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[新闻评论] 惠普WebOS平板机新料:USB 3.0+4G网络

发表于 2010-12-22 09:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在惠普WebOS平板机Topaz曝光后不久又有消息称,惠普将在下月进行的CES大会上展示多款WebOS平板机机型,它们将支持新一代4G无线网络,配备USB 3.0接口。- `) b" S, v, e  c7 o4 S" R

' b2 F# x' e. S8 fFoxNews在报道中仍然使用了此前传言的PalmPad平板机名称,他们引用可靠消息称,惠普将在CES上展示三款PalmPad不同机型,并且将运行此前从未披露的WebOS 2.5.1系统(可能是平板机专用系统),可以看做是HP Slate的后继机型。这三款差异较小,主要针对家用消费领域,配备迷你HDMI接口,支持Sprint的4G网络,前后各置一摄像头(前130万像素,后300万像素)。! |% V5 M" l2 b; c! g1 Y

" p* L7 F8 E8 {  @7 J- H惠普第四款机型则主要针对大学在校生,适合阅读,并附带内部教育软件,可以进行硬件配置定制,适合大部分用户。据称它将配备一个8.9寸显示屏,明年秋天推出,但它不会在下月的CES上亮相。, t( A4 u$ o0 G! C% ?1 a" o* z

4 ^( k% e* ~; F& t1 b  e虽然三款要在CES上展示的WebOS平板机机型配置等信息还没有最终确定,但预计它搭载的显示屏将大于8.9寸,接近iPad的9.7寸,并且要比前者更薄,重1.25磅,配备USB 3.0接口以及类似于Palm Pre上使用的multi-switch多任务切换按钮 。
$ Z: y  E6 o1 U) t
! v" ?& E" ?$ U8 a) w" l+ q2 r4 S4 C, Y此前惠普高层Todd Bradley在其电话会议上对其股东表示,其WebOS产品将在明年初亮相,据此预计惠普有可能在明年三月份将WebOS平板机推向市场。
; z' R0 u# S. {

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-22 10:01 | 显示全部楼层

[传闻] PalmPad在CES上公布?..相关细节泄漏...

: `4 N5 X# c2 j目前又有新消息流出..这次是Palm PAD的示意图和相关细节.尽管来自 FoxNews的消息可能在图片等方面未能确认(很可能用了HP的标准的slat图片当成palmPad产品图片),但是有一些细节被传来传去.还是让不少人兴奋一把.(不排除有一些细节纯属网友YY).8 o- l# J' B! Y

2 m7 H7 V$ V( D$ X5 ^' u% t/ D7 l& l' _
! c7 o, |5 u& I3 v4 q采用webos2.5.1系统.有选配的底座
4 U, L! D9 R$ T; J5 K
. V8 n2 g- W# c9 o7 T8 G# s其中一款可能在CES上发布.(2011年1月)3月上市
* L( D& \( a1 c$ B. e% y+ S- T: ~屏幕9.7" 寸,重1.25 磅
; i; w$ [6 y1 R3 {' O 采用Sprint's WiMAX 4G 网络
4 n7 L$ U9 p5 i  d尺寸等指标与iPad接近,比ipad略轻略薄. O4 k( p( \3 K2 F2 y/ w
配有HDMI-out, 双摄像头front and rear-facing cameras (1.3mp and 3mp). + ^  ?+ I9 O, D$ b' k
USB 3.0 port,/ k2 V5 U/ Y& s: O
/ Q# h9 F2 e- m/ ^/ [有耳机插孔,
% d  e- D" [* d/ D; O# C* U7 K可能有SD槽和 Mini-HDMI 视频输出口2 ?- t9 G9 q* L. U5 z
: m  }- R* g0 x7 j" N! z


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发表于 2010-12-22 10:01 | 显示全部楼层
来源2 H  P1 C8 L# K% l' T, o. C
http://www.precentral.net/palmpa ... utm_content=Twitter% W" @- y, s* T3 {
' e) {" |& i0 i7 w: d  q4 A
=========================================0 r6 U; w- [' y: V+ K6 n
Rumor (debunked?): palmPad details leak? Updated x3: Sketches an HP Slate, Palm confirms no tablet at CES$ j2 I/ V0 [, [" |, ^" u- J5 K2 d
% A% G( _9 G3 O6 l
FoxNews has uncovered the above sketch detailing the upcoming palmPad, which they say will debut at CES in January. They say there will be four models of the palmPad, all running webOS 2.5.1. They claim that all four will be "a spin-off of the never-released HP Slate." That latter claim is incorrect, of course, as the Slate was released, albeit in limited form.9 h/ g& s" T2 _9 \: V3 f
' q7 P$ {2 O- p% u
One version, for consumers, will run on Sprint's WiMAX 4G network with specs "nearly identical" to the iPad, but adding HDMI-out, front and rear-facing cameras (1.3mp and 3mp). The palmPad is apparently slightly thinner than the iPad, with a 9.7" inch screen, weighing 1.25 pounds, has a USB 3.0 port, and what they are calling a "multi-switch" that presumably is designed as a silent switch.7 U% U0 Q+ c  u+ J' Z+ G

! g8 s) r; O$ d% }2 f/ VThe image above provides further details - including an optional dock. Up top we see what appears to be power, volume, and that "multi-switch" switch. On bottom we see a dock connector and two audio ports, presumably one is a speaker and the other is a microphone. On the right we see a headphone jack and the aforementioned USB 3.0 port. The lefthand side is more curious, there is a section that looks like it could be a SD card slot and what looks to be a Mini-HDMI port for video-out.
/ c4 ]: L+ A" F2 @3 ^: \
0 g7 L4 b; ]: q3 W/ B7 i6 DAnother version will have an 8.9" screen and be targeted towards education. That will be debuted later in the year. Clayton Morris suggests that the palmPad (note the lowercase p in Palm) will be announced at CES in January and released in March.4 C/ _) a0 w% _
" ?4 v" C- S% T6 Y% A; s2 u2 P
Update: Not to toss too much cold water on these rumors, but a couple things to note. A closer look at the supposed palmPad sketches next to the Windows 7 HP Slate seem to strongly indicate that what we are looking at is simply sketches of the Slate with the palmPad name attached to them. The Press Shots from this Engadget Gallery show that all of the ports line up exactly with the sketches above, including the supposed 'palmPad dock' above.
8 n4 c; s5 }: }  R. I& P) Y! `' {- J5 H
Whether this means that the rumor is false or the result of a mashed-up leaked document that happened to include the Slate's photos pasted with the PalmPad's specs or... something, we don't know. In any case, consider this one to be developing instead of confirmed.- A9 O# c, b. Q! l+ u

( B, b$ E% G; LUpdate 2: We might feel a debunk coming on. This is the HP quick speck sheet from HP in PDF form. The images match the above images from FoxNews exactly except that "Optional HP Slate Dock" has been replaced with "Optional HP palmPad Dock." The numbers match as well. In other words, the image from FoxNews is most definitely a repurposed HP Slate. It's still possible that somebody from within HP simply used those images as a stand-in on the palmPad specs, but again, this one's up in the air, folks.
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
! f' e1 [, ~, W& a' X4 b; b
# Y# K* [# J  v屏幕竟然有9.7寸,而重量是五百多克,屏幕比ipad大,重量却比ipad轻,机身外壳可能不是金属的了。
4 d% x% i  |4 {/ K  R4 m. V4 x: i; N
! z, q7 X6 T, x" X& n9 \非常期待。
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:51 | 显示全部楼层
期待!& p- z! r% E# ^
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发表于 2010-12-22 10:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 11:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-22 11:10 | 显示全部楼层
基本上是假的了 拿了HP Slate的图片稍微P了一下就说是新机4 D7 z6 c7 L% ^+ i. z* ]! i7 J
BTW Fox News在美国早就以偏颇不真实的新闻出名
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-22 11:17 | 显示全部楼层

回复 8楼 RDX 的帖子

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