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[软件及汉化] 0.93版PREWARE的问题

发表于 2009-10-10 18:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-10 18:19 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-10 19:52 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-10 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-10 21:44 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-10 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
太好了,正好遇到这个问题!! :)1
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-11 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
我也是这个问题,重装N遍也不管用,把所有安装的软件与补丁全删除也不管用,最奇怪的是用QUIK INSTALL打开补丁菜单时要提示安装文件,安装后才能打开,后来居然边进都进不去了,少GUN PACH和D打头的什么文件." `5 P) x6 h2 r5 G  Q
2 X# b& n/ _% [" k$ p


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-11 14:25 | 显示全部楼层
9 q6 Z3 l  z" n7 EIn general, you should do the following:
7 Z* {# ?' S: g4 z
# B  @8 \3 x) K* U0) Update the feeds in Preware. Note that if you have your feeds set for periodic or manual update in Preware, then you must select the menu option to manually update the feeds.
1 D9 q% H& D; L1 c  [# k* P7 \% |3 u
1) Use Preware to upgrade the Package Manager Service - make sure you upgrade the Package Manager Service first - do not upgrade Preware itself first. Note that this will automatically install the new webos-patches feed, and disable the now obsolete autopatches feed. If you forgot to do this step before step 2, then use WebOS Quick Install to remove both the Package Manager Service and Preware, then reboot, then install the Package Manager Service and Preware.. y" w. C( t% J: H% s7 w/ p
- ~9 l6 q3 h- X( l; [( t, S
2) Use Preware to upgrade itself. Make sure you have upgraded the Package Manager Service to 0.9.7 first. You will be upgrading Preware to 0.9.3 second.; I% _! [/ i/ K/ m
- U+ z$ o- n8 }$ i6 U- p& p8 c
3) Remove the obsolete autopatch-feed package. It has already been disabled, but make sure you remove the package anyway. It has been replaced by the webos-patches feed, which automatically comes with the Package Manager Service.
. l' B1 \& J$ C, y9 b: r# K8 O; |2 S4 Z2 F7 U" V
4) Update the feeds in Preware. Note that if you have your feeds set for periodic or manual update in Preware, then you must select the menu option to manually update the feeds.
4 X7 N4 y& s" a. I: M/ H6 P
  u/ M' c2 X$ ]8 s9 m( u0 b1 C5) Look for the Emergency Patch Recovery tool, and install it. To find it, open the List of Everything, and start typing it's name. It will take some time to remove all your patches, and then will uninstall itself - it's a one-shot auto-run-then-auto-remove package. Reboot the Pre to make sure all the old patches are cleared out.! Q0 r8 w0 D0 p% i- Y
* J! [' e+ o  u2 }9 F/ N
6) If you previously had the Virtual Keyboard installed, then look in the Applications section of the Installed Packages screen, and remove the obsolete Virtual Keyboard package. You can install the new one in the next step.
; D! j( ?: ~1 K! u6 i
; i+ K* G' d/ L* H! ~0 |* ~7) You should now see quite a few available patches. Notice the HomePage and Maintainer links in the description of each patch - these should be your first point of support.5 X. k4 V0 S% r- b9 h. N, F

9 n$ U$ U8 d- N$ V8 T: U8) Install the Luna Manager app, so you can easily restart the UI after installing patches. This will be done automatically (giving you the option to defer, if you are installing multiple patches) in a future Preware release. You can install multiple patches all at once, and then restart a single time after they are all installed to see the results.
" C1 S) L6 w1 F; P  A7 o$ D
- @; x- _1 x4 `' T- `1 t9) Do not ask the Preware authors about patches, and do not report problems with individual patch operation in this thread - there should eventually be a separate thread in this forum for each patch.
. o1 |7 U1 w* i- n) W
9 D: I8 j/ D3 T. ~10) Note that there is a new feeds management screen where you can enable and disable individual feeds, which can be found in the menu of the Preferences screen. The "NEW FEED" section is not implemented yet.
4 }7 P) N9 n- v% Y( D4 ^% \: H' u8 Z% C9 x
11) Remember that to update a patch you need to remove it first, then install the new version.) N% a9 t* W+ A3 J
# M0 Q4 U! J; M# o, B
BTW, did I mention that you should upgrade the package manager service before upgrading Preware ?
( N- I" o# I3 e) z4 \' b: F
3 V9 O. S! }7 `# |-- Rod
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-14 16:42 | 显示全部楼层
偶尔在菜单中点击Use feeds可以进去。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-14 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-9 19:02 | 显示全部楼层
0. 在Preware中更新feeds1 q, Q4 ~" X0 A
1. 在Preware中更新Package Management Service
7 b; S0 A+ X/ q' _2. 在Preware中更新Preware自己# ~4 R8 }/ V( b7 i  Q1 D, \$ A
3. 删除过时了的Autopatch
# ^. P/ |* T( r" C, \- s4. 在Preware中更新Feeds: l& R# G1 x! B3 v1 F" N
5. 安装Emergency Patch Recovery (EPR),在List Everything中输入emergency可以找到;1 V$ ]3 i* f& d, r% d. I
6. 如果安装过虚拟键盘,删干净之;+ ?0 j6 R3 c7 N' T  d7 F& p  i
7. 就能看见可用的新patch了) X6 p9 ?5 ~- A5 T
8. 最好安装上Luna Manager,可以在安装补丁以后重启Luna;
0 c  R) p- Z/ K* \) s9. 不要找Preware开发者,不要向他们报告这类问题;这类问题并不是Preware引起的;
- \& ?# L7 f. @; h9 y# o0 j10. 请注意现在有了个单独的新的feeds管理器,可以单独更新某个feed
) U& Q# F6 Y$ `$ _( y11. 记住,如果想安装新的patch,一定要先卸载掉旧的/ B, o4 c, n! a5 E
) r3 ^0 i/ @! ]3 y; Z% B
在下的建议:在最新的quickinstall中执行EPR2~3次;在Preware中再下载执行EPR两三次,然后在Preware中更新Package Manager Service,再更新Preware,再看新的Preware是否正常。如果还是不行,卸载Preware重装之。如果还不行,就忍忍吧
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使用道具 举报

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