According to an O2 employee, the Palm Pre will release in the UK on October 30th. Our tipster says that management informed staff of the date today. Tariffs will be the same as the iPhone. The next official release date we have is August 27th, when the Palm Pre will release on Bell in Canada. Of course, the O2 Palm Pre will be the first Palm Pre of the GSM variety. It will also mark the first head to head competition for the minds and hearts of consumers who will have a choice between the iPhone 3GS and the Palm Pre, both on the same carrier. ) E: P* H8 n0 ^; B. p8 E$ M& B; M6 ^
比圣诞提前了点,但还有10周 8 E, P1 k$ Y! D! o! X 6 J# a% ^" V( d& e 3 ?4 d6 ^ ^: B/ s$ [引自:everythingpre # M6 J# x, _3 |9 @# q/ X # n) `1 p! _; _, f* M/ T[ 本帖最后由 雷鸟战士 于 2009-8-11 18:55 编辑 ]
"Tariffs will be the same as the iPhone" that is shit!!!: ^& Y" }* v( o8 T) K4 Z
iphone这边的合约价最低是£35/month, 18 months contract,算算多少钱吧, 希望不是真的, 太没竞争力, 同样的价格大部分消费者会选iphone,而不是palm. o2这样定价别有用心吧.. I5 ~$ I j( @! W' @, f9 d
- n) k' Y: r# r3 W/ X% O
[ 本帖最后由 simeon 于 2009-8-11 15:09 编辑 ]