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发表于 2009-12-28 12:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

钱学森――中国火箭和卫星研制的奠基人,被国务院宣布为“国家杰出贡献科学家”。钱学森于1938年毕业之后 (当时,他已获得了博士学位),受雇于加州理工学院担任助理研究员,在那里他是卡门(Karman)领导的哥根汗航空实验室(Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory)的主要成员。他的理论帮助美国研制了地对地导弹和宇宙火箭,而且,他在导弹和宇宙飞船空气动力学和导航系统方面作出了杰出的贡献。他和卡门建立了一种用来帮助解决飞机突破音障时遇到的气动热问题的理论4。于1941年公开发表的“卡门-钱公式”在航空科学上已得到广泛应用。1949年中华人民共和国成立之后不久,钱学森就决意要返回祖国。但是,一直到1955年,并且是在已故周恩来总理的帮助下,他才终于重新踏上了自己的国土。钱学森回国之后,马上向政府呈交了一份报告,极力宣传组建国防工业的主张。他还草拟了研制火箭和导弹的计划纲要。政府采纳了他的建议,同时指派他去完成这项任务。1956年5月10日,成立了国防部第五研究院,这是中国第一个导弹研究中心。

同一天,钱学森给156名新中国培养的院校毕业生作了第一次关于导弹的讲座,这些听众中的大部分人后来成了中国导弹和卫星工业的骨干力量。1957年,钱学森被任命为五院院长。此后,他就一直是中国导弹和空间研究的最高领导人。1960年,中国成功地发射了第一枚自制短程导弹9。1964年,中国发射了第一枚中程导弹。两年后,一枚带有核弹头的导弹在甘肃酒泉发射成功,从而使中国跻身于拥有自己的核导弹的国家之列。早在1953年,钱学森就已开始研究宇宙飞行的可能性。 1965年,他向政府建议尽早着手制造卫星。在当时,造卫星还只是苏美两国的独家专利。他在1986年创建了中国航天技术研究院(CAST),并任第一任院长。这个研究院负责开发卫星技术并开展航天研究。中国第一颗卫星“东方红一号”,重173千克,于1970年4月24日装在一枚国产火箭上发射升空13。研制这枚火箭时,钱学森的技术才能发挥了突出作用。自那时起,中国在航天科学和导弹研制两个方面都已取得了重大的进展。迄今中国已经发射了30多颗卫星。

[ Edited by zhengruijian on 2009-12-28 13:22 ]

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发表于 2009-12-28 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-12-28 12:57 | 显示全部楼层
除了 纯哥们的简历 我一句一句的翻译
剩下的都是给翻译机器 然后重新组织句子结构 选词
他们估计也是这么做的 呵呵
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-28 13:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-12-28 15:18 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-28 16:18 | 显示全部楼层

this is the first paragraph i translated ,pls kindly give me your advice

Tsien Hsue-shen--the China rocket and satellite development founder, who was announced“the national brilliant contribution scientist” by the State Council.After graduation in 1938 (when he had obtained doctorate),Tsien was employed as an assistant researcher in the California Institute of Science and Technology , where he was a main member of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory which was leaded by Karman.His theory helped US to develop the surface-to-surface missile and the cosmic rocket, moreover, he had made outstanding contribution in the missile and the spaceship aerodynamics and the navigation system aspect.Tsien and Carmen established a theory to help to solve the aerodynamic heat problem that the airplane encounter when breaking through sound barrier.The“Carmen - Qian Formula” published in 1941 are widely used in the aeronautical science.As soon as the establishment of People's Republic of China in 1949, Tsien had made up mind to return to the motherland.But he couldn't set foot on his own national territory without the help of the deceased Premier Zhou Enlai till 1955.After he returned, he had immediately submitted a report to the government, propagandized proposition to found defense industry vigorously.He also drafted the rocket and missile development plan which was accepted by the government and then was appointed to complete this task.May 10,1956,the Fifth Research Institute of Defense established, which was the first missile research center of China.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-28 17:14 | 显示全部楼层

this is the sec paragraph i translated ,pls kindly give me your advice

The same day, Tsien Hsue-shen gave the first lecture on the missile to the 156 colleges graduates cultivated by new China.Most of the audience in the lecture had become the backbone strength of the missile and satellite industry of China.In 1957, Tsien was appointed as the chief of Fifth Research Institute of Defense.Hereafter, he always was the  supreme leader of Chinese missile and spatial research.In 1960, China has successfully launched the first self-restraint short range missile.In 1964, China has launched the first medium-range missile.Two years later,a missile with nuclear warhead was launched successfully in Jiuquan City of Gansu province,which made China among the row of countries to own the own nuclear-armed missile .As early as in 1953, Tsien had started studying the space flight possibility. In 1965,he submitted a proposal to the PRC government to make the satellite as soon as possible.At that time, satellite was only own patent of the two countries Soviet Union and America.He founded  China Aerospace of Science and Technology (CAST) in 1986, and was appointed as the first chief.This institute was responsible for developing the satellite technology and to carry out astronautics research.“the Dong Fang Hong-1”,the first satellite of China,weight 173 kilograms,which installed on a domestically produced rocket and launched to lift off in April 24, 1970.When developed this rocket, Tsien's technology could play the prominent role.Since then, China has made the significant progress in  both astronautics science and the missile development aspect.Until now China has already launched more than 30 satellites.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-28 17:16 | 显示全部楼层
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