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发表于 2010-5-17 18:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天无意中找到了我想要的收音机软件,感觉不错,终于可以用手机听广播了,原先用NOKA的里面都带收音机,现在小5也有咯. o5 R- \$ I. x2 c7 X% T
下载后自己解压,里面附带全国各地的广播电台的调频数字,实用啊1 y1 \0 f7 i+ r( j, S
) I' Y+ I% M6 p5 r 1.png
* K0 _" g+ H% q, s! y( P/ g  q6 Y; @% E% n$ ^
; B- I& K+ m/ `         Version 4.0.51 f  u7 W: P, ^2 v
        - Feature: Allow user to prevent Pocket Tunes from handling specific media
. U- T  v8 i2 H3 J) E          types by default (#4097): k3 w+ p& U; |% l4 J- e6 k' t
        - Enhancement: Faster startup time
9 m# u% s( h' t+ g        - Enhancement: Improved MTP transfer speed with some SD cards (#4108)2 M; f) \9 p# e2 m' ^
        - Enhancement: Run installer on Palm automatically when needed (#4126)& |9 ~! z3 L$ J/ U5 F" P% J
        - Enhancement: When a WMA file contains an "Album Artist" tag use it as0 h% c4 v8 ?- x) o+ o
          the Artist (#4007)
% N! }7 S- e3 j  a4 `6 F. V* l/ \) E        - Enhancement: Allow operation when UDMH is active (#4114)
3 [9 G  E& s+ w) d* S  P        - Enhancement: Allow for proper downgrades from future versions (#4092)
/ {+ M! g: E2 h( W2 {- b' o# y' t        - Enhancement: No longer need to install pnoJpegLib, which was conflicting
, B* s, |( q. S  I          with other applications on the device  T( J$ p$ e8 e. g3 E
        - Bug fix: Sharing Internet radio stations by beaming did not work on
, K' h1 [7 N6 p          some devices (#4143)/ {' ]7 G6 W% w2 x
        - Bug fix: Force WMP to detect changes in capability after Deluxe upgrade& X  @" ^, L+ T
; y# c3 m8 E( _! j        - Bug fix: Properly handle genres that start with a digit (#3940)7 A( w5 c8 W' ?! o# q5 W$ G
        - Bug fix: Certain M4A files did not play (#4141)( t. p0 \8 B8 g; W5 |
        - Bug fix: Certain corrupted WMA files caused a crash (#4111)
( b$ y0 ]2 ]% e, ?: }        - Bug fix: Prevent possible crash on Manage Playlists form (#4139)
5 q3 r6 m& V; [: Q$ ]# X& d! U        - Bug fix: Improve error message when Pocket Tunes can't load (#4079)
7 @: R% R0 c% X1 y! ]        - Bug fix: Fix problem extracting tags from some .m4a files (#4059)# b% y1 w1 D: `- |- _# m
        - Bug fix: Fix improper handling of exchange manager requests in Basic and
# N9 i9 ?( A6 g4 s: C          Bundle modes (#4069)( }3 `6 T# x  l- b) ~) @3 e# {" a
        - Bug fix: Properly handle more requests to open playlists via exchange
1 K* z2 G7 U# O+ N1 R  M1 t5 h/ V7 l          manager (#4016)
3 D) a1 V. K# G4 a5 G$ i        - Bug fix: Improve error handling after failing to connect to an internet
: c- @7 J  }: r# B          radio station (#4027)
  A/ r+ i& S) y" u$ |/ @  M$ Q        - Bug fix: Avoid some warnings after installation on Vista (#4057)1 _: L9 Y7 {& V- \" s+ b/ @. Y0 T7 ^) Z
        - Bug fix: Allow opening of AAC files via Exchange Manager (#3925, #4268)
6 T' ~5 g3 {% Q        - Bug fix: Fix crash on some devices when turning off phone while streaming (#4046)
7 J( e3 Q4 {+ K, h7 R        - Bug fix: Fix redraw problem with sliders on old devices (#4058)
/ N# ?, d) c6 W; ~$ c        - Bug fix: Fix hang when disconnecting during file transfer (#4148, #4202)
' A! g( U. Z! Y/ i! C        - Bug fix: Fix crash when opening files from Files application (#4552)+ `' Z) ?- q! b* ^1 F
        - Bug fix: Fix crash when streaming a station with too high of a bitrate (#4475)
1 M: |7 _4 X1 d        - Bug fix: Fix crash with pics & video app on some phones (#4441)
% Z- r8 M5 S: F2 v1 m5 A        - Bug fix: pTunes was not resuming after a phone call in some cases (#4300)- J% b# }* p: d( u
        - Bug fix: Fix Device Unrecognized error on Vista (#4317)
0 I: a, q4 y9 D2 W3 J        - Bug fix: Fix rare skipping due to crossfade when turning off screen (#4270)2 l; ^( t: c4 M1 P9 Q
        - Bug fix: Fix debug assertion when pressing keys while viewing album art (#4265)
7 N* `& u+ G! {        - Bug fix: Fix case where screen could stay on indefinitely when music is
% O% O: b, e: A/ j& J. L/ f          not playing on Treo 680 and later devices (#4266)
: w- J* u9 d8 s& O9 x        - Bug fix: Fix WMA files showing up with 0:00 duration (#2243)9 t% [) w) n7 z, o+ ^, T
        - Bug fix: Fix potential interference with network connection in other apps (#3751)5 ~3 Y7 _6 o& Y
        - Bug fix: Fix improper display of non-square album art (#3872, #4239)
2 ?4 p7 D4 b3 S0 F8 Z        - Bug fix: Fix "i18n error" that could occur on Song Info scren for certain
0 J0 s: k4 I! ?. R( m4 Z& \          WMA files (#4246), c, j0 `" N- F4 f1 [; w
        - Bug fix: Be sure pTunes is registered to handle audio files even if
' i" ?7 P' @3 Q- ~  j          launched via an API call (#4231, #4232)
; h2 T9 z$ P  k0 D4 K. ^: w        - Bug fix: Fix uncommon memory leak when crossfade turned on (#4215)
6 k* w' J+ V0 ]& P5 U0 d2 N        - Bug fix: Greatly improve seeking and position indication for low
- |* A2 a3 E8 |. c          samplerate files (#4209, #4223)
7 X" I% Q5 m' |; R! R! X        - Bug fix: Fix crash playing uncommon format of AAC file (#4213)- _9 l8 p* i- }+ x
        - Bug fix: Ensure screen doesn't turn off when scanning for songs (#4212)
( z- n4 D( h/ R$ ~& |* Y% u        - Bug fix: Ignore key up events leaked from 3rd-party popup apps (#4205), i/ `: |+ p9 r0 z) p) k+ U
        - Bug fix: Greatly improve responsiveness of device and error reporting
' ]( `, W9 _3 U! |- J; a, Z0 l2 V          when trying to find a playable track in a large playlist of tracks that
9 h% h; h- j3 R) \          can't be played (#4204)
# A6 N& {  p* Z. @' L9 \: N6 F( I( A        - Bug fix: Fixed crash with empty playlist in playlists screen and on some ) W; s' z/ c8 N! n& P1 Y8 W6 b
          skins (#4139, #4214)3 w) L, w' G% ]4 L7 p
        - Bug fix: Fix decoding of certain AAC files that never finished playing (#4211)
9 C, a8 ~: x3 x4 k* y8 W# D, G        - Bug fix: Fix rare redraw problem and potential crash when transfering
" L7 {- Z( z$ h4 G+ I( |6 U          files (#4194)% h9 t, H5 i9 E% F3 Z0 o) ]9 l
        - Bug fix: Fix problem when sublaunchable picker is used via the API before
2 V8 l% K2 Q: r) A% ]7 a( ^          running pTunes once (#4197)
$ y+ l6 ]+ S. q0 x9 v        - Bug fix: Fix crash on exit on some devices (Tungsten E) (#4178, #4193)
4 j) q+ o; C; v        - Bug fix: Fix crash pressing Home button while in a 2nd-layer dialog on
& ]8 l7 f* _/ @5 m% L$ ?# k1 T          Internet Radio screen (#4181). U, y1 r: m. U  c; g( D9 R5 ?# v2 u
        - Bug fix: Fix uncommon 80004005 error transfering DRM tracks from Napster (#4162)
5 S# j" w8 p( X. ^$ V' e        - Bug fix: Sometimes pTunes did not respond to the first button press after
4 X6 v% J# h  I* e+ E2 Y# ~          starting up (#4158)1 U& ^8 f* X+ a5 u9 w
        - Bug fix: Fix reading ID3 tags on AAC files not contained in an MP4 % x% M8 h; [3 K0 v* D
          container.  Also improve seeking, bitrate, and song duration for these
5 u* Y  M% y  Y9 [  V          files (#4124)* x* x0 B  n$ ^
        - Bug fix: Fixed crash that could occur after doing a ROM update while + ^: S! h4 ^% u) q
          pTunes 4.X is installed. (#4003)
/ ~2 b4 `* `8 p: q! y2 J; B        - Bug fix: Fixed a number of cases where Pocket Tunes would retain an alarm
3 L  G# Z& K7 n* M9 y1 `6 K; A: ?          or ringtone program's audio file instead of the audio file you were playing5 r: m2 F  X" e9 q5 k1 G
          most recently (#1687)
! @* R. n, s) i0 R/ R        - Bug fix: Fixed incorrect positioning on low-res skin (#3918)/ j/ Y9 o2 \! l" K
        - Bug fix: Ensure device does not stay on after failing to connect to Internet8 |4 S8 ~/ ~9 \: w1 D, {
          radio stream using Pocket Tunes Basic (#4585)
( |. q. ?: F# K2 E% K* @6 Z6 _) b        - Bug fix: Ensure Pocket Tunes closes sockets properly when using Basic (#4069)
! b  w& E  K" l. P        - Bug fix: Some WMA files were not displaying album art (#4083); i' p- j/ n  x0 [
        - Bug fix: Correctly interpret metadata on 3gp aac files (#4180)
$ `0 b$ p* @9 H0 E9 J9 x& A        - Bug fix: Fixed redraw problem with skins that show album art when the song3 j; T& l$ [$ k: j8 |
          does not have album art available (#4049)
  B) }$ {$ K' E: u8 P; C8 k( |5 j        - Bug fix: Remove Sony CLIE question during installer (#3913)
& V0 O( y( u/ J8 T: V9 F        - Bug fix: Ensure that screen does not turn off when scanning through a song (#4159)
2 m% z; z- F" o& `; t# B. x        - Bug fix: Fixed drawing problem with very small (< 2x2) and very large album art (#4060)
, w+ {2 P: ~: y4 v" D& k        - Bug fix: Removed reference to T3 from readme.txt and installation files (#3937)
2 L% }  L0 A3 ?9 D; C2 d' D, Z) ^4 D( B3 J        - Bug fix: Fixed redraw problem switching between album art of different  X7 \+ ]- ]) I$ \# H* I$ w! Q
          aspect ratios (#3592)
* T# A+ Z3 H& M        - Bug fix: After about 6 failed tries to connect to Internet radio, stop trying
* G" M8 }9 M$ a1 b- k8 U$ c          to connect and allow the device to go to sleep (#4390)
0 x$ S8 L1 p" q5 Q; r0 c        - Bug fix: Deleting a playlist from WMP11 was not always deleting the contents
% H* A3 q" ~3 U% j" T* ^9 ~          when requested (#4316)" L! `8 Q. H  K" B
        - Bug fix: Removed unnecessary info about "new hardware wizard" from installer (#4118)
; M* ?7 w9 y' e% w* Q        - Bug fix: Fixed reset using Save/Save and Play from WiFile (#4025)
6 ]) |) x" G+ T- W& t        - Bug fix: Improve error message when trying to connect to Internet radio9 d. F5 E/ [. l8 T
          using Pocket Tunes Basic (#3813)
+ a0 J# d( \( t% j) c$ _        - Localization: Improve translation of "skin" in Chinese (#4560)- Y$ Q4 e( _0 L1 X
        - Localization: Various Italian translation fixes (#4291, #4290, #4292)$ T, `: J  E% I+ k
        - Localization: Various German and Portuguese fixes (#4293, #4294, #4295)
; p0 c* T0 o+ h0 P8 @& [        - Localization: Various Spanish translation fixes (#4254, #4255)+ [. z; |% U- C* Y" P% C8 i( m
2 a* T0 ^) e- a* I. ]" M( a2 ]" k
pTunesV5.0.0+chs.rar (1.64 MB, 下载次数: 923)
" r) i: g$ P, ~# z6 U! x5 _) E
8 g& ~: _8 d% m4 U6 Q8 y6 K5 y7 C[ Edited by boy8800 on 2010-5-17 18:36 ]

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发表于 2010-5-17 19:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-17 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-17 23:18 | 显示全部楼层
先顶 好东西
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发表于 2010-5-18 06:07 | 显示全部楼层
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