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Multitasking is one of the most important features of both WebOS and Android. It is what sets them apart from the king of kings known as the iPhone and makes them more enjoyable for us geeks as well as less irritating for average users who don't want to have to exit their navigation app to read a text message. So the big question is how does the Droid multitask compared to the Pre? Is one better than the other? Let's take a look at what I have found.
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WebOS: With the Palm Pre/Pixi multitasking is seamless and fun. It is as simple as swiping your finger up at any time to minimize an app and swiping left and right to shuffle through your apps (known as cards on WebOS) and just tapping on one to jump back into it. The Pre's multitasking is very intuitive and essentially limitless. The ability to handle processes in the background on both native and third party apps is a very powerful tool and makes day to day use more efficient and easy. WebOS allows you to get things done in the background. An example of this would be launching a browser, typing an address, then minimizing the browser to go to your messaging app to send a text. Once you finish sending a text you can go back to your browser card and see that the page finished loading while sending a text. You can do this all while Sprint Nav is running in another card in the background.5 n& Z( H- ^" B8 s2 l& n- k6 V
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WebOS:在Palm Pre和Pixi上,多任务处理是原生的而且使用起来趣味性很强。 任何时候做一个上划手势表示最小化当前程序、左划或右划可以在程序(在Pre上叫做卡片)间切换,点击任何一个卡片就能进入这个程序。 Pre的多任务处理相当直观也没有对应用的种类加以限制。能够对原生的和第三方的程序都做多任务管理的能力非常强悍,令得Pre在处理日常事务方面更加有效率也更加容易。WebOS可以在后台完成应用程序的运行,例如打开浏览器输入地址后就可以最小化放到后台,这个时候你可以随意做点儿什么例如发个短信之类,等做完了再打开刚才的浏览器卡片,就可以查看在刚才干别的事情的时候在后台已经完成加载的页面了。导航软件同样也可以在后台工作(把导航软件最小化成一个卡片),期间你在前台想做什么就做什么,互不干扰(作者想表述的意思是,即使导航软件这样需要不断输出语音提示的应用,一样可以放在后台持续运行,而前台做一些需要交互的工作,例如发短信)。
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Android: Android multitasks a bit different and because you don't see all the windows (or cards in WebOS) like you do in WebOS some people don't feel like it is multitasking. This is inaccurate. Android multitasks and it multitasks well. With Android, apps don't close manually or automatically unless you completely run out of memory then it will begin closing the least used apps. So how do you switch through your active apps? Well there are a couple ways. Some apps will integrate into the notification tray at the top of the screen. Apps that usually do this are Google Maps, the Music app, and the phone app when on a call. You can slide the tray down at any time within almost every app and tap on that app to return to it. Another way is just by going to your home screen and tapping on the icon of an app you were just in. Much like in WebOS when you tap an app that is already open it just returns you to that app. Then you have the long press of the home button. You can just hold the home button and when you first press your finger on it you get haptic feedback then after about a second you feel it again and you can lift your finger and you will see the 6 most recent apps you have used. Just tap on an app you need to go to and it will open back up in the state it was in when you last used it. So which one is better?* q( J; Y( G( z. D
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Android: Android的多任务处理有些区别,用户无法看到所有打开的窗口(或WebOS中所说的程序卡片),所以有些用户觉得Android不是个多任务的平台。 这是个误解。Android确实是多任务的而且处理能力也还不错。 Android平台里,除非你耗尽了内存时系统会自动关闭使用频率最低的应用程序,否则所有的程序都不会真正关闭,无论是手工“关闭”还是系统自动“关闭”(实际上都打开过的程序都保持在后台运行,虽然可能并不是全力在运行--译者注)。 那怎么能切换到那些正在运行的程序里呢? 有几种办法:有些集成了顶端提示栏的应用,像Google地图、音乐播放器和正在通话的电话等。这种情况下,用户可以下划提示栏,可以看到(集成了提示栏功能的)应用程序占据一个提示行,点击就可以切换到指定的程序里。 另一种方法是按“home”键回到起始页,重新点击应用程序的图标,如果之前已经启动过,就可以切换到正在后台运行的程序。 与WebOS里类似的操作差不多——当你点击一个已经打开过的WebOS程序的图标,会切换到正在运行的程序卡片里。 还有一种方法就是长按“Home”键,两次触觉反馈之后会调出一个容纳6项最近使用过的程序的列表,选择一个你要打开的应用程序点击一下就行了,这时程序界面将重新打开并保留着之前退出时的状态。$ p9 r6 j) E, d, E' S
& [: B& j, D# P说了这么多,两款手机的多任务方式,哪个更可爱一些呢?
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It really is up to you. WebOS has a simple solution that is easy to use. Some think WebOS gives instant satisfaction because you can see all your apps open at once in card view. Android has the apps all sort of hidden in the background, but getting to them works just as well. If I was forced to choose, I would pick WebOS multitasking. I mean what can I say, sometimes it is just fun to flip through cards.
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8 N" |" Z( S5 H0 V, ^2 a5 S+ J这完全取决于用户自己的感觉。 WebOS的多任务非常简单易用。有些人认为WebOS给用户带来一种美妙的感觉,因为一眼就能看到都打开了哪些程序(卡片)。Android把所有应用都藏在后台了,不过重新进入程序的过程也非常顺畅。 如果非要选一个,我会选择WebOS。有时候在卡片之间跳来跳去感觉还是挺好玩儿的。
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- t9 S, @/ \ _+ A6 G7 c& V0 L[ Edited by mpan on 2010-12-3 23:49 ] |