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[软硬件讨论] Why the Pre 3 does not have a dual core Snapdragon

发表于 2011-3-15 20:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 longwayhome 于 2011-3-15 20:42 编辑
8 ^# J" p( f+ {; _) l6 W
& z& N3 p2 c* `: L. A% `4 U% sPreCentral 上看到的,很多人推崇这个贴子,就转来了/ _+ O. q* l, g( A* q
* `7 I& C7 K' V: t
1) Yes, webOS multi-tasks which would make a dual core phone faster if you were maxed out on multiple apps at the same time. Good thing that doesn't happen. Even my 500MHz Palm Pre minus can run Sprint Navigation and Pandora at the same time. In fact, I've run Sprint Navigation + Pandora + Facebook + Tweed at the same time with the phone overclocked to 1GHz. It was pretty smooth on the extremely outdated TI OMAP processor. A single core 1.4GHz newer generation processor should not bottleneck a smartphone with current mobile apps.% I! u, \$ y; ~5 r+ A! J

; _& ^" k9 r' B+ |2 Y. v+ c2) 1.4GHz = at LEAST 2x 800MHz for virtually all applications.
3 \: p: ]0 J# b: J* c# M: ?( s, ?$ q8 O, T# K  A8 R- X3 E/ o% J! N
3) For virtually ALL instances of using the Palm Pre3, a 1.4GHz single core will be substantially faster than a dual core 1.0GHz processor. Especially in gaming.
( W" d3 {4 _0 l5 l& d2 S7 P8 x
: J7 {% i8 p: B0 @0 |9 q, b# h2 V6 JSide note for Penopata, I was the co-founder of Intelforums.net back in 2003, and for a couple years, we were a pretty big name in the hardware review world. If you think a Pentium D will run circles around an XP 3000+ in most applications, you're simply wrong. As much as I loved the Intel processors, when the 64bit "Hammer" processors came out, the writing for the Netburst technology processors from Intel was on the wall. The biggest mistake Intel made was not scrapping Tejas and moving toward the Pentium III based Pentium M style processors faster. I've linked a summary of the Pentium D 805 vs the Athlon XP 3000+ back in 2006 from Anandtech. The Pentium D gets beat in virtually all the tests that matter for smartphone users. The wins for the dual core come in with applications like video encoding and content creation. Video encoding and heavy content creation are two things you should NEVER rely on any current smartphone or tablet to handle. Their energy efficient little processors are simply way too slow to offer good performance in intense applications that would use apps that really benefit from multiple cores.
0 |" n7 M1 v6 p6 j, s
1 F) o$ F+ W; O2 P. cIntel Pentium D 805 - Dual Core on a Budget - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News
" l. I  I3 z2 X# V0 s  s5 x% }8 ^- l3 b$ Q) f
This is just what I'm talking about. If you think dual core technology is an incredible solution for most applications, you just don't understand the technology. In fact, I built a Pentium D 805 rig for a friend that wanted to play WoW with good settings on a tight budget. I would have built her an AMD setup if it weren't for concerns that socket swtiches would limit her future upgrade capability. That's were the Pentium D series processors fit into the equation. Budget performance with the path to upgrading. I upgraded her system, I think last year, to all the little MSI motherboard could handle, an Allendale based Core2 Duo running 2.8GHz.

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发表于 2011-3-15 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
1)是,webOS的多任务,这将使双核心手机更快,如果你是在多个应用程序刷爆在同一时间。 好事不会发生。 即使是我的500MHz的棕榈预减可以运行在同一时间Sprint导航和Pandora。 事实上,我已经运行在同一时间Sprint导航+ +注册Facebook!+花呢潘多拉与手机超频到1GHz。 这是相当顺利的TI的OMAP处理器极为过时。 单核1.4GHz的新一代处理器应该不是瓶颈与目前的移动应用程序的智能手机。
" d8 M( Y+ @5 H( t+ M3 |5 M, g
% e/ [, }: u1 c! u, L! W# E2 C( s4 i2)=至少1.4GHz的800MHz的2倍。几乎所有的应用程序 8元的V6发动机克E3的乙%,俄 & O( H& _6 E" G6 x5 `

  j) y; m. e2 R, G2 j0 A3)几乎所有Pre3实例使用手掌,一个1.4GHz的单核心将大大快于双核心1.0GHz处理器。 特别是在游戏。
; ]4 M( l* ~: P* Y" k1 X$ o+维生素D3的B - W“的|三级}
6 S% N9 c0 D7 G! ^, y* L! Q侧Penopata注意,我是共同Intelforums.net创始人早在2003年,为一对夫妇几年,我们在硬件审查世界相当大的名字。 如果你认为奔腾D手忙脚乱将运行一个XP 3000 +在大多数应用中,你是完全错误的。 尽管我深爱着来自英特尔Netburst架构的英特尔处理器技术的处理器,当64位“锤”处理器出来了,写的是在墙上。 英特尔制造的最大的错误是不杀泰亚斯,向基于奔腾III处理器,奔腾M型周转快的。 我在2006年与奔腾D 805与摘要的Athlon XP 3000 +回来Anandtech。 奔腾D得到击败几乎所有的测试,对智能手机用户的问题。 为双核心,赢来在诸如视频编码和内容创作应用程序。 视频编码和重内容创作两件事情你不应该依赖于任何现有的Smartphone或片剂处理。 其能源效率的处理器只是有点太缓慢,在激烈的应用提供良好的性能,将使用的应用程序,真正受益于多核心。 0 V. w! s1 y1 }4 O4 y9 S9 D
6 V1 I" B6 D0 r
英特尔奔腾D 805 -双核心的财政预算案- AnandTech::您的新闻来源分析和硬件
+ h# i5 S# _2 Q8 X( V+ Y( U6 \  J  {* j. W' ?; R( l* G
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发表于 2011-3-15 20:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-3-15 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
google翻译 过来你要能看懂 那英语专业的学英语干嘛?
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发表于 2011-3-15 23:05 | 显示全部楼层
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