Allright, I found it!!!% `; @* Z7 W6 R5 a
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First I took a clean PalmDatabase.db3 from /usr/lib/luna and copied to my pc. & C3 z* Y) _. n# H3 {* nThen I deleted the row from com_palm_accounts_AccountType with the domain field set to simphonebook. 6 e ?: c3 t9 ^) }8 ?Afterwards I copied the database back to the phone to /var/luna/data/dbdata/PalmDatabase.db3. 7 }$ \: i F; ?. `9 M+ ?9 n+ u- `! G
No sim entries where added after a reboot.8 d1 J/ z' j o2 e
Next I added my google account, and all contact apeared from my gmail :d.$ E7 P# X' z9 `& q
( l' @5 R: V8 f& |4 bIf i find it, It would be nice to add the feature in the contact app.& X% K. Z6 r2 I
If i'm able to find out how it works, I'll make it work :d.