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It seems as though every webOS fan out there is dying just to hear any news of new hardware in our future. Despite the fact that we are not big on rumors around here we had to pass this juicy bit of gossip along to our readers. Fone Frenzy has reported a rumored Sprint Q3/Q4 lineup and guess what is at the top of the list? None other than the HP/Palm C40!
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We have to admit the details of the rumored C40 have us quite excited. This device supposedly comes with a 4″ LCD (possibly Super LCD) screen, an 8MP camera, and 720p video recording. The article also goes on to say that the gesture area is supposedly more useful and that there are some tweaks to make web browsing quicker. We are guessing that the latter of the two is webOS 2.0. The rumored release of the rumored C40 is late Q3/early Q4 of 2010!
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Now take into mind this is just a rumor but it does coincide with the expected release time frame of webOS 2.0. Also, the above specs are all starting to become the benchmark of what a great smartphone needs to have to be at the top of the food chain. One also has to wonder if this new piece of hardware will be a Sprint exclusive yet again? It may not be such a bad thing this time around given Sprint’s push behind 4G handsets.
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2 j' g' c/ Z6 GSo there you have it folks, the newest rumor of the almost fabled Palm C40 that we have all been talking about since January. What are your thoughts on what the new hardware should look and perform like? Better yet, do you think it should be a Sprint exclusive again or should HP/Palm give a different carrier an exclusive? Should the C40 even be an exclusive at all?) w& _% f y6 ^- c v( \
?. z6 ~( | A- M[ Edited by wuha2 on 2010-8-4 20:40 ] |