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[软件及汉化] Patching away with WebOS Internals on webOS 1.4.1(.1)

发表于 2010-4-5 17:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
By Derek Kessler | Sunday, Apr 4, 2010 9 S1 G4 _: J) a5 X

+ o% r- ?  h( ^% |9 m% A7 t0 k4 c
+ F0 r5 p/ D, T$ \It’s a solemn act taken up after every update to webOS: reapplying all of your patches. While things have gotten to be significantly easier since the advent of Auto-Update Patch Technology (otherwise known as AUPT), there’s still some work that needs to be done. Or at least, some clarification.
5 ?5 h6 J* Y1 x  W8 w; y3 {So here’s the deal, as explained by WebOS Internals’ Rod Whitby: AUPT makes things easier for the end-user, but patience is still needed. As with webOS 1.3.5 and webOS 1.4, the version of webOS 1.4.1 that was pushed to users was different than the version distributed earlier to developers. While it’s not a major difference, the numerical difference is enough that the patches the WebOS Internals crew had prepped for release were no longer registered.
# B. C- m. X" MAUPT works like this: A log of your installed patches is stored on the device, when you perform a webOS update, Preware then references that log and redownloads the patches. If a patch hasn’t yet been ported to the new webOS version, then a dummy placeholder patch is downloaded merely to stand in place for when the update is made available. When the different version of webOS 1.4.1 was shipped and users attempted to reapply patches before they had been reverified, they simply downloaded a bunch of placeholders. A word of advice: don’t panic and doctor your phone the next time webOS is updated and none of your patches work. It takes time for the patches to be checked against the new version, and even then your favorite patch may end up broken.
8 G" y& ?$ s& u$ h2 fThe above-described situation was only exacerbated by the fact that Palm released webOS onto Sprint and webOS 1.4.1 to everybody else (sans Verizon). As far as the vast majority of patches are concerned, the difference is negligible, but Preware works by recognizing your webOS version and checking for patches that have been tagged as compatible. Double the pleasure, double the fun. Either way (or both, we suppose), the gang was able to pull everything together under their self-imposed 24-hours after any update hits. As always, you can follow WebOS Internals’ progress during updates and the times between on the Twitter.# g0 o, }7 i+ a# `+ [; z; y- D
A number of patches were found to be incompatible with webOS 1.4.1 in some shape or form. Rod has posted a list of them here, and noted that because all webOS patches are required to be open source, it’s not contingent upon the original developer to update them for compatibility - anybody with the proper code wizardry up their sleeves can crack open the IPKG and take a try at fixing it. Or creating your own, if you so desire.3 m& b( b. O* x" M4 P, r1 Z
It’s at this point that we are obliged to mention that WebOS Internals is an entirely open source and donation-funded operation. As such, they rely on the generosity of users like yourself (seriously, you’re reading this and not running patches?) to pay the bills, upgrade the servers for the always-increase user base, and cover developer costs. Sometimes those bills can be unexpected, like when the motherboard on the computer you use to automate a lot of your functions fails. So seriously, consider donating.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-5 19:54 | 显示全部楼层
webOS每次升级后都会有个重要的操作,即重新应用所有的补丁。Auto-Update Patch Technology (AUPT,自动升级补丁技术)的出现让一切都变得尤为简单。不过我们依然需要做一些事情,至少是一些声明。
" l. k2 |$ ]. [9 m7 W    WebOS Internals的Rod Whitby是这样说的:AUPT让终端用户变得更轻松,不过用户依然需要耐心。与1.3.5/1.4不同,(PALM)早些时候分发给开发者的1.4.1与推送给用户的1.4.1版本是不同的。(个人猜想给开发者的版本应该高一点?推送给用户的是稳定的较低版本?)然而这不是主要的区别,最明显的区别是WebOS Internals制作、发布的补丁都是没有注册过的。
7 \" U4 [" _- J3 \) B( `6 M7 H    AUPT是这样工作滴:安装在机子里的补丁会生成一个记录,当你执行webOS更新的时候,Preware会参照这个记录并重新下载补丁。如果这个补丁暂时不适用于最新版本的webOS,(Preware)会下载一个占位符补丁,直到这个补丁适用于最新版本的webOS。当不同版本的1.4.1出来了,用户尝试在补丁重验证前就应用补丁的话,他们只能下载到一些占位符。简单来说,下次如果webOS更新了,你的补丁不管用了,别惊慌或者恢复你的机子(这里的doctor应该是指webOS doctor程序吧?)。检验这些新版本的补丁是需要时间的,即使是你最喜欢的补丁也有可能不可用。
% J& w) S; r# e; b- e    基于Palm把1.4.1.1分发给Sprint,把1.4.1分发给其他人这种情况,上述情况可能会恶化。考虑到涉及大多数的补丁,这种区别是可以忽略的,不过Preware是通过识别机子的webOS版本工作的,它会检查标记为兼容的补丁。满意多多,乐趣多多。我们会尽力在最新的更新发布后的24小时内把所有(补丁)集结起来。一如既往的,你可以在Twitter上关注WebOS Internals的更新/时间戳进展
$ q, L) W! P' c    我们发现一些形式的补丁会与1.4.1不兼容,Rod在这里列出来了,因为所有webOS的补丁都需要是开源的,原来的开发者可能不会因为兼容性而去更新他们,任何有能力的人都可以打开IPKG然后试着修复兼容性。或者,如果你愿意的话,也可以创建属于你自己的补丁。
0 w0 A0 v6 S, F. Q  |% N    在这个节骨眼上,我们有义务告诉大家,WebOS Internal是一个彻底开源、支持捐赠的组织。他们仰仗于慷慨、大度的用户的捐赠(比如你(真诚地说,你在读这篇文章,而不打任何补丁)),一如既往地为提升用户的基础体验而升级服务,然后自己承担开发的费用。5 s% m+ B4 X( Q5 U
    有时候,这些东西人们通常不会考虑捐赠,比如when the motherboard on the computer you use to automate a lot of your functions fails.所以,诚恳地希望大家能够进行捐赠。, L0 t3 b2 x& x2 o! l3 b
; T0 G! S* U" i; \& y
[ Edited by sole on 2010-4-5 20:47 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-6 09:48 | 显示全部楼层
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