我试了, 按照网上说的 下载了一个preware 1.1.07 J8 @+ d8 g, o3 Q
安装继续失败...... 见如下 1 H3 u. Z7 ]& h: T) a" X% bInstallation of Preware has failed./ j( e* A/ l1 M) z( p& G
* j9 M# F/ A% J8 Q% y*** Please try again **** ~! S' O5 W" \" X _0 A/ p* ~/ w- S
: }% s: {% K3 k# C- ~6 _: Q+ p
If you continue to recieve errors post %temp%\Installer.log to forums.precentral.net
7 F1 F! a2 n# Z0 {If you continue to recieve errors post %temp%\Installer.log to forums.precentral.net / B% V6 L k2 C+ x; H. k% _ S1 x0 a7 B* L