App Catalog vs Android Market
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The App Catalog is small. Plain and simple. Though we are seeing a stunning amount of growth in the App Catalog going from just 12 apps to over 700 apps in a little over 5 months. Android is currently growing even faster. In the same time frame WebOS received over 700 new apps Android has grown from 7,500 apps to 14,000 apps. So if you are looking for a phone with an already flurrying application ecosystem, then right now Android is the better choice. I do feel confident that WebOS will grow to the level it needs to grow, but as of now there aren't nearly as many apps. What about the quality of apps?+ Y% h2 ^ P( G/ a, ]
" |- e2 _9 L* J: ^WebOS的应用目录比较小,显得比较单薄和简单。虽然我们看到目录中数量增长率比较可观,但实际上5个月期间也就达到了700个左右。 Android电子市场的增长就快得多了,在WebOS应用达到700个的同时期,电子市场应用软件的总数从7500个增加到了14000个。 所以如果希望找一款应用发展比较丰富的产品,当下Android是个更好的选择。 不过我个人对WebOS应用软件市场增长到一个正常的水平很有信心,只是现在的数量还不够多。. s! T2 V$ a) I9 d& ~% g: @
( X- n, q* n2 w那么应用软件的质量如何呢?/ O% f- J. }; l; M6 K( l3 [
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Right now neither WebOS nor Android have the app quality that the iPhone has. Games aren't as rich or full of graphic detail and the applications just don't have as much depth. Still we are already seeing applications from both Android and WebOS that are impressive and can do things that Apple wouldn't dream of. Some examples is dxHome or aHome in the Android market. These apps essentially allow you to change how the GUI of Android works. You can change the launcher bar, wallpapers, icons, and change how the home screens work. Also with WebOS you have apps like Flixter which can add events to your native calendar, Pandora which allow you to add controls in the dashboard, and Switcharoo which lets you automatically change your wallpaper every few minutes. Things are still simple but moving along. As far as quality between Android and WebOS. Java vs HTML. With HTML 5 developing rapidly and WebGL and Google's 03D on the way, things are starting to look very bright for WebOS. On the other hand Android apps still don't seem to be very eye capturing. WebOS apps generally are easier on the eyes and more graphically pleasing even if they are still simple. When the SDK allows GPU access and WebGL development, those apps will be even more beautiful. For now Apple is king and will be for a while. Definitely hold your breath though because WebOS and Android development is growing.
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目前,无论Android还是WebOS的应用软件质量还比不上iPhone。游戏的图像细节不够丰富,应用开发的深度也不足。 不过Android和WebOS的应用发展令人印象深刻,而且确实有些东西Apple可能想都还没想到。 例如Android电子市场里的dxHome和aHome应用。这些应用能让用户更换Android运行时的GUI(用户图形接口。这里貌似作者表达的不够准确,实际上更换的是用户界面的主题,如同给软件换肤。作者认为iPhone可能不屑于这种美化界面的软件,所以有这么一说。但实际上iOS下也有许多更换界面主题的软件。不知道是不是作者摆了个乌龙。有了解的童鞋请补充。--译者注),更换启动栏、墙纸、图标甚至是起始页面的工作方式。 WebOS上也有类似Flixter这样的软件,可以往内置的日历应用中添加事件。 Pandora更允许把控制操作添加到提醒区信息板上。Switcharoo则能隔几分钟就更换一张墙纸。 虽然都不大起眼不过始终在发展。至于两者未来发展的态势,主要是取决于Java与HTML体系的脚步。 考虑到HTML 5发展迅速,WEBGL和Google的03D即将出台,看起来WebOS的发展前景更加光明一些。 另外一方面,Android的应用始终不那么吸引人的眼球。 WebOS的应用基本上都很图形化很吸引人,即使界面非常简单。 一旦SDK开放直接访问GPU和WebGL开发技术,WebOS的应用界面会更加漂亮。 软件发展上目前Apple还是并且未来一段时间内将仍然保持王者位置。 不过WebOS和Android已经上路子了,让我们忍耐并期待着吧……
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0 `# u1 Q0 ^! W[ Edited by mpan on 2010-12-4 00:02 ] |