http://www.palminfocenter.com/ne ... e-sometime-in-2008/
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% @3 m5 n( x; D, B8 s* r* p0 c8 Q As noted in our report from last weeks Palm quarterly conference call,Palm CEO Ed Colligan gave the first rough estimate as to when to expectthe next generation operating system. Its release has not been delayedor postponed as a few other outlets are reporting, as Palm has yet tocomment on release timing or provide any concrete specifics about thenew platform.
T+ A1 g2 z5 O" W. OIn response to a question on broader platform strategy and new operating system development efforts Colligan answered:7 x4 m8 K) n; d% i9 \; r$ s
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Well, in general a new platform strategy I think that's, next calendaryear is the timeframe. We are not going to get in to specifics on that.I think the reality is we will deliver some new smartphone productsthrough the rest of this calendar year on both our Windows Mobile andPalm OS platforms. And product based on the new Linux-based platformthat we are working on, that won't be until some time next year. [...]We are not waiting for next generation platform developments to deliversome great new products. It was only briefly announced in April that a 'new foundation' was in development featuring Palm OS Garnet aspects combined with a Linux Core. + `' A2 E# j1 L/ v3 z% n! c+ u
Ed Colligan说新平台将是明年的计划,今年剩余的时间将发布一些新的smartphone产品,Windows Mobile和Palm OS都有。基于Linux的产品今年不会出现。 |