Read about installing the Mojo SDK and running the Palm emulator, then go to the Hello, World page and try writing your first webOS™ application.
. H d+ H8 l& X: ?' i
1 {. `. A, z rNote: If you are upgrading from Mojo SDK 0.3.1 or earlier, follow the instructions for "Uninstalling the Palm Emulator and Virtual Machine" on the Uninstalling the SDK page. If you are upgrading from Mojo SDK 0.3.2 or later, simply install the new version over the old.1 ~; L, n) H1 \
) T! \; ?* D4 s+ c8 h3 b
Before You Install the Mojo SDK
2 m9 ?) u5 H2 t- zBefore installing the webOS™ SDK, perform the following steps: l3 D" O y; E6 U
{& h6 {9 j0 `
Install Java! T0 i( U( x4 p3 F
Download and install the latest version of Java. To verify that Java is installed. go to the Command Prompt and type:
" _2 I; w( Y5 c6 jjava -version! `, J" V( W( U1 E' G z4 e, ~: Z1 ]
If Java is installed, Java version information appears.
& q) Z, v( M$ W6 m* ?" VInstall Safari 4( f0 P* e7 i/ R( h; d
The Safari browser includes a number of features that are useful for debugging webOS applications.' }5 R" l# s1 S( d! |
Install VirtualBox
. X3 L' u0 X7 O2 N$ a, YThe Palm Emulator is built on VirtualBox, virtual machine software that you can download free from Sun Microsystems. VirtualBox is required before installing the Mojo SDK.$ H3 ~0 T9 h! R. g6 H% s2 |1 o
Note: 64-bit platforms are not yet officially supported; however, there is information about installing on 64-bit Vista and XP in the Forum.
u9 L* B- Z% W
5 ?: K* L6 T! I/ d6 e, ?) gInstalling the Palm® Mojo™ SDK
& ^: k; m; y( W8 y) | ZNote: Do not install the SDK into the same directory as Palm Host.8 w/ x$ e% [# X7 t9 _, o
; |4 `; t1 z2 }2 r
Download the Win SDK.
4 F x* U' D- j) W- n2 p7 HMake sure VirtualBox is not running before starting the Palm SDK Installer.
0 |0 a, ^3 L( e4 XDouble-click the file to start the Palm SDK Installer, which guides you through the installation process.6 r+ K0 F1 w$ \' Q
Open the Palm Emulator, either by double-clicking the icon on the desktop or from Start > All Programs > Palm >SDK > Palm Emulator.
' J" O4 f2 @2 e z* r9 r+ c iThe first time the Palm Emulator runs, there is a delay while VirtualBox builds the virtual machine., u- [; M1 l' a. J+ z c
Click OK to dismiss the dialogs that appear.9 d; O3 \. |" _- I2 c8 V
Create or choose a directory to use as your development workspace./ ~7 ^- A! v( W/ l
Open a command-line window (Start > Run > cmd) and type palm-generate to verify that the tools are installed.
, b$ |' u* v0 |% |: {If help information appears, the tools are correctly installed.3 M! g! v% \" F3 |
If palm-generate is not recognized as a command, the tools are not correctly installed.: J6 S6 ~5 a3 W6 y
If java is not recognized as a command, Java is not correctly installed.
. t, T" O* r4 i) I) u6 LThe SDK includes sample code to help you understand how to write webOS applications. For more information, refer to the Samples page.
6 J C* ^+ X, k
$ m6 V p7 g. F0 yRunning the Palm Emulator
6 ?, l5 i. v$ \To run the Palm emulator, double-click its icon. VirtualBox starts up and creates the virtual machine that hosts the Palm webOS platform. The first time you run the emulator, VirtualBox presents several dialogs. You can safely dismiss each dialog by clicking OK.
8 E6 Z( F/ Z3 H0 [; k
/ W# ]- j' d% _* u0 ZFor more information about the emulator, see the Emulator page.
7 L/ G9 E) Q) M( D* p
1 W4 F4 A4 s6 v* S& x( eAdditional Information& ` R8 w8 {$ }2 b4 F0 Y, l2 h3 ?
If you're not sure where to go next, look at the following sections for more information.
) F: ^, L% j1 ?+ L9 l8 O- }' F+ [9 L V' Q6 `* L3 ?, D& s% k
Hello, World!+ U7 s+ G9 F" u' N! s6 F( r
For a tutorial that will help you write your first webOS application, visit the Hello, World page.
7 {& A- k" l: z5 s# H# t' I% V$ J2 ~/ }
Command-Line Tools2 M2 n' P2 c; [/ H: A1 Y! j
The Mojo SDK includes the following command-line development tools:% ~" j; L) I% r% L5 r0 c
$ B' Y2 ~& f% Z0 b1 J0 Z
palm-generate---for generating basic applications and scenes1 Z4 d/ u7 R5 Q+ q" S8 E. m; h
palm-package---for packaging a palm application before installation on the emulator or a device3 ~. ]9 K6 Q8 p I* a1 h
palm-install---for installing a packaged application on the emulator or a device
K% K: g( ^9 _9 J% y& Spalm-launch---for launching an installed application on the emulator or a device: ~6 x Q4 C6 v' j1 J( m8 I2 ~* K/ {6 K
For more information about the Command-Line Tools, see the Command-Line Tools page.$ v9 l, d. |6 y3 f2 P
6 U, ] d8 I G' z
1 l* h, ?4 D9 c7 W6 P; X6 y; Z' m% S
; T9 H9 q, D7 k( O% S: J9 x
Eclipse Plug-Ins
' [) B6 }6 ~' l$ O+ N. [1 kThe Mojo SDK includes plug-ins that work with the Eclipse development environment and integrate with the Palm emulator. For information about installing and using the Eclipse plug-ins, visit the Eclipse plug-ins page. |