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[PalmOS软件] Agendus 12发布

发表于 2007-6-22 17:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6月20日刚发布,AGP的Premier中带的Agendus Mail也升到5.32版本。keygen依然有效
发表于 2007-6-23 11:53 | 显示全部楼层
  g3 J! z: l' j  F& v7 o$ F7 h8 k5 _& V- w) w
; d! [3 z+ I& m, M1 M7 O% E; e iambic_keygen.zip (21.39 KB, 下载次数: 657) 0 [' q4 G. B2 r* N+ d! j) X7 @: W: N
) N. d) I) M; T0 A# ~! i, }Start the keygen 843 X, g# J; c& w/ r: q4 ?
Which? 0
+ R( u2 |0 U+ ~$ _# T9 I3 HWhich software id unknown?: 24
+ S  b) I" ^1 W, cMajor version of Software? (eg. 1)? 128 v( ]) ?0 v6 E; c0 ~$ G1 e
Which? 1
$ V; f5 A% R: \3 r( HType here Device ID printed in menu/about, or anythingyour device id)
$ W4 z9 _) m! r/ O8 _5 \% penter

; y9 u# Y% M) Y" y& j  @9 X8 T* \
4 T  Y3 s3 ~8 q1 u+ J+ w. w/ t: ^
+ x: U" S/ Q0 c5 _$ K& m3 k官方站http://www.iambic.com/agenduspro/palmos/% J( D0 V# @" j
5 c3 ^: u0 b/ t  N7 P7 b

( c: Y9 e; W; z0 L英文试用版在这里下载5 C/ ?) H$ H* |. S9 [& @% }
" U. ?9 G0 r" o/ z
http://www.iambic.com/download/p ... endusPro_OTA_EN.prc
发表于 2007-6-23 11:56 | 显示全部楼层
更新记录..估计很多人都不会去看的- u, n" n8 {0 w. e7 H( F: |
$ `( T" @& X9 A4 o( l9 Z# r
[url=]What's new in version 12.0[/url]                , W+ |/ P" O4 |1 s
0 P9 D. y6 J' E- o1 f# d3 q" T               
                                                        Explore the Agendus' features directly on your handheld or smartphone and bring                            a quick reference always with you! Download and Install the Agendus Tour (compatibile with most recent Palm,                            Inc. handhelds and smartphones, including the Treo and Tungsten lineups).
                0 e. B$ R; `3 E) O3 Z9 C  N
                                    » Major New Features               
* u3 Q4 v9 }8 G( h4 S               
  • New Contact View Photo Dialer Mode: shows contact pictures & name, and allows                        for one tap dialing                                                     
  • New Calendar View Journal Mode: allowing to manage, preview, sort,                        and filter journal related entries [PRO / PRE]                                                     
  • Added the ability to add contacts to individual journal entries                                                     
  • New Daily Journal Card: shows today's journal, supporting completion,                        contact linking, and agenda walkthrough [PRO / PRE]                                                     
  • New Personal Project Manager functionality: allowing to create                        mini-projects and associate them meetings, tasks, memos [PRO / PRE]                                                     
  • All-new card views: now show additional item's details, streamlined,                        much more readable, and colorfully organized                                                     
  • Introduced the ability to add multiple Contacts to Tasks: Through                        Agendus now Tasks having multiple contacts linked allow for acting upon the "task                        attendees" with operations such as send email, sms, driving directions, etc. [PRO                        / PRE]                                                     
  • Added support for attaching items to Events, Tasks, Contact and Meetings:                        all PIM items now expose facilities allowing to link documents, images, etc. to                        them [PRO / PRE]                                                     
  • Added the ability to create "Alarms" as items independent from                        other PIM elements. Alarms are then visible in all calendar related views.                                                     
  • Added "take action on completion" functionality when completing                        a meeting or tasks through a serie of automated follow-up actions                                                     
  • Today View: added Stock Quotes slot and related facilities, including                        dialog where to manage the portfolio and check shares' values. [PRO / PRE]                                                     
  • Power Search 411: added support for reverse phone numbers lookup                        [PRO / PRE]                                                     6 }& d- {( B. l! f" h8 G4 q
                * Z( T$ U$ Z8 H, Z* x2 E2 W$ M
                                    » Notable Improvements                6 c& i1 ~0 h) N; |
                Calendar Related               
/ n$ B4 r/ ]- g% G3 Q                & D- z/ O* z' A" J
  • Meeting Invitations: New invites now only send to those Attendees who's status is                        unknown [PRE]
  • Added hyperlinking to the text in the location field when formatted as a URL, email                        address or phone number
  • Meeting Reschedule: now prompts user for time of rescheduled meeting
  • Month Views: Added option to Show/Hide Banners and to bring them forward / back                        in Standard and Icon Modes
  • Added Week Numbers Month Views
  • Added flashing date indicator to Week, Month and Year views allowing for easily                        spotting where today falls in the related view                                                     
  • Month View Clock Mode: improved readability of meeting, task and call icon indicators                        by using more up-to-date icons
                Contact Related                3 q' c5 }/ h5 d
) @- U9 D; i# f+ k5 M! @) V: B- ~7 {               
  • Contact Edit dialog: added the capability for selecting the phone and address labels                        via dpad
  • Improved the beaming contact facility to only beam the contact info but not its                        related note, if any
  • Contact view: now after closing a contact card the previously selected contact will                        be the one currently selected in the list
  • After closing a contact card now the selection is returned the row for that name                        in the contact view
  • Contact History: Added Quick View Options & Contact Detail button
  • Added preference allowing to personalize font size in Contact History
  • Contact History: Improved SalesWarrior Opportunity icon by using higher resolution                        bitmap
  • Contact History: now shows journal entries if the contact is part of a journal item
  • Contact List View: Improved tap/hold (dpad/hold menu) & Dial functionality now allows                        to select on the fly which number to dial [PRO / PRE]                                                     
  • Contact View: Moved the 'All' tab from the far right to the far left for consistency                        with the other Agendus products
  • Added "Log to Contact by default" preference for meetings and related functionality
                Task Related                # ]. E& u6 ]" n! M& W
5 r; a0 J$ |0 k% ^$ H; x6 E               
  • Added support to Native Tasks Redos as occurrs in latest devices for setting Redo                        Tasks to Weekly, Monthly & Yearly like Repeats
  • Task Sorting: Added option to set items in descending or ascending chronological                        order
  • Added option to show completed tasks only in the task view list mode but not in                        the other views
  • Task View Hierarchy Mode: Added "Expand All" button allowing to quickly expand or                        collapse the whole hierarchy [PRO / PRE]
  • Rollover Tasks: Added a preference to Task Defaults to make all New Tasks Rollover                        [PRO / PRE]
  • Task View: improved grouping by contact by not showing the contact on each item                        since already known based on the grouping criteria
  • Added the ability to mark Tasks complete via dpad in non-task related Views via                        tap & hold menu
  • Task "After Completion" preferences now support logging to journal, delete & ask,                        Redo, and convert to meeting [PRO / PRE]
                Memo Related               
0 h# o6 ^' p( ?3 l. x& x$ t0 _               
0 F" F+ b2 d1 ~9 N, G. Z' K               
  • Added Mapping/Directions and Weather buttons on the card view when a contact was                        present
                Alarm Related               
0 _2 W, I  `6 w( `* V8 q" [                ) v+ h6 p1 P$ Y8 G+ b
  • Alarm dialog now presents more snooze times as well as ability to add a custom snooze                        [PRO / PRE]                                                     
  • Today View Alarm Slot: now allows for alarm item selection, and support tap & hold                        / dpad center & hold popup menu                                                     
  • Added option to personalize the Alarm Snooze time [PRO / PRE]
  • Alarm dialogs: Added tool tips to new graphical buttons for improved usability
                Trip Related                1 g5 W9 Y4 O' W1 r- I* t& P
                ; @" ?% K' _* p' @: a
  • Trips: added option to use Contact entries for Vendors & populate address/phone                        info accordingly [PRO / PRE]                                                     
  • Trips: added in-line Quick Lookup of Vendors for either built-in vendors or contacts
  • Trips: added flight number information entry text appearing in the calendar views                        [PRO / PRE]
  • Trips: added Taxi as an additional form of Ground Transportation [PRO / PRE]
  • New Trip from Menu now takes to the Trip Details View for quickly adding new Trip                        items [PRO / PRE]
  • Trip Items: Phone numbers given to Trip Items now support hyperlinking to related                        contact card [PRO / PRE]
  • PIM Item Card: when user accesses a trip from a card hyperlink, upon dismissing                        the trip dialog is now returned back to appropriate card [PRO / PRE]
                Power Search Related               
" `/ w1 {8 g: N' K3 Y5 F6 W# B               
# s# m. I' `, q/ d" i: |               
  • Power Search: Added Edit Menu so users can transfer text to/from clipboard [PRO                        / PRE]
  • Power Search Local: improved search algorithm to act on "contains" instead of "start                        with" logic [PRO / PRE]
  • Power Search 411: Added memory of last search category [PRO / PRE]
  • Power Search Local: Changed Icon picker text to 'All' instead of the previously                        used 'None' for clarity [PRO / PRE]
                Preferences Related                0 {6 D8 c7 V, m. `
7 M% j" ]2 p6 ~               
  • Added option to turn on/off toolbar tooltips
  • Added facility allowing the user to specify the default time zone for new meetings
  • Added option to select what types of hyperlinks should show/not show on Card Views
  • Added option to automatically add Strikethrough or other effect to Canceled meetings                        [PRO / PRE]
  • Added preference allowing users to define phone number formatting [PRO / PRE]
  • Added Autolearn Facility in Event Edit Dialog to intelligently decide where to place                        the cursor upon entering the dialog based on past usage
! N" ~( q1 v; p4 H                0 c% _, z% Z- }) q/ Z- w& v
  • Vivid Agenda now allows to apply categories as part of its ruleset
  • Vivid Agenda: added support for personalizing text matches, supporting "contains",                        "exact" and "starts with"
  • Events set to repeat every 12 months now also appear when List filter is set to                        Annual Events
  • Added ability to recognize first character as a shortcut in dropdown lists to immediately                        jump to that item in the list
  • Week View Block Mode: Added tap & hold popup menus
  • When scheduling a follow-up on an event, user is now given the option to copy notes                        of the original as well
  • Agenda Walkthrough: extended it to Memos
  • Agenda Walkthrough now allows per module on/off capability
  • Memo Card View: added support for hyperlinking
  • File Browser now supports alpha recognition allowing quick jump to item via keyboard                        keypress
  • Added visual indicator about a filter being applied in all views supporting filtering                                                     
  • Added time selector to the Auto Update dialog when "Once a Day" is selected [PRO                        / PRE]
  • Improved the functionality of the "Go To" button so that upon first tap it will                        go to Today, then allow going to a different date via tap/hold (dpad/hold)
  • View Navigators (green back / fwd buttons in the toolbar) have been enhanced to                        list as popup the last 5 views visited
  • Added "Show Time As" support for Events on latest devices. The information is carried                        over to Outlook via native conduits. [PRO / PRE]
  • Added support for creating new SalesWarrior opportunity from the "New" menu
  • Improved Event Repeating Options to allow better compatibility with Outlook
  • Weekend days now support user-defined color customization
  • Drag and Drop in split view: now automatically sets the new meeting time based on                        the timeslot where the release action has taken place
  • Dpad support in the view options dialog of the today view for selecting/deselecting                        which slots to include
  • Card Views: Added "Copy selected text" to the tap & hold popup appearing when selecting                        portions of text [PRO / PRE]
  • Purge Facility now allows to fine-tune what is going to be purged, and presents                        summary report about what has been performed                                                     
  • Driving Directions: Added in-line quick lookup functionality for adding addresses                        on the fly [PRO / PRE]
  • Driving Directions: Added toggle allowing to quickly switch between From/To
  • Improved functionality of the "map address" button to allow for quickly chose between                        mapping and driving directions
  • Moved ‘Dial’ up in the tap/hold menus for quicker access for Treo users
                ! X- [/ M0 _( q+ n  h* O
                                    » Functionality Refinements                8 ~9 F1 P8 x* q! }
  • Addressed toolbar disappearing when switching from Portrait to Landscape on some                        devices
  • Corrected inability to select from the recently used contacts list using only the                        d-pad
  • Treo 700p/680: Corrected camera application not being available for adding photos
  • Treo 680: Corrected spacebar not invoking the “New” pop-up as expected
  • Resolved random alarm time being assigned to a new meeting when it was being created                        by converting from a Task that had an alarm
  • Contacts: Corrected Lookup filter being refreshed upon tap/hold->delete of contact                        within filtered results
  • Contacts: Corrected Private Contacts remaining visible in some instances when Security                        on and set to “Hide”
  • Contacts: Addressed contacts not drawing properly when scrolling long lists while                        grouped
  • Contacts: Addressed inability to change a contact photo in Agendus, which was originally                        added in the native contacts
  • Contacts: Resolved stability issue when scrolling long lists of contacts with d-pad                        when in some instances
  • Contacts: Resolved stability issue when scrolling long lists of grouped contacts                        in some instances
  • Contacts: Resolved stability issue when attempting to add a linked contact in the                        rare event no relationships were defined
  • Tasks: Corrected Chart legend being inaccurate when grouping by Matrix
  • Week Block View: Corrected deletion of future occurrence of Daily Repeating event                        deleting the first occurrence instead
  • Addressed template corruption and stability issue after deleting a template then                        attempting to create a new one
  • Addressed edits to existing sketches not being saved when sketches are set to save                        to RAM [PRO / PRE]
  • Trips: Changed behavior so that when viewing a Trip item from calendar views, the                        previous calendar view is re-shown upon closing, instead of Trip View [PRO / PRE]
  • Trips: Corrected loss of Trip item details after changing the completion status                        from the calendar entry [PRO / PRE]
  • Trips: Corrected one-day trips still being registered in the calendar as a repeat                        meeting [PRO / PRE]
  • Trips: Addressed Meetings, Tasks/Calls and Memos created via Trip dialog not observing                        the respective default properties for those items [PRO / PRE]
  • Trips: Corrected inability to change the status of trip-related items from the Trip                        itenerary tap/hold menus
  • Meetings: Corrected behavior of Rollover meetings continuing to rollover after having                        been marked “Complete” or “Cancelled” [PRO / PRE]
  • Meetings: Addressed stability issue when attempting to delete all attendees using                        only the d-pad [PRO / PRE]
  • Power Search Local: Resolved stability issue when tapping on the Power Search 411                        button from the Power Search Local dialog in some instances [Professional and Premier                        Editions]
  • Power Search Local: Resolved stability issue on some devices when tapping on ‘Edit’                        of a Contact card after selecting from Power Search Local result [PRO / PRE]
  • Power Search 411: Addressed stability issue that occurred after performing a search,                        then adding the contact, followed by edits to the new contact
  • Restored Mapopolis as a mapping provider [PRO / PRE]
  • Corrected several inconsistencies in the "New" menu when accessed from the various                        edit dialogs
  • Corrected some list views not observing the week start day correctly when Palm Preferences                        were set to have Monday as the Week Start day
  • Meetings: Addressed stability issue when attempting to edit a meeting that originated                        as an Outlook invite in which the attendees were not in the device's contacts
  • Meetings: Corrected meetings with no time not "rolling over" to next day if a rollover                        end date was not specified
  • Quarter View: Corrected redraw issue in the day detail section when navigating through                        days
  • Month View: Corrected redraw issue on the Next/Previous months section on extended                        screen devices when navigating between months
  • Vivid Agenda: Added a limit of 64 rules to prevent potential stability concerns.                        Users of previous versions with more than 64 will not lose them.
  • Launch & Buttons: Changed label on the button assignment from 'None' to 'Go to Last                        View' to eliminate confusion of expected behavior
  • Addressed alarm time always appearing in 12 hour format on Card views, despite a                        different format being defined in system preferences
发表于 2007-6-23 14:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-7-13 13:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-17 09:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-17 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-21 18:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-24 21:35 | 显示全部楼层
不好用,竟然出现PLEASE WAIT' \9 C) W' k# P9 n& j) I4 c0 V
发表于 2007-9-21 12:46 | 显示全部楼层
我装了一下,尝试了一下,功能很强大,也很像使用,但是有些地方会引起重启。 Agendus 的11也试了,也是会重启。不稳定。还是放弃了。
发表于 2007-10-12 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-14 08:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-15 00:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-27 21:37 | 显示全部楼层
很好 一直在用 刚升级了一下 继续熟悉新功能ing
发表于 2007-11-12 16:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-1-28 12:16 | 显示全部楼层
thanks a lot
发表于 2008-9-25 00:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-2 17:17 | 显示全部楼层
挖个老坟; W0 I2 v: P' L  x" K
刚才去主页看了看# m+ K: J$ W$ J4 Y  I5 ^
V13的已经出来$ o) v/ E5 h" z* z9 T# m7 X
, Z$ D$ a9 h/ `
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