本帖最后由 ztbbs 于 2011-5-15 17:49 编辑
& S; X1 K4 f5 S* k( Y/ j3 c* k7 L6 l4 `& ]4 Z9 Y4 v
9 x- @$ g; _7 D* c/ _Browser App(网页浏览) / U& @) v; {7 Y" v, m, b
& }; M* Z7 |+ w# D2 U; j
Power Swipe(强力滑动)意思是你用两个手指放在屏幕上滑动(只有当你浏览网页时才有效)
7 W0 I. }1 M9 G' d2 i. Z5 XPower Swiping means you swipe on your screen using two (2) fingers instead of one (1).
$ }0 p' q( ~. z# ^' D; j, A(Note: Power Swiping only works when viewing a webpage.) . D6 S" y* q( m& Q1 A
Power Swipe (Up/Down):(强力滑动向上或下)立即卷动或跳转到网页顶部或底部 0 A6 G* j& r& y$ G/ W) N7 y
This feature allows you to quickly scroll or jump to the top or bottom of a browser page. 6 j5 k8 U9 x, G' t5 B
Power Swipe (Left):(强力滑动向左)立即跳到历史浏览页面
4 a9 v/ p; E) a Y _3 ]This feature allows you to quickly access the browser history. ! V: v) h. i5 F8 e+ P$ ]. ^/ {
Power Swipe (Right):(强力滑动向右)立即跳到标签清单7 E' N6 l5 N3 m/ ^ v
This feature allows you to quickly access the bookmarks list. & Q* o6 ?. h8 {' J G, n) Y( u
Email App(邮件功能)
0 }' m) \9 t# K: jTap + Hold for New Card(点击长按保持=新卡片) . C, ?; [; J) Q6 G7 s2 Z9 @
Tap + Hold an email message to open that email into a new card. z9 Q+ I) @& T1 l+ e
(Note: This feature is a bit wonky for the email app. While it does open the message in a new card, when you release the tap + hold, it goes back to the view you were at instead of the new card containing the email message. For now, just move to the email message in the new card._
/ X. y& ^' _/ @& B0 I1 P oEmail Notifications(当你已经打开邮件界面,点击通知区邮件=新卡片) . @* k2 ~( ]9 n5 e5 W4 x
Tapping an email notification while the email app is already open, will open that email message into a new card. % S+ d$ Z( w5 R( x8 ?' |. K
Messaging App(短信功能)
1 R; m6 k' T% R1 O4 t8 M- ?" VTimestamps(信息标注收发日期(SIM或IM))
/ k9 @; K+ W2 A% YThis feature was added to provide a timestamp that is displayed on all messages (SMS or IM).
" W3 m# e1 `+ W( B0 B3 x8 KEnter Key Confirmation(短信回车功能增强)橙键+Enter=回车换行,3秒内按两次Enter=发送 -更新
; R* N7 D9 G" Y( O. h( l+ mThis feature was added to reduce accidental message sending. Enter needs to be pressed twice within 3 seconds for sending the message.
2 v, d) z8 H7 c; ETap + Hold for New Card(点击长按保持=新卡片) 0 x* m( Z% o7 Z$ y% s
In the Conversation view, Tap + Hold a message conversation to open it into a new card. 2 Z& I5 j q5 N1 \+ a! |/ a# y
Message Notifications(当你已经打开短信界面,点击通知区短信=新卡片) + g9 g/ @. e* I/ e
Tapping a message notification while the messaging app is already open, will open that message into a new card. & p" n& X* W' M N2 O
System Wide Changes(系统更多更改)
7 e5 E& u$ c7 o1 X# B# Q7 C7 TInverted Keyboard Brightness(根据屏幕亮度级别,反过来自动调节键盘亮度级别:下限25%-上限85%,)
5 @* K) a! z+ L, OThe inverted keyboard brightness feature automatically adjusts the brightness level of the keyboard based on the brightness level of your screen. However, the brightness level of the keyboard is limited to 25 for the lowest setting and 85 for the highest setting.
% N' m- K+ Z3 z- m |