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[webOS开发] 如何从官方取得开发资料..(提前了解Enyo)-Enyo Preview!

发表于 2011-2-18 11:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ c2 U$ R+ C4 b$ r/ `2 D! A: k例如开发工具提前发放或是特别的折扣一类的.
3 q/ {% m4 u* X* n* {1 @其中比较吸引人的webOS SDK Early Access Program (开发工具提前内测项目)7 v8 t( T4 ]" t4 P
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& `* A$ {. ~/ R* k; d8 E$ C$ e$ P目前关于webos上新的框架ENYO,官方已经向开发者发放一些基本资料.让开发者可以了解概况..2 F8 H( d2 }, |) R
" I4 q2 ?( u1 E$ Y/ r" Q8 V
4 l/ ?* ^) ]  r" j5 M" Q# V5 i例如我们目前了解到的
Welcome to the Enyo Preview!
% B5 ]! ?- }% _& L7 dWe're excited to give you a first look at webOS's next-generation application framework./ S1 ?: G8 J' Y  g3 O9 b& ~
! V0 m2 [. N& Y: G" n) R
Enyo is still in active development, so the APIs in this release are subject to change significantly. You should treat this as an opportunity to get familiar with Enyo and start experimenting, but expect you'll have to make some changes as Enyo continues to evolve.
5 O5 I$ @; s; S' X# V0 @+ i, l
; j3 x7 W) ?0 d0 o. M4 D* A% t+ \- MThis preview release does not include an updated webOS emulator or tools for packaging and installing Enyo apps. For now, we suggest that you test your apps in a WebKit-based desktop browser like Safari or Chrome.
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To use the Enyo Preview, just unzip the archive into the directory of your choice. Once you've done so, the best way to get started is to explore the sample code and preliminary documentation, both of which are in the enyo-support directory. To run a sample, just open the index.html file you'll find in each sample directory.
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* S6 s, P! g3 PWe hope you'll enjoy this first look at Enyo. Please kick the tires and let us know what you think -- we're eager to get your feedback! We've created an Enyo Preview forum where you can ask questions, report issues and make suggestions.

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发表于 2013-1-28 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
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