Introduction to SunVox
2 \1 ^5 Y" T) |$ m! t
/ H- u0 O) p4 @SunVox is a small, fast and powerful music sequencer (tracker) with modular synthesizers. It is a tool for those people who want to compose music anywhere. SunVox available for desktop PC (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), pocket computers (Windows Mobile, PalmOS, iPhone) and netbooks.
0 M* @7 X2 t1 l: V& s( Q9 C
- v' c* B _: m" A7 E/ U8 E3 NKey features:
9 v8 w( o8 @# g( w2 G( ]9 B: M3 M# Q: {) y m2 w0 i9 W9 [
Modular interface.
% c6 [; o8 E& O0 |# b8 DHighly optimized synth algorithms.
1 j* F6 S) }- L1 z/ x* B( IFlexible architecture: SunVox can working on variuos devices. For example: PDA with slow CPU - 16bit sound (fixed point arithmetic); or big PC with powerfull CPU: 32bit sound (floating point arithmetic). 6 P9 O( A( q, n0 J; ^
Built-in synthesizers: & x9 v# T2 g4 P4 b0 }5 k0 @
FM synthesizer;
$ W H( T) q* W8 HGenerator (saw,triangle,square,noise waveforms); 4 b9 r9 _. F7 r7 ~" m1 m5 c( `$ s7 s7 b
Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI);
1 e2 Z& p1 Y: R( S6 {/ Y' TSpectraVoice (FFT-based synth for analog-like pads);
- D$ x6 k4 a: \( y6 b0 EKicker; 6 X) H& S$ o$ Z. L {) \8 q
Stereo Delay; ) l; _ P& ~* v, q
2 o+ W6 I: K' Y: iEcho; # a) p) L, f2 q! x+ G7 H3 B$ I# V. ~
Filter (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch);
, [2 s7 i! b: z" S9 |7 dVocal Filter; 1 c3 K% x" Z8 n
0 M* L. J; Z) w3 W M6 [LFO; ) [& M: e+ v7 W( B T
/ J2 e* F1 E9 I7 IReverb (with DC Blocking Filter). 3 J' W6 o# F! ?5 c5 T, ^' Q* u1 i
Supported platforms: Windows, Linux (x86/x86_64), Mac OS X, PalmOS, WindowsCE (Windows Mobile), iPhone.
( ]9 l( u4 _- ?- k9 dExport to WAV. |