8 m- r. K& _3 j! EHP正式完成Palm的收購, 新聞稿上表示將會力推Webos 系統, 不論是智能手機, 還遠至Slate PC(平板電腦)及Netbook.
" j3 g4 U, r0 e& y
) z. |2 I v6 B) X9 A& eHP CEO Phil Mckinney將會在7月12日至13日舉行的MobileBeat2010進行演說. 在他的演說簡介上, 將會講及HP對下一代未來連線設備的遠見, 以及講及關係雲端系統的資訊. : {. A* k4 g: l* [
通常這類的演講都會透視很多產品的未來發展方面, 展示一下新產品. 先前HP的高層表示收購後將會有重大發佈, Palm員工早前又表示會有新發展. 可以相信, Phil Mckinnery很大機會會展示Webos 的新產品, 智能手機或平板電腦. 7月12日, 我們識目以待吧.
( u, i+ r- _" x5 {: R2 B" Q% E
) e/ z: G4 w9 MMobilebeat 2010
1 b9 }4 {, e5 W5 x8 ^: ]: E! `
7 e% O3 x0 e1 ~, b1 j8 L8 u& N6 ZPhil Mckinney 演講介紹: & O5 u5 `5 O1 S% i/ {
"The war’s primary theatre is the new form factors–tablets, 4G phones, HD TVs, connected devices—and the operating systems that power them. In one of the boldest land grabs of the year, the industry’s biggest PC maker, HP, is buying Palm, which could potentially free it from the new mobile OS overlord that is Android. While he can’t necessarily speak to the acquisition, you can bet HP Product Chief Phil McKinney will deliver a momentous keynote on the future of mobile software innovation." ' R- g1 T1 o2 ]& Q
) z4 g5 J$ a5 _. b
Phil Mckinney 演說Keynote: ; C5 W5 T8 d! _: w0 F1 d1 W
"The Perfect Storm of Innovation Why do device makers need to innovate in software in the current market? How does this play into the coming deluge of connected devices? McKinney shares developments now underway at his own organization, including HP’s vision for next-generation connected devices, and how to tap into the promise of the cloud."8 w, p. P# B5 M; ~2 U9 e9 n6 b
4 x. M; J) [8 k' P% s相關熱門文章
4 S& T% w# y( T1 iHP 官方有關Palm的新聞稿, 透露Webos 會出現在Slate PC及Netbooks & H3 b. L0 h) J" a
Adobe: Flash 在Webos正進行嚴格測試 ! V8 ~' Y8 I; w
HP已經在網上商店銷售Palm Webos智能電話 7 T& V1 ?3 i+ f: t, u
HP高層大派定心丸: Webos用家無需擔憂 好戲在後頭 " I- B$ k6 M) \8 V8 P! w
向雲端系統進發 HP再收購Streaming 串聨播放音樂公司
# |! v- ?! T9 D$ f' hPalm: 明年比今年精彩, 新機已正開發中 |