本帖最后由 richardtsao 于 2011-4-10 13:55 编辑
# p; x7 b! Y0 F, ~, P: ^
_. ?. C$ n3 s! l/ V+ S# p现象描述:
$ q. z$ Y# u0 ^ E" z( S
7 B7 u" i" I2 K2 J/ _刷完2.1.0 ROM自动重启开机后,进入语言设置,到了以下这个页面选项:* W% t1 D/ D! R/ }- P
- C: E) c. ~+ h$ `
Sign In To My Profile
3 i- ~) h4 ~5 S- nCreate New Porfile9 l s" c) u0 t. }6 h, g
Tell Me More
# A/ S% B4 s$ G5 J+ _( }- I: M% N! ?, [" N0 s- w
* i% L# ]& q, x但始终提示无法连接 - Try Again。/ ?6 j4 f5 I2 H
4 N/ T$ s q7 U2 k5 b( ]
后选择第二项Create New Porfile进入,填写以往的Gmail邮箱及密码,也是无法登录,: i, Y& w W9 P7 @* O4 x+ d
提示该电邮地址被占用。( o! ^) a# A( j- }2 I; @0 g
& Z4 w1 q: C0 Q+ S1 k' B7 }- k病症原因:0 V5 b1 z9 G$ U, Y
% M, R0 A8 g4 r5 Y- u5 Y* _是因为在刷机之前使用的1.4.5rom中开启了Back Up功能造成!! V* N$ K) \9 b# O9 x! W
为什么有些人直接刷2.1就成功了?/ ~: x R! _6 _2 s: ^. m9 z z
原因很简单,就是他在使用1.4.5时没有开启Back Up。
) @5 q/ Q0 H- T8 p* Y% G& l
' D; k- Q: b* E解决办法:
% [! ?; d6 u6 _5 a; ^1 s; }% j
9 o1 j$ a7 r2 Y重新刷回1.4.5,之后进入Back Up,将其关闭!!
. \5 C1 H) P% w4 ?6 ~' ]之后再刷回2.1,就可以用原来注册的GMAIL邮件地址以及密码登陆Profile了!!!4 T+ ~7 j! C) S$ G" K7 a
5 |5 G$ l9 a: E" x% f登录成功后,自然App Catalog软件商店即可进入!9 q2 ?0 u$ o, [% K2 n6 ^. d
* w5 a. V& d! a& y$ M
# D; s( j" @. g0 S( W* i; I( M7 r! F
( p2 E" [; Y' c2 H; I+ F) ^ 
" {7 t# d* O( L* p3 t9 \- |* R0 e( I6 b7 Y
以下是英文解释:- S8 H* C/ a ?, M2 B
% c. _# ?& Z! v0 Z" SPalm Profile
, }3 W8 U: Y0 s9 B+ fSome people have had problems signing in to existing Palm Profiles on 2.1 due to backup data. To make sure that you can sign in to your profile on 2.1, you should disable backups before doctoring to 2.1 and delete server side backups. Of course, this deletes most of the data in your Palm Profile (memos, tasks, calender entries, accounts, ...). Your apps will be restored on 2.1, but that is about it. Note that not all people have issues with backups. If you would rather not delete your Palm Profile data, you can try doctoring to 2.1 without turning backups off and see if restoring everything works. If it doesn't, you'll have to doctor back to 1.4.5 to turn off backups or use a new Palm Profile, though.
4 D/ t" z7 R9 t. g3 ?+ s
1 T+ O, `# |% \) M1 G $ q% \" s& z0 g6 Y8 `8 n c6 n9 ?
8 [1 Q7 S: h" Q4 j! c/ e
0 u3 v/ ? J" x2 N7 Y& B, Y" C+ i
# k5 z- m/ w6 g3 V: K1 K
- r& Z! o! e7 \5 o* c+ y[ Edited by richardtsao on 2011-2-25 21:04 ] |
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