Bad news PreCentral Nation: an anonymous tipster sends word that webOS 1.2 (and possibly paid apps in the App Catalog) could be delayed (again) until next week. The delay comes from Sprint's need to test the changes made since that first webOS 1.2 leak, including all the changes surrounding the App Catalog. The results will be that webOS 1.2 will be released as webOS 1.2.1. Oh, and though it's not the source of the delay, webOS 1.2.1 should re-enable iTunes sync. ; S+ Z4 I9 _8 }- T
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Why isn't iTunes sync the cause of the delay? Because so far it's taken very little of Palm's resources to keep it up and running, says the tipster:
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/ z3 Z' H: P: s' uTime it took for Palm Developers to re-enable iTunes sync for webOS 1.1: about five minutes (they just had to change the Vendor ID, after all)
! K* ~6 Z- E( D- {2 l) D1 C. NTime it took for Palm Developers to re-enable iTunes sync for webOS 1.2.1: just shy of two and a half hours (we'll be extremely curious to see if this is true and how they did it) x6 L7 U) Y) ^8 y& h$ W
Time it will take the next time (and there will be a next time): totally unclear, but Palm is committed to keep doing it until that time estimate gets to be something over a 40 man-hours or so.+ }, m5 x" P/ R- T/ ~
Is it worth it for Palm to keep up these iTunes shenanigans? Apparently so far it's not taxing the company much and they're hoping that their loyal users will place blame for the situation on Apple.
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Though the tipster's information seems pretty solid to us, we have to admit that we pray it doesn't pan out, we've been waiting for 1.2 for a long time now (Plus, we were just talking about how Palm was hitting their marks). We'll know either way by the end of the day on Thursday. |