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[软件及汉化] PhonePrefs !

发表于 2010-9-1 22:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ \% y$ B7 z& p' p, x " Remaining tries : ": " 剩余尝试次数: ",  S. N5 ]% M. v" r: i4 ]( T# ?" Y. i
" ended": " 结束",
7 X6 P7 w& I8 o( L# L" I8 Y4 t " tries remaining": " 剩余尝试次数",2 q8 M. Y, K0 W! ~
" try remaining": " 剩余尝试次数",, @+ D2 ?& J$ `# l( P& Q
"#{NUM} Digit Numbers": " #{NUM}位数字的号码",3 H. Z& c3 T1 m0 b7 n% X: t# o
"#{NUM} digit numbers": "#{NUM}位数字的号码",3 W% J# u# w1 k4 \! s) Q3 v1 V" R
"#{NUM} digits": "#{NUM} 位",( k" B: V) W, }# ?' d- u( K
"#{carrier} Only": "仅限#{carrier}",2 @2 V: b) o4 N
"2 calls": "2 次呼叫",
! `" y/ @% O6 s8 h# Q( W2 U "2G only": "仅限 2G",
  k& D5 f5 ]( {9 a' s "3G only": "仅限 3G",) I, ~6 B/ T: T% {8 T
"4 digit numbers": "4位数字的号码",; N; i# @3 B% W  {9 ~, @& E
"4 digits": "4位",2 @' Y$ ^+ s" m$ p* {
"5 digit numbers": "5位数字的号码",4 J4 R% C& I2 U3 L: S
"5 digits": "5位",
& d1 G4 |1 ]. w" ?$ H# [8 m- g# B3 W "6 digit numbers": "6位数字的号码",+ l& T9 r' x( g% _
"6 digits": "6位",' h  @$ {) {1 t; ?! h
"7 digit numbers": "7位数字的号码",
6 O7 T9 z* \8 Y7 J! N "7 digits": "7位",, s! k% M* ?8 q/ ]$ e% n6 R
"Add Fixed Number": "新增固定号码",! K! P, V, F$ c; v
"Add an Entry...": "新增条目…",0 z6 W+ m" a/ I1 Y. @! G
"Add an entry...": "新增条目…",* L& P9 d0 d% }0 c/ E8 B
"Add fixed number": "新增固定号码",
* ]/ x. _; @. w) a9 U "Add new number": "增加新号码",7 ?2 F3 b8 g, @
"Akey and checksum are not correct.": "Akey 及检验和错误。",
# [3 f4 u: z& c# o8 _) f "Akey set failed.": "设定Akey错误。",4 ^, V! |( w. V+ _4 b1 D& C
"All calls": "所有通话",  Z/ \6 h1 u3 e- M
"Answer failed.": "应答失败。",
5 M% P/ Z: v3 ]3 S "Answer failed: invalid call id": "应答失败: 无效通话ID",
2 @% _0 x) A3 M  K. N3 z/ a "Any": "任意",2 i' X! k  R/ n8 G/ g  d) Q
"Authorization failed.": "授权失败。",$ E" c- G0 W0 M6 T
"Automatic": "自动",9 P; n% b- l# |/ z6 n$ O
"Baseband crashed.": "基带崩溃.",8 Z; K8 K5 W: {$ I8 |' ?2 v
"Blocked number": "受限号码",, G# z- r2 L% N! O# p4 W- x/ ~
"Bluetooth": "蓝牙",
1 E$ Z" ~9 Z  S  Z "Busy": "忙",
2 i! ?0 s" \, {& Z7 y: k) @ "Call dropped.": "电话掉线。",* j, f8 S( O8 [5 W
"Call dropped: baseband crashed.": "电话掉线:基带崩溃。",$ Z* M5 T' E. h1 i6 A3 ~8 f! h
"Call dropped: out-of-range.": "电话掉线:不在服务区。",3 o# F6 {% R! G# g  E3 `
"Call dropped: signal faded.": "电话掉线:信号太弱。",( j% X- f$ ~; j2 v, ~: r0 E# F
"Call faded: out of range.": "电话掉线:不在服务区。",* Z3 j$ a" q1 B/ i, c' i* b
"Call failed.": "电话无法接通。",
2 t: h- g, s* u$ \: _ "Call failed: No free lines.": "电话无法接通: 没有空闲的线路",3 W8 _9 Q! u7 x( V/ \- E: d' g
"Call failed: No service.": "电话无法接通: 没有网络服务",
) g& c9 F2 R0 H) b "Call failed: Not an emergency call.": "电话无法接通: 非紧急号码",4 L6 G  l& R9 M$ }# L
"Call failed: Not on fixed dialing list.": "电话无法接通: 号码不在固定的拨号列表内",
7 O0 }5 z4 N' Q6 q  t3 n* B3 ]+ n5 n "Call failed: Phone is PIN1 locked.": "电话无法接通: 电话的PIN1码被锁定。",
, H( k4 {4 b4 k/ [. c' V "Call failed: Phone is PUK1 locked.": "电话无法接通: 电话的PUK1码被锁定。",% `/ M: U" y1 {
"Call failed: Phone is locked.": "电话无法接通: 电话被锁定。",* f; L* S0 _2 T7 r) j8 Z
"Call failed: Phone is off.": "电话无法接通: 电话已关机。",
. n8 T5 i1 {- l# G/ ] "Call forwarding": "呼叫转移",
: ~5 y  x8 Q; h8 H& ^4 m "Call forwarding numbers": "呼叫转移号码",6 J; f) ?9 v* G( M# z/ p0 v
"Call waiting": "呼叫等待",
, |- ]5 e& E" e; L' t8 V' x "Cancel Update": "取消更新",
( K0 L0 u; q! Q& s; I0 r "Cancel update": "取消更新",
: _' X1 `6 Z7 V% ~5 F "Close": "关闭",
( r, t5 \1 i1 Y( ]2 ?: Z' ` "Command timed out.": "执行命令超时",
2 W  g0 c9 N, h; S "Conference call": "电话会议",
- @' H# m4 S" ?* ]+ k "Conference failed.": "电话会议失败。",
2 ?8 l: v' H  ^$ V" X, [+ ~. i) X "Conference failed: need at least 2 calls.": "电话会议: 您至少需要有两个电话连线。",
+ [. E: \& E7 ^1 A "Confirm New Pin1": "新PIN1码确认",1 w4 D3 D- w: w% M
"Confirm New Pin2": "新PIN2码确认",- A8 w: i8 U/ E, M$ q7 g
"Connecting to network to dial...": "正在连接网络拨打...",! e' C+ H& @) H/ H* {% R- [! h8 b
"Contact carrier for PUK": "连接网络运营商获取PUK码",: f/ }) t0 q! U; K- d% T5 E) }$ s5 v
"Contact carrier for PUK pin": "连接网络运营商获取PUK Pin码",8 c2 U: {) D3 Y( r* B- S8 `: m& C
"Contact carrier for new SIM": "连接网络运营商获取新SIM码",- H- G+ k2 i2 }8 {3 O' b  n8 o6 J
"Copy": "复制",
0 M1 P! B. `# c& f# E5 _+ k' u "Cut": "剪切",- b/ _. f1 M' M7 r) x
"Data Roaming": "数据漫游"," C+ N4 L7 `4 U+ ]
"Dial ": "呼叫 ",( ~' \6 \7 ~  O2 j0 f! Z. {: C, R
"Dialing": "正在呼叫",
' r! B* k! k( S, N "Dialing Restricted": "呼叫受限",4 g" q& V' F7 U' Z4 U! M  q( N
"Dialing Restricted PUK Locked": "PUK码被锁导致呼叫受限",6 i" G5 {2 f5 R/ }
"Dialing shortcuts": "快捷拨号",3 v: M" s$ l' v+ }, A% r
"Disable FDN Lock": "取消FDN锁定",9 Q$ q# m* a+ i7 b
"Disabled": "取消",
- N7 T. [/ ~4 U2 r5 |" x "Done": "完成",( ]8 P( P" A4 P9 Q6 ^; `3 @* P
"Edit": "编辑",
8 m4 r" M6 _5 m6 u "Edit Fixed Number": "编辑固定号码",
8 A/ X" u* L$ g  V "Edit fixed number": "编辑固定号码",- V) m) P( \/ M; \& V3 G
"Eight": "八",
# p) A- _3 @# ~# J "Emergency call": "紧急呼叫",: c; D: Z# K6 p! G
"Emergency call failed.": "无法完成紧急呼叫",3 o3 f' u. p# H5 m& _, O$ P" u
"Enabled": "启用",
: m. @4 P9 D9 I! l& C; Y "Ended": "结束",* H: _. W+ h  C; J; v
"Ending": "正在结束",
8 R! P, @: S- z/ j7 d "Enter 4 -8 digits": "请输入4-8位数字",* k, `6 J% y2 H
"Enter 4-8 numbers for new pin": "请输入一个新的4-8位数字的PIN码",
  d( N2 W" O4 K7 s "Enter MSL then tap Done.": "输入 MSL, 然后按完成执行 .",
9 @' d9 B5 A* D: H2 ] "Enter New PIN1": "输入新的PIN1码",
( }: Y1 ?6 K3 N0 `0 C" F' N "Enter New PIN2": "输入新的PIN2码",
+ B  q) F) b2 O+ Q$ W "Enter PIN": "输入PIN码",* {+ O2 g5 A* @1 L6 c8 D! M
"Enter PIN to unlock": "请输入PIN码解锁",) n* N" B0 U2 b5 {1 O1 v/ ^$ a
"Enter PIN1": "输入PIN1码",/ _! w  k; M4 x- [8 J" H% y% F
"Enter PIN2": "输入PIN2码",
( w2 {2 \0 Z5 {# q0 X "Enter PIN2 To Disable FDN": "输入PIN2码来停用FDN码",
( o5 D0 }. I% \- _, @4 c) ~ "Enter PIN2 to disable FDN": "输入PIN2码来停用FDN码",
0 Y2 Z: y% F+ u7 F% ^* x6 \- D5 V "Enter PUK": "输入PUK码",
+ w: g; f2 t0 r7 M; a% y "Enter PUK1": 输入PUK1码",0 g/ F" B3 F  y( u0 U& R# A5 S
"Enter PUK1 to reset pin1 ": "请输入PUK1码以重设PIN1码",
. G" x) n! @( g# H "Enter PUK2": "输入PUK2码",
$ G1 @! ^$ `0 o& d( r: h$ ]! ~& A "Enter PUK2 to reset pin2 ": "请输入PUK2码以重设PIN2码",$ |; W  e: I. p2 f# s# z
"Enter Pin to Call": "输入PIN码",
" Z, ?1 A2 t* K5 t3 Y, o "Enter call forward number": "输入要转移到的号码",# S2 W0 Y" T& u3 D. W" z. @
"Enter number": "输入号码",, A" `, l; @% S8 P
"Enter old pin": "输入旧的PIN码",6 z8 u4 v/ p1 X/ V2 C
"Enter old pin ": "输入旧的PIN码 ",1 ^1 D' E; A1 |' A
"Error occurred.": "发生错误。",
0 a( R5 S* Z. y1 Y" f2 B "Error: MSL value is empty.": "错误: MSL数值为空。",
2 H- A7 I% c2 |9 l- f# Y+ M "Extract failed.": "解压失败",8 w& C3 b+ G8 Q- H- g
"Extract failed: no conference.": "解压失败: 无会话.",) D; O9 ^; l8 o% `/ g0 ~4 c
"Extract failed: no free lines.": "解压失败: 无可用线程.",
( K! l1 e6 B) K! |0 u" i "FDN capacity exceeded": "FDN超出容量限制",
2 |( o5 O5 R7 | "FDN is enabled and this number is restricted from dialing. ": "FDN已激活,这个号码受限制不能拨出。 ",% K2 L$ M  G) Z' d& m# n) O
"FDN status change failed.": "FDN状态改变失败。",
0 p8 @( r; o0 y( s9 J "FDN status change failed: bad or incorrect pin.": "FDN状态改变失败:无效或错误的PIN码。",
  Y& p. S- g3 a4 k, b% a "Failed to get voicemail number": "无法获得语音信箱号码",
7 q( i- d3 @. u# K4 x "Failed to register for TelephonyService status.": "Telephony服务状态注册失败.",! Y/ `# f! n) B1 s; f
"Failed, remaining tries : ": "错误,继续尝试: ",& c# `& T& i, S8 M* W& s  V
"Failed: Invalid PIN": "错误: PIN无效",
7 Y; Y* p- j& W8 a6 ~ "Failed: SIM lock now in effect": "错误:SIM已锁定,% r$ n- C2 `% ]/ J0 g
"Failed: change not performed": "错误:未能改变",) [+ b: q" {' R8 Q
"Failed: entered PINs do not match": "错误:输入的PIN不符",
2 P) ?8 }5 C& U "Failed: remaining tries : ": "错误:继续尝试:"," S  y( P! v8 Z- g2 Y
"Failure. ": "错误。 ",* u$ T5 T5 J8 t* E1 z
"Failure. Tries left : ": "错误。可继续尝试次数: ",
1 D; [8 T  F; n$ K" F, `5 @) t "Failure: change not performed.": "错误:未能改变",: f! R7 K+ C) x+ C( E
"Five": "五",
8 t/ a2 F" s; H! k "Fixed-dialing restricted.": "固定拨号限制。",9 T7 i. [. B, q+ P" t/ q
"Four": "四",
4 }9 S+ T. L2 `6 \  X "General error": "普通错误",
! v. L  u* a' j, w% j) o8 H "General error.": "普通错误",0 C6 M& ]5 T+ {2 l7 ^& T) l- w% [$ w
"Getting activation info...": "获得激活信息…",
# b8 q0 a. n7 x# P "Help...": "帮助...",
3 W$ l1 K+ V$ H2 Z "Hold": "保持",* k4 h# ^1 b+ i, T9 w
"Home Only": "仅限主网络",. I: Z; N2 k! ^) s6 _
"Incoming call": "来电",) _  W# r. F. ~2 B
"Invalid PIN: Pins are 4-8 digits": "无效的PIN码:请输入4-8位数字",- d. ]" L' ^' t( ^! s' U- `
"Invalid parameter.": "无效的参数",
1 L  A: L  O) Y" K& y# D  C "Lock SIM card": "锁定SIM卡",
) P( U0 U. s. W; w  L- O "Long": "长",
* [) |5 b' ^7 [1 V "Missed call": "未接来电",
) r; O! R/ g3 L# M8 `* T, P( z; [ "Missed call ": "未接来电 ",$ y& Q. X: n0 d
"Modem error": "调制解调器错误",0 {, q( m8 ^% F& h  D  Y. }# W
"Network Type": "网络类型",' k1 r- ~3 u& a
"Network message": "网络信息",
" l. i( q, ~2 I$ `2 t "Network returned failure.": "网络信息返回错误。",; I0 _3 A- W- ~& D
"Network update": "网络更新",
7 X4 n' Y9 r" k4 ~/ r+ m "Nine": "九",
+ r( `, ^4 ?' L) f; ?6 c3 C "No PRL Update Available": "没有可用的PRL更新",
* m# `1 f/ e3 m% l1 G+ k "No PRL update available": "没有可用的PRL更新",7 v+ E0 r; x- {4 g
"No answer": "无应答",
7 L2 H5 n) }( A5 k+ g# d8 K" M; B "No networks available": "没有可用的网络",1 c) M0 f2 R( I; r, O+ u
"No service.": "没有网络服务.",
. C; O: f2 U% L5 D "No telephony server": "没有电话服务器",
1 }3 D; G" G0 n; V2 A "None": "没有",
8 B4 v5 }/ K: @! O2 R7 ]6 H "Normal": "正常",
" N$ r/ n0 V4 z! D "Not supported by this network type.": "此网络不支持当前服务。",% f+ ^, o( m6 q4 t; @1 ^
"OK": "确定",* ?' l) ?9 l9 O3 E! G+ W
"Ok": "确定",1 m- v; t& q- \$ j; M. O1 [
"One": "一",3 {% q- Z5 a0 V. u! {: H' k
"One of the field value is missing!": "其中一个域值已经丢!",7 B: X2 @7 O* v4 M: D% R' K) E. j
"One of the field values is missing!": "其中一个域值已经丢!"," z' V  O( H# A/ f
"PIN Incorrect": "PIN码不正确",
) H3 j9 L- F5 _5 h$ Y4 {* }5 i "PIN change failed.": "更改PIN码失败",
0 P4 e! S0 g6 n6 j5 y0 w9 ? "PIN change failed: PIN not correct.": "更改PIN码失败: PIN码不正确。",
" z+ o* K- J" C  X; `6 @ "PIN change failed: PINs don't match.": "更改PIN码失败: PIN码不匹配.",
; x) b, u  F5 r' N* n6 r "PIN change failed: PUK locked.": "更改PIN码失败: PUK码被锁.",
9 u- V; g) \, O2 F. Q# i# ? "PIN change failed: SIM locked.": "更改PIN码失败: SIM被锁。",, `4 K7 P% v4 _1 r2 c8 M. _
"PIN change failed: bad format.": "更改PIN码失败: 错误的格式",
& a# ]4 e7 T* @ "PIN change failed: enable to change.": "更改PIN码失败: 未授权更改。",1 z; z& S7 B9 F
"PIN status change failed.": "改变PIN状态失败。",
. P: p! v- {" y' ]- ?* w, e$ _0 {' l+ [ "PIN status change failed: PUK locked.": "改变PIN状态失败: PUK码被锁。",7 A2 V5 m( m9 {% q% J
"PIN status change failed: SIM locked.": "改变PIN状态失败: SIM被锁。",; q  Z! h+ n. q" X" ~
"PIN status change failed: bad format.": "改变PIN状态失败: 错误的格式。",
* R/ v6 V" p* j5 N$ _ "PIN2 verify failed.": "PIN2码校验失败。",
( Y: f" N& @" l1 K, Q5 @  n% p0 D "PIN2 verify failed: PUK locked.": "PIN2码校验失败: PUK码被锁。",; L( u  ?: s+ c" A0 D# `; r. ?. m7 Y
"PIN2 verify failed: bad format.": "PIN2码校验失败: 错误的格式。",
* r( y6 Y* V, D8 w7 R% H" K "PRL is up-to-date": "PRL正在更新",9 X6 Y4 J1 o0 G+ i" Q
"PRL updated": "PRL 已更新",
! C  H+ E3 u7 u0 w9 k "PUK unlock failed.": "PUK码解锁失败。",
; t/ S& m4 E( _! O "PUK unlock failed: PINs don't match.": "PUK码解锁失败: PIN码不匹配。",
. F. Y1 N0 l7 u  f! I' F "PUK unlock failed: SIM locked.": "PUK码解锁失败: SIM被锁。",$ p3 W* h! }- i' U& f/ z, `
"PUK unlock failed: bad or incorrect PUK.": "PUK码解锁失败: 无效或错误的PUK码。",
+ N/ I, j! M4 _. a8 f  v8 K "PUK unlock failed: new PIN not valid.": "PUK码解锁失败: 新的PIN码无效。",3 ]8 @  @/ H6 t+ \
"Paste": "粘贴",+ U0 Y6 r/ H# p& c7 K, Q1 j+ W9 a
"Phone Prefs": "电话属性设置",
3 K$ V! l( F, _1 g! K- ] "Phone is off.": "电话已关机",
+ A3 |- l- h: W% u4 T "Phone modem is off": "电话调制解调器已关闭",, a1 n  m' g' F' k( n' o
"Phone number must be 10 digits": "电话号码必须为10位数字",* z( w( s( L! ?5 h/ s
"Pin doesn't match": "PIN码不匹配",
+ @* ^. R3 V+ k1 y6 d+ r9 G" L1 B "Placed call": "Llamada realizada",7 s* U( E3 r- \6 a" ]
"Programming...": "编程中…",  t6 l/ t% Z! D
"Provisioning service is not available, please try later": "服务不可用, 请稍后再试",
+ J6 u0 X9 }3 t3 z "Reading from network": "正从网络中读取",
* u' l+ I& T0 V2 l/ O' z. P "Reading network list": "正读取网络列表",6 Y4 H- B; J( [8 I$ o# z6 P! }' S
"Request failed to complete before timeout.": "请求已超时。",
2 a  M! R: }* W! @ "Roam Only": "仅限漫游",# r: D3 I$ q" f! h9 u8 J" Y
"SIM Card Disabled": "SIM卡关闭",/ s$ c9 m8 A# C
"SIM Card Locked": "SIM卡被锁",; K% |$ \* E3 O
"SIM Card PUK Locked": "SIM卡PUK码被锁",
( F- o+ @; q4 j- [7 }) h; q/ Z "SIM has bad file.": "SIM有无效文件。",
: A- p) ~0 Z- s/ \. B/ D5 Z1 [ "SIM phonebook not ready.": "SIM电话本未就绪.",
: X3 E0 j' b- Y" }( D4 K9 `4 U "Search a network": "搜索网络",
0 @! E& @: v2 ~$ I "Select a network...": "选择网络…",) @" {! C2 F# o/ q
"Sending your request...": "正在发送你的请求…",9 ]  a6 A5 x5 J$ N) n5 p3 U3 v0 ^3 e
"Settings updated": "设置已更新",
# r- E8 ?4 [  ?, P1 R "Seven": "七",
3 F2 m$ l% F( u4 Y3 y. v "Short": "短",. I( l0 U8 j# r: |9 [9 u6 a2 a
"Show my caller ID": "显示我的号码",
5 X1 `, g& T8 Z5 @+ Q% X "Simbook not ready. Please wait and try again": "SIM电话本尚不能使用,请稍后再试。",8 W1 D1 H/ Y* R1 K
"Six": "六",5 G/ ~& r3 Y6 g0 m5 l0 f
"Speaker": "扬声器",
8 }5 C$ `6 N+ T% r3 @ "Success": "成功",
2 v/ [6 O% M" d$ T1 J& }: [: b/ S "TelephonyService not connected to radio.": "电话程序无法连接通讯模块.",+ E# j- a- t3 T
"The PRL udpate could not be completed. Try again later. If the problem persists,call Sprint Customer Service.": "PRL更新无法完成。请稍后再试。如果问题仍然存在,请致电Sprint客户服务热线。",
8 Y7 m# M6 \/ x+ }# a' z "The PRL update could not be completed. Try again later. If the problem persists,call Sprint Customer Service.": "PRL更新无法完成。请稍后再试。如果问题仍然存在,请致电Sprint客户服务热线。",
' X; S& k3 _( {8 i7 ` "The network is unavailable.": "网络不可用。",( e4 ^1 H8 E' C, q
"The network settings could not be updated. Try again later. If the problem persists,call Sprint Customer Service.": "网络设置无法更新。请稍后再试。如果问题仍然存在,请致电Sprint客户服务热线。",
* ?9 m2 m+ j8 ~) J "Three": "三",  Z0 s% Z3 l4 |7 j! o7 t; A8 P
"Turn off Airplane Mode": "关闭飞行模式",) i, _; Y5 r6 q' x0 Y7 Y8 i
"Two": "二",
, O5 _5 J  z" w. k' _ "USSD request failed. ": "USSD请求失败。 ",4 U, E+ h  L( x* k, A! I8 O3 L
"Unable to complete call.": "不能完成呼叫。",
- u( _/ J5 G! c( G "Unable to connect": "不能连接",% Z2 d7 N3 Y7 M! P4 `$ o
"Unable to connect to selected network": "不能连接到选择的网络",
; ^$ w+ e6 _  w9 ` "Unable to find voicemail number.": "不能找到语音信箱号码。",6 X" l6 C3 h1 F! H+ }3 b3 q
"Unknown error.": "未知错误。",
; O: H# V) J0 `" Z- x "Unknown method.": "未知方法。",
3 r3 Z# r6 v7 S  i0 |- H% j( V "Unknown number": "未知数字",
- p8 Z: X; u+ \/ S "Unlock SIM card": "解锁SIM卡",2 k5 ~$ x# F8 e# L) e8 M! n: A# ]
"Unlock failed.": "解锁失败。",- n0 G" y/ y1 S9 g7 W
"Unlock failed: PUK locked.": "解锁失败: PUK码被锁。",
6 r  J; j' J3 c! _" R "Unlock failed: bad format.": "解锁失败: 无效的格式。",) T; b7 c% I+ Z
"Unreachable": "无法获取",
8 q0 E3 a( T3 X "Update Canceled": "更新已取消",
' z7 {# D& C/ M8 R; z7 I0 s "Update Network Settings": "更新网络设置",
* q! K6 n# h4 G7 \! q/ _4 B% b% m "Update PRL": "更新PRL",! L& F+ W1 G5 C$ Z1 j3 ~
"Update canceled": "更新已取消",: K, g5 I& Y6 o; Q, b
"Update network settings": "更新网络设置",
- Y  j$ U7 ?* ?$ D "Upon successful entry of your PIN, SIM lock will take effect after you go in and out of flight mode.": "PIN码输入正确,开启和关闭飞行模式后SIM锁将生效。",7 U; m- ^3 o, `; K
"Voice Network": "语音网络",
- `" K$ G% _5 W: j' G! e9 t/ v, Y "Voice privacy disabled.": "语音保密关闭。",
: K! X( i2 D* g! a: l! @  D1 c "Voice privacy enabled.": "语音保密开启。",
% h& h# H0 [  a" P+ p. @; Y2 [ "Voicemail": "语音邮件",% X* b3 m4 B$ }! F) R
"Voicemail Count Reset": "语音邮件计数器复位",; V: Y. r- \' }" H) M
"While FDN is enabled, Call Forwarding cannot be set.": "当FDN开启,呼叫转移不能设置。",
' U, o2 m  w; w  M2 C' v7 F5 L "While FDN is enabled, Call Waiting cannot be set.": "当FDN开启,呼叫等待不能设置。",
/ z& t3 A- G7 _0 Y "While FDN is enabled, Caller ID cannot be set.": "当FDN开启,来电显示不能设置。",
! V- d- y9 R7 d; \' ~ "Wired headset": "有线耳机",
# ?! q3 p  `  ~: k& [( s6 z' } "You need a network connection to your wireless service provider to see some settings.": "要查看某些设置,你需要一个网络连接到你的无线服务提供商。",
% ^8 q( ]6 e" A- Q  a0 p "You're simlocked. Please contact your service provider.": "你的SIM已被锁定。请联系你的服务提供商。",
5 }8 [$ q: n' A' v8 G+ O# ? "Zero": "零",
- a" H0 Z9 M' P- o& o/ Q "network lock. sim invalid.": "网络锁。SIM无效。",
8 c, q0 U$ K( T8 t1 y "pin2 lock.": ";pin2码锁",& b! y1 ^8 Z* U+ _4 A
"provider lock. sim invalid.": "供应商锁。 SIM无效。",. O) |* [% F/ q9 z' `+ L$ q
"set TTY failed": "设置TTY失败",0 L' c9 P% \$ E2 e
"set failed": "设置失败",9 F! M0 C6 b& A
"set failed.": "设置失败。",' {& t+ [/ w" W) r
"set succeeded": "设置成功"1 N' E( B- h; f; n& i! L

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