上很重要的信息经常都被虚拟键盘挡住了,在这方面我的体验很不好。8 k7 \- q8 m5 I4 A) X: U# \

; M' Z1 j% ]& M! O/ Z' CBH:能不能告诉我们一些Touchstone的消息?; P0 |' U8 z1 E: p

( i) R$ \- M% A: P; KMK:太酷了。之前只能在电影里看到的,现在终于成了大众化的消费品了。一些被认为是geek的东西变得时髦了,因此被改变不仅仅是充电的方式,而是人类行为认知的方式。我很不爱给iPhone充电,因为电线绕来绕去,很烦。但把手机放在Touchstone上,这么自然的动作,回归人性化。
! ^0 q4 j+ t9 Z1 Y
5 ]$ G# C" L9 m! ?9 Z5 S) s" v0 i4 `BH:Touchstone确实很特别。希望这样的产品还能够支持一次充电多个设备。Pre还有其他的特性与iPhone很不一样么?9 @  O( T4 X; g0 ^7 w8 n

# W' f! H+ W) E4 H( lMK:我不是操作系统专家。但是在移动领域工作的两年来,我学了不少东西。我一早知道一个过时的操作系统可以毁掉很多款手机,也能解释为什么我的手机使用体验总是很糟糕。从用户体验的角度,平台从单任务转向多任务,这是iPhone以来见到的最大突破。如果我没说错,RIM的黑莓Storm+触摸界面也因为操作系统的原因显得非常失败。杀手级的操作系统很关键,对Pre来说这就是WebOS。
! i) I  X& |& k7 q$ u, Y7 \/ I: h& ~+ W" u6 b
: Q6 {, G0 T% O9 _" }
% N8 J/ A0 k# M+ U2 x; ^MK:一开始计划融合Facebook和网页的PIM数据的时候,特别是关系到PIM数据时,我一直想解决一个反复出现的问题。我想处理已经生成的数据,而不是再生成一遍数据。我不关心数据在哪里,只要能用就行。也不想管理联系人名单,白白花几个小时填写信息,特别是因为联系人都已经处理了自己的数据(例如Facebook的个人档案)。Palm的Synergy是未来技术的关键所在。不仅在手机里,在诸如上网本之类带宽有限的设备中也能用到。(Synergy ifanr译为协合)
4 k1 h2 H0 Q1 I9 B9 @# O) X
( }8 q6 a5 ?6 k3 N# ~BH:个人而言,我认为浏览器是移动体验最重要的一环。Pre的表现如何?' h) s0 Q1 a' S" Q

: ]( F! ]7 T* c/ W; [6 O. ~9 EMK:我见过内部的Pre浏览器和iPhone的Safari浏览器对比。我要说,新的浏览器太好了。由于WebOS卡片浏览的支持,页面导航非常容易。期待已久Flash的支持令人欣慰,这么多的网站都内置了flash或支持flash,能够使用它非常重要。
" W! P9 `' {! f. |. b3 |; a$ o( `" }0 }9 c: O% V. G) [
BH:Palm对鼓励应用程序方面有什么做法?! |& \1 q5 `8 O1 T9 \

: j3 o4 q" J* K& YMK:设计师能通过自己从没用过的开发工具又快又好地设计软件吗?现在通过自己、朋友和所在圈子都熟悉的工具设计又会如何?俗话说得好,Palm不重新发明轮子,我们只是把轮子滚向另外一个能够开创新道路的方向,用的工具则是大家最熟悉的HTML, CSS和Javascript,用这些来撬动以网络为核心的技术。+ B: p9 q9 D$ F

1 G/ m2 _" y% P1 @BH:目前所见,UI非常绚丽,甚至比iPhone更厉害。采用这样的设计架构和美学思想,背后的主要原则是什么?( c- t8 b0 x( {5 S+ k$ ?
, C+ U6 M; U. j" x+ E4 [, ]
8 L; w2 n, f+ Z& X" \- Z" ~/ K: M; s$ n% [, c! K
$ [  x6 Z6 I; y/ u& s
6 n7 A; V, K9 d+ XMK:如果能继续呆在Palm设计新产品当然很好,这里有很棒的同事和很少有的实现突破的机会。然而我在硅谷工作,家住在洛杉矶,长期来说个人不太方便。
5 \: G# H7 D2 a. t9 }& s
2 B+ C2 `) i6 [0 G) u5 s: a, b我能够有这样的机会为Palm工作一年半的时间,希望能够看到Zen of Palm(Palm禅宗,有兴趣的同学自己google一下)的回归,并把最好的移动体验带给Palm用户。我真的希望用户开心,这是我最主要的目的。, {8 X+ K4 W, ^4 U& R) d5 |7 o
& k; O! |- k5 g' x# P" M: d
7 s4 d9 J/ s/ k( {3 v6 t$ ?& z% g8 b
MK:我用另外一个问题回答这个问题吧,就是信息和技术驱动下的时代会是怎样的?随着移动的进步,社会化网络会进一步繁荣。我提到了互联网、移动和社会化网络的交互将有很多领域有待发掘。虽然三者的交集现在还很小,但趋势将会很好,会壮大。. X2 q0 I( l; g5 X
3 e% i+ {; }/ q# m( [6 x; d
BH:你对移动的社交网络有兴趣?/ [% r* X- v  c4 P1 R2 [% p
. v' H6 i7 O5 _
MK:实际上我下一个工作就是为MySpace Music做用户体验设计。这是我和很多音乐方面的公司一起工作机会,希望能为歌迷、艺术家和公司创造经济价值。在这个行业和企业充满热情,挑战很大,竞争激烈。MySpace Music需要有人设计用户体验,我是新团队里面第一个拿到这份工作的,希望能为MySpace Music的进步贡献力量。祝福我吧!: r; f+ @3 _2 E3 Z$ F7 R; c

! p/ B2 J: n) O8 x/ I- o& ]BH:听起来是很好的机会,恭喜你!感谢抽出时间接受访问,希望你新工作顺利。* u( L+ ?6 ?' n& _; ?+ J# y

- n% s% ~  ]& {; b% s* @$ ]) t6 m翻译原文出自:Pre设计故事:采访用户体验设计师Michelle Koh4 W4 v3 P' A' \. S! }. E/ z. s5 \
By Bradley Hebdon , Akanekou译

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发表于 2009-6-30 15:15 | 显示全部楼层
希望Palm Pre背后出现第9位杰出人才——王晓初,贡献是开放天朝百姓Palm Pre免费写号
, T& P. r/ t: D) y' T4 \( V- L7 }0 ]
+ q' t& r5 [* k2 U! S6 j" B6 d% m[ 本帖最后由 EricHoo 于 2009-6-30 15:18 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-6-30 15:20 | 显示全部楼层
2007年10 月,Elevation Partners收购Palm已成定论。鲁宾斯坦也正是在那个时候加入了Palm公司,担任Palm公司CEO。: V& ~% k  F0 N: q& |8 O1 W

& x& T5 C# J3 |. N5 c$ x* V这句话是梦话么????完了,让我对全文产生了不信任感。。。
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发表于 2009-6-30 15:35 | 显示全部楼层


' R/ [5 ~! n6 P2 {/ \; {
0 ~! n% _4 h: D2 v) s. J# cDesigning the Palm Pre: An interview with Michelle Koh
9 N1 r: ^; J4 C" SPosted on 04. Jun, 2009 by Bradley Hebdon in Interviews
0 U8 t4 f8 ?. L) U8 ]It’s the question on everyone’s lips these days. Is the Palm Pre going to make an impact large enough to save both Palm and Sprint? We shall see how this plays out once the anticipated savior descends to earth on June 6, 2009 AD.  But launching alone will not a savior make. Rather, Palm’s destiny lies largely in the hands of the passionate, talented and empowered individuals who have defined and designed the Pre’s user experience.9 p. i& V& d% k" A) n$ y7 z5 ?; a
To better understand the Pre’s design and differentiators, I caught up with user experience colleague Michelle Koh, a member of the human interface team at Palm. She played a large part in designing the user experience for Palm’s new WebOS platform and the core Person Information Management (PIM) applications that Palm is legendary for. Specifically, she designed the global device search, phone, and contact applications, as well as contributing to the overall device navigation and system UI design.
6 R0 s/ T# _  ~6 P1 e2 h& PBRADLEY HEBDON: You haven’t always designed mobile experiences. Why did you make the transition from web to mobile?; w/ c8 K! s: Z  r" {( e& o
MICHELLE KOH: There are probably several reasons why I made the move to mobile. Firstly, there is something magical in canonizing all the design thought and work into an actual physical product that people can touch and I wanted to get close to that process.
) \" ?; h# E7 m0 M! C' j( i. }Then there’s the impact a mobile experience has. It’s frequent and daily, and therefore makes an impact to people in their everyday life.4 X/ \8 T+ l6 g2 n4 {
Curiosity is another reason. Why is my phone like this? How come it’s so hard to use? Wouldn’t it be better if it could……
5 a1 ^3 C  q+ X, `# I. pBH: I think most users have been used to a very poor mobile user experience until the iPhone came along. Perhaps your frustration drove you?9 |1 P, c5 X& {$ Q1 M9 N
MK: I’ve always had a healthy dose of “dissatisfaction”, so yes.3 N( i3 w* J- Q- h  |
BH: What else pulled you into the mobile space?
* Q" x1 C: _: F+ G1 p# w  h  CMK: I had a desire to get out of my comfort-zone and design in an industry, medium, and technology where I would have to learn from others and also contribute from my own experiences.
+ A7 K* x2 j2 D- n; ?' YAlso, I recognized the social and technology blips on the radar and had a wishy-washy feeling that the Smartphone was the next milestone in this information age. So I wanted to adopt it and adapt my design thinking and skills.2 X7 |# X8 V. [9 Y8 g
BH: Now that you’ve immersed yourself in designing for the mobile experience, do you have anything in mind going forward?! S* k* z  f: B$ Q8 u* `  X3 y' z$ @
MK: My next area of focus might be to try and find meaningful and useful ways to breed the web and mobile experiences together … it’s vague … but vagueness is typically the starting point for further discovery and viability. I think we are seeing really good glimpses of this with the web version of Facebook and the iPhone version of Facebook.5 R2 L9 ?& H( @
BH: What were the biggest challenges in moving from web to mobile?* v. m" G8 E4 o" j) N1 F7 ]
MK: My biggest challenge in making this transition was honestly a personal one filled with excitement, doubt, and uncertainty. When I started my career in web, it fortunately coincided with the birth of the “web designer” and so as this field was maturing, I was as well. I couldn’t get a degree in this so I taught myself and learned from others in the same position. I learned everything as it was being invented, ingested the innovations, and practiced them. I hope I can say this without sounding prideful and self-proclaimed, but I became pretty good at it.
0 @/ z/ u5 H% b9 S' h; C, x5 P& aBH: So you were in a comfortable place then?
; h) u7 U- U+ b- L% A5 m* C3 _& eMK: Yes. At that point, it was easy to stay where I was comfortable. But I was once told that your biggest challenge as a designer is when you take a leap. So I jumped! And so transitioning to mobile was a challenge in that I did not mature in this industry, relatively, there was more that I did not know, it’s very technical in nature, and I doubted myself. The challenge was more personal. Right now, it’s so exciting to be in this chaos of change but it is challenging., Z* @" `( X+ e/ s) o* b7 p2 [+ r
BH: Speaking of exciting, the upcoming release of Palm’s Pre must represent a climax to what must have been a thrilling time for you and the design team.  And it seems the pundits are matching up the Pre against the iPhone, how do you think the Pre differs from the iPhone?& P. |5 {& b  W& r* A
MK: I remember when i saw the first mock-up of this over a year ago. The inner industrial designer in me screamed “brilliant”! The slight curve felt comfortable in my hand and when I slid open the device, the curve line was further emphasized so that I could cradle it against my ear. And the keyboard is hidden away when I don’t need it. You don’t expect curves on devices so this was a delightful design decision that I appreciate a great deal. The curves are reinforced in the overall footprint down to the keyboard, which gives it a sense of harmony.
$ l( ^( Q6 l4 e+ fBH: One of the first things people will notice is the Pre’s keyboard. Do you see it as an advantage over the iPhone?
' j& X; N& w* a' k1 y7 _MK: Having used a virtual keyboard on the iPhone for over a year now, I think that the physical vs. virtual keyboard battle is actually a preference issue. I’ve become very good at using my screen keyboard and can type very fast. I also like using the Pre’s keyboard because I make fewer errors. Both benefits are on par but there is an advantage to a physical keyboard … screen real estate! What could be used for valuable information is taken up by the virtual keyboard on my iPhone, which in my experience is a poor one.4 m! i) D4 f0 W. D/ t
BH: Can you tell me about the Touchstone wireless charger?
6 r; G! E0 Z- A" C( p  kMK: This is just so cool because what was only possible in movies, is now possible in real-life for a mass consumer product. It’s always exciting when something considered “geek” becomes “chic”. Not only does this matter in the way a device is charged, but also for human behavior and cognition. I actually don’t like to charge my iPhone because I don’t like the weird stress I feel in jamming my phone into a charger. I can’t explain it, it’s just visceral. But how fluid and stress-free it is to simply place the device on the Touchstone … this is natural movement … back to being human.' B% p# K( g( @8 ], O1 R; ~7 d
BH: The Touchstone is definitely a differentiator. I’d like to see something like this re-charge a few devices at a time.  What else do you think separates the Pre from the iPhone?
9 d, N' m0 S- ~( G2 ?MK: I’m not an operating system expert, but in my last two jobs in the mobile industry, I’ve learned that the platform matters BIG time. I learned early that an out-dated platform was the bane of so many phones for too long and helped me understand why my cell phone experience was so poor. From a user experience standpoint, the platform is what enables single-tasking to multi-tasking … the biggest elephant probably in iPhone meetings these days. And if I’m not wrong, what makes the hybrid of RIMs Blackberry Storm plus “touch” interface so horribly wrong. A killer OS is key, and in the Pre’s case it’s WebOS.$ y3 O2 D7 k5 G
BH: I’ve seen the term “Synergy” being mentioned quite a bit. What is this?
; _5 \* C% r5 ]  x! v% |4 tMK: When I started designing around integration with Facebook and web PIM data, I just wanted to solve a reoccurring problem I had, especially when it came to personal information management (PIM) data. I wanted to work with content that I had already created … and not recreate it. I didn’t want to care about where the data was as long as I could get it. I didn’t want to manage my contacts and spend needless hours configuring an application especially when everyone is doing this already with their own personal data anyways (i.e. Facebook profiles). Palm has been calling this “Synergy” and this will be key for future technology. Not only for mobile but for devices like netbooks which will have limited hardware bandwidth.
. q3 o, Q) m3 W+ P- `BH: Personally, I think the browser is one of the most important ingredients in a mobile experience – how does the Pre perform in this area?
0 Q# ]: S% y- K# V& {1 `' Y1 K2 KMK: I’ve seen internal side-by-side comparisons of the Palm Pre browser vs. iPhone Safari browser and let me say that the new browser is simply awesome. Navigating pages is a breeze thanks to the WebOS card environment. Flash is going to be really exciting as this has been long anticipated. With so many websites built in or with components of flash, the need to browse them on my device is be even more critical.
+ w! Z- a( @# g0 R4 ]) H) y3 P' fBH: What do you mean by “WebOS card environment”?& ^* _5 @# M+ P- Q; Z
MK: Oh, that’s a feature that enables a user to quickly flick through applications, as you would with a deck of cards./ c4 P* s2 [6 K/ J& ?
BH: So that’s part of the multitasking capabilities?
# l" w; Y3 ^& B, U: Y8 eMK: Yes, that’s right.
+ ~9 @+ {3 [# KBH: That sounds like a great example of how a real-life metaphor was brought into the experience.  How is Palm encouraging the development of applications for the Pre?
4 e/ W- n* W, L' O1 j; mMK: How good and fast can a designer build something with a new set of tools never used before? Now … how good and fast can a designer build something, with tools they have experience with, their friends have experience with, and the community is drenched in? As the age old saying goes, Palm didn’t “reinvent the wheel”, we just rolled the wheel in a different direction creating new pathways with familiar tools like HTML, CSS, and Javascript to leverage a web-centric technology.# ^1 f. K- _5 j0 J4 }
BH: From what I’ve seen so far, the user interface looks fantastic; even better than the iPhone’s! What were the guiding principles that ultimately drove the architecture and aesthetic?
; M' F7 U9 v" R8 ]: @2 ]* n! `MK: We always wanted to make sure that we loved the product, the interface, and the experience. As a designer, you have to be invested in the product experience and to also consider it a major driving force in certain situations. The design shouldn’t be totally self-referential but there is a place for it when it’s defining an original archetype and setting a new bar. I think that is the situation we were in.
. Z* S5 J% ?/ j5 I) B; W9 dBH: Now that the release of the Pre is imminent, will you be working on any future Palm devices?
4 k5 ?$ M# D+ y6 _- Q* kMK: It would have been nice to continue my stay with Palm because of my great colleagues and the rare break-through opportunities.  However since the company is in Silicon Valley and my home and family are in Los Angeles, it was not personally and logistically sensible in the long run." M) p6 W. ]6 T( `1 U: y9 h+ {4 B
I feel grateful to have had the support and opportunity to contribute to Palm for almost a year and a half and I hope to have contributed to the “Zen of Palm” come-back (Google this) while elevating the mobile experience for Palm users. I really do hope the users will be happy.  That really was my main goal.$ o3 {$ P) G1 E7 T
BH: So what’s next then?
8 u% N( m8 M  F+ GMK: What’s next? I guess I can answer that question with another question.  What’s next in this information and technology driven age?' |* _$ E, ]. V8 o5 y2 g
Along with mobility, social networking seems like it’s here to stay.  I mentioned earlier in our conversation that I found the intersection of web, mobile, and social networking a land with more to discover.  That intersection is small right now, but the trends seem to be saying that it’ll get even bigger … and since we’re in LA, what if we throw music into the mix?
+ Y+ a  {/ g7 c3 hBH: You’re intersecting social networking with mobile?( e$ @) U! k' F/ H6 K, Z- e
MK: Actually, my next opportunity is to contribute at MySpace Music in the area of user experience. This is a relatively new joint venture with a handful of major music labels seeking to create an empowering economy for fans, artists and labels.  In this industry and company, the aspirations are big, the challenges great, and the competition fierce.  With this, MySpace Music needed someone dedicated to UX so I am the first in the group to solely make it my job to do so and contribute to the evolution for MySpace Music.  Wish me luck!5 n1 i- z- U7 t2 e
BH: This sounds like an incredible opportunity Michelle. Congrats!
) h5 U, o+ c/ c, n& d7 J: zMK: It’s been great chatting with you Brad. Thanks for giving me this forum to reflect and share my design work experiences with others.
# ?  @3 P: p: _) r* }BH: Absolutely, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule, and all the best with your move.
$ o/ Z" j  W) W& W; qI think it’s fair to say that, there hasn’t been this kind of anticipatory buzz in the market, since the iPhone’s launch two years ago. And while the iPhone raised the user experience bar significantly, it’s devices like the Palm Pre that will continue to keep the bar elevated and the competition fierce. That kind of healthy rivalry results in a win-win for consumers and user experience professionals alike.* i! `; y% E/ f3 H* k
Finally, let us not forget that when Palm re-enters the fray as its second coming, the true saviors are the designers behind the Pre, and not merely the device itself.
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