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[TouchPad] pre 使用代理的方法, cmwap或许也能用了

发表于 2011-9-19 21:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 mycccc 于 2011-9-19 21:01 编辑 2 t$ U9 S/ m* m2 D% A! t5 ]

( x2 f8 b/ \' Z0 ~/ |4 X! T. X' p/ l$ N
# [. t. O5 D, ~3 ?
, v) f% S0 j/ |4 R$ j哪怕只是浏览器里加个代理选项,1.4.5没有,2.1也没有
$ ~5 s1 _! _& c$ z, n5 _' m  Y (或者webos有proxy软件么?我找了两天没找到)" E9 C$ T& ?# q( i2 ^5 D! `) L: v% ~" S9 t
+ _% G  B) {1 L& {- W

7 N  f1 V* ~% I, s0 `搜了半天英文方面的资料,还真有+ Z6 _5 y* A: U/ T  ^* x
5 A, y+ Y4 X- J( i$ r3 w8 i6 A6 a- n' k2 P- d: N% q$ O8 [
. Q, A0 G' x4 a! l: J
/ X  O7 A4 g* r* ~# ~- T: y安装squid代理,添加一个节点代理,配置iptables的所有HTTP请求转发代理 。对浏览器等来说透明,这样就可以让不支持代理的各软件都通过代理
% s; c" R. `6 g% \5 g

9 m% [/ W9 I& v* c3 n' p% p" P
  w: Q. j/ M" E% _

7 Z- v1 H. |/ i* N, C2 ^% k/ Z: g
' E9 H- y+ Y! F5 ~
按照这种方式9 k& h. Z5 e; `6 N9 {
7 `. }8 H, j/ n3 ]这下无限流量的cmwaper们该笑了4 _& N2 e! |. i$ i
1 u1 M; ]4 N7 a$ M7 X

9 K( R& t) C9 P7 k4 [/ D7 M 原文见这里: http://www.daemon.de/PalmPreHowtoSquid. K7 k' O6 [1 `/ x; t: @, a
& x; }/ w8 V0 v$ j5 A

- G) H- J/ T# s% m; x' V4 |
Transparent Proxy on the palm pre for internet filtering and proxy forwarding
Ok, someone asked for it, so I figured it out, how to do it for fun and profit.
    Transparent Proxy on the palm pre for internet filtering and proxy forwarding
. J% |- L, ^4 g        Installing Squid4 {2 u% Q; x% z* y0 F) V5 a
        Create a basic proxy config' h' @5 z! N! g- n
        Prepare the directories for squid
; R$ J& D4 |  y8 [# Y( e        Starting squid3 H+ s9 |9 Y( S0 _" C  u7 c. u
        Redirect Web Traffic to the Proxy
. o, |# g4 j" C' ^  R) y        Add the rules to the squid startup file( Q: C9 F4 L- P" v+ O. K# ]
        Configure network to startup squid if WLAN comes up:
5 L: H* g, E. z        See it working0 S. X+ M' T( c7 g# l- G

% w, A, H* G4 c$ g* K: E$ VInstalling Squid
First, you need to have root access to your device. How to get root, is described elsewere in this wiki. It would be a good idea to know a little about linux and networking too. Be warned: this can make your networking unfunctional!
Make your root disk writable:
cd / && mount -v -o remount,rw /
Login to the pre console and type this command to install the squid optware package
root@palm-webos-device: # ipkg-opt update ... root@palm-webos-device: # ipkg-opt install squid Installing squid (2.6.21-2) to root... Downloading http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feed ... id_2.6.21-2_arm.ipk Configuring squid create default cache and logs dir chown: unknown user/group nobody:nobody chown: unknown user/group nobody:nobody FATAL: Could not determine fully qualified hostname.Please set  'visible_hostname'  Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally. CPU Usage: 0.020 seconds = 0.010 user + 0.010 sys Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB Page faults with physical i/o: 0 Segmentation fault
You should review the configuration file /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf, make any necessary change, and complete the install by running -
/opt/etc/init.d/S80squid start  Successfully terminated.
Ignore the errors for the moment, we'll get to it soon.
Create a basic proxy config
Change to the directory /opt/etc/squid and move the file squid.conf which is already there to somewhere else. Now create a new squid.conf, which should have the following contents:
visible_hostname localhosthttp_port 3128 transparent                 hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?               access_log /var/cache/squid/squid.log squid          acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?                   cache deny QUERY # replace the ip address with the address of your proxy# replace the port 3128 with the port of your proxycache_peer parent 3128 3130 default # if your proxy requires authentication, use this:# cache_peer parent 3128 3130 default login USERNAME PASSWORDrefresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440refresh_pattern .               0       20%     4320acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache                broken_vary_encoding allow apache    coredump_dir /var/cache/squid        cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 20 5 5access_log /var/cache/squid/squid.logcache_log /var/cache/squid/cache.logcache_store_log /dev/null acl all src manager proto cache_objectacl localhost src to_localhost dst SSL_ports port 443acl Safe_ports port 80          # httpacl Safe_ports port 21          # ftpacl Safe_ports port 443         # httpsacl Safe_ports port 70          # gopheracl Safe_ports port 210         # waisacl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered portsacl Safe_ports port 280         # http-mgmtacl Safe_ports port 488         # gss-httpacl Safe_ports port 591         # filemakeracl Safe_ports port 777         # multiling httpacl CONNECT method CONNECThttp_access allow manager localhosthttp_access deny managerhttp_access deny !Safe_portshttp_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports# example for an ACL, uncomment and modify#acl enemy dstdomain www.apple.com#http_access deny enemy http_access allow allicp_access allow all
Basicly this is a config for a transparent proxy, thus a browser will be redirected to it without knowing that it is actually connected to a proxy. We must configure it this way because the WebOS browser cannot be configured to use a proxy.
Note that we have added a single ACL here, which denies access to some random site *g*. Any other requests will be allowed. SSL (HTTPS) will not be passed through the proxy because this requires the browser to connect to it using a proxy request.
Prepare the directories for squid
Squid needs a directory where to store it's files, as content it caches and logfiles. You may consider to disable caching and logging. But caching may be a good idea if your traffic is limited, so you'll save some. Logging is always usefull for debugging. If you want to turn it off, use /dev/null as target for the logfiles.
mkdir /var/cache/squid chown nobody /var/cache/squid
Next you need let squid to prepare the directory structure using the -z option:
root@palm-webos-device: # squid -z -f squid.conf 2009/11/26 23:19:29| Creating Swap Directories
You should not see any errors here!
Starting squid
The installer already added it to the startup daemons, now we will start it manually:
/opt/etc/init.d/S80squid start
Look in /var/cache/squid/cache.log for any errors. Use ps to see if it really runs. You may consider to install lynx and test the proxy:
ipkg-opt install lynx export http_proxy=http://localhost:3128 lynx www.google.com
If you see a google textmode site, it works.
Redirect Web Traffic to the Proxy
Now comes the ugly part. I'll not explain it in detail: we install some iptable Rules. We tell iptables to forward any traffic destined to tcp port 80 to localhost port 3128 (this is where squid listens for incoming connections). To avoid that the requests of the proxy itself are forwarded to localhost (which would create a loop), we add a rule telling iptables to not forward web traffic if it were generated by user nobody (the user squid runs as):
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --gid-owner 65534 -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
You should not get any response from iptables. Let's see if the rules were added correctly:
root@palm-webos-device: # iptables -nL -t natChain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT)target     prot opt source               destination          Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT)target     prot opt source               destination          Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)target     prot opt source               destination         ACCEPT     tcp  --             tcp dpt:80 owner GID match65534 DNAT       tcp  --             tcp dpt:80 to: Add the rules to the squid startup file
Edit /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid so that it looks like this:
#! /bin/shcase "$1" in    start)        echo -n "Starting proxy server: "        if [ -n "`pidof quotacheck`" ]; then           #you don't need it if you don't have quota check enable.           echo "Starting squid-cache server after delay for few mins:"           /opt/etc/squid/squid.delay-start.sh&        else           /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf           iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --gid-owner 65534 -j ACCEPT           iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination           echo "done."        fi        echo "done."        ;;    stop)        echo -n "Stopping proxy server: "        /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf -k shutdown        iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --gid-owner 65534 -j ACCEPT        iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination        echo "done."        ;;    reload|force-reload)        echo -n "Reloading proxy server configuration files: "        /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf -k reconfigure        echo "done."        ;;    restart)        echo -n "Restarting proxy server: "        /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf -k shutdown        sleep 2        /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf        echo "done."        ;;    *)        echo "Usage: /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart}"        exit 1        ;;esac Configure network to startup squid if WLAN comes up:
Change to directory /etc/pmnetconfig/.
In the file if-up modify this part:
if [ "$ISPPP" -ne 4 ] && [ "$ISRMNET" -ne 6 ] && [ "$ISTUN" -ne 4 ] && [ "$ISCSCOTUNVPN" -ne 8 ]; then    NetCfgSetAddr    CMSERVICES=$((${CMSERVICES} | ${CMSVCINTERNET})) fi
if [ "$ISPPP" -ne 4 ] && [ "$ISRMNET" -ne 6 ] && [ "$ISTUN" -ne 4 ] && [ "$ISCSCOTUNVPN" -ne 8 ]; then    NetCfgSetAddr    CMSERVICES=$((${CMSERVICES} | ${CMSVCINTERNET}))    /usr/bin/logger "wifi up: execute /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid start"     /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid start fi
In the file if-down modify this part:
if [ ${CMINTERFACE} = ${CMBTINTERFACENAME} ] || [ ${CMINTERFACE} = ${CMBRINTERFACENAME} ]; then    ${LOG} "${IPTABLES} -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s  $CMNETADDR/$CMPREFIXLEN -j MASQUERADE"    ${IPTABLES} -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s $CMNETADDR/$CMPREFIXLEN -j MASQUERADE    ${LOG} "${ECHO} 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"    ${ECHO} 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward fi
if [ ${CMINTERFACE} = ${CMBTINTERFACENAME} ] || [ ${CMINTERFACE} = ${CMBRINTERFACENAME} ]; then    ${LOG} "${IPTABLES} -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s  $CMNETADDR/$CMPREFIXLEN -j MASQUERADE"    ${IPTABLES} -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s $CMNETADDR/$CMPREFIXLEN -j MASQUERADE    ${LOG} "${ECHO} 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"    ${ECHO} 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward    /usr/bin/logger "wifi up: execute /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid stop"         /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid stop          fi See it working
So, let's see how it works. Enable WIFI and fire up the browser and see if it works. You should see your requests on the remote proxy.
If you added an ACL as mentioned earlier, a message like the following should appear if you enter the url of your favourite enemy vendor (the one we configured above):
If it doesn't work, check /var/log/messages and look for "squid"! /var/cache/squid/cache.log is also a good place to look for failures. Good luck!
6 i. Z$ w# n  B1 c
0 ]& E8 J/ h: [8 f


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-19 21:02 | 显示全部楼层

5 [( k8 Y0 |! s) l$ ?5 V! i0 j) o/ Xdiscuz这排版弄得+ ^- o/ S& w5 A, f% {% _
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-19 21:03 | 显示全部楼层
SetupSquidTransparentProxy2 X. [6 G) M, |8 h6 c9 ]

& v1 E; N: G/ C% X% a, G5 HSquid Transparent Proxy on Palm Pre
+ J& l2 [5 l! b# q
" n1 ~# Z: H' g3 M: B! S. k  Q% }Ok, someone asked for it, so I figured it out, how to do it for fun and profit:6 ?: d% C0 C. M
- i2 Y) z9 q+ b4 D# b' _
Hide Preparation# M+ Z" X0 s7 d7 ?
/ Z% U, d( M, l0 X
First, you need to have root access to your device. How to get root, is described here. It would be a good idea to know a little about linux and networking too. Be warned: this can make your networking unfunctional!
0 \8 z5 w$ G! E, f. h5 N* |* ^% n8 d. @0 l8 z
Next thing you need to do is to install the package Optware Advanced Linux Command Line Installer from Preware, which installs ipkg-opt!% E& |8 k- U$ p
. n" ~9 r8 I0 N0 W9 \% Y
↑ Jump Back A Section
; i. q1 l+ H7 V# v7 D, F" _Hide Installing Squid
2 `3 O5 |: y' C! T+ z2 k0 b
# {. W; c6 V. q9 ^8 F! q( o+ G9 y2 fLogin to the pre console and make your root disk writable:" h6 v- ?0 R3 u+ B

' ?- \" b# f; r# K9 xroot@palm-webos-device: # cd / && mount -v -o remount,rw /
( q1 n8 R( L* x8 [- f5 \& HType this command to install the squid optware package
; M6 {8 z, b1 I/ Y5 V7 v( c( Z$ t4 \
root@palm-webos-device: # ipkg-opt update) }9 `) v( S4 `- B: @
      ...7 N+ b8 o, s% ?" C) u4 `, a
      root@palm-webos-device: # ipkg-opt install squid
$ d) I* e# O2 D/ T* o      Installing squid (2.6.21-2) to root...7 R9 @8 p7 D# `! d
      Downloading http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feed ... id_2.6.21-2_arm.ipk
! }2 E3 Y" |1 o  T      Configuring squid
' c; l+ b9 ~# ]6 ^      create default cache and logs dir
" ^5 {7 ?9 o6 ^; j- F/ }( U1 n      chown: unknown user/group nobody:nobody* ~) X+ S' B% n" P
      chown: unknown user/group nobody:nobody
9 i8 ?" _4 ?* c/ q! |1 y      FATAL: Could not determine fully qualified hostname.Please set 'visible_hostname'
: X$ ]% ?4 f& v% [- v2 H% [. ~      
  N! B" E8 q0 S2 t! C9 j      Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
: Y: y" g% R2 `/ U      CPU Usage: 0.020 seconds = 0.010 user + 0.010 sys
* p0 v$ }; q. F% t$ k" k( u4 i      Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB: m+ Z4 t8 A, {& I* X* {5 D
      Page faults with physical i/o: 0( _9 d4 S$ P2 `! y4 u
      Segmentation fault
' ?  t3 s' ~. V& f5 g& M       # e9 Z& h( f2 o9 M/ n3 v3 D! z4 H
      You should review the configuration file /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf,5 R9 U9 W' i# ?4 F9 i' @
      make any necessary change, and complete the install by running -
0 g+ m: w; W$ S& ]6 U2 f# j9 z      /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid start0 N* Y5 H7 b, {6 r2 r, T3 J1 }. i
       2 l; v) W% E4 i6 i: S/ s1 O  }
      Successfully terminated.
* Z* M3 c* f! gIgnore the errors for the moment, we'll get to it soon.
# T5 Q2 G" r3 r* [/ O* p
( u" @! y; _( a' V↑ Jump Back A Section: U  L- W  Y( n% S0 }
Hide Create a basic proxy config
; A5 E* r6 v, t" P" h" u1 y4 O, j+ m' }) `$ @' ^/ g" Q! R
Change to the directory /opt/etc/squid and move the file squid.conf which is already there to somewhere else. Now create a new squid.conf, which should have the following contents:+ b" T+ u) M. O
. P9 d$ M9 Q& T( L: j8 H
visible_hostname localhost( i) E0 n+ E8 H
      http_port 3128 transparent                 
1 b0 {- |; U& c  n1 p      hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?               : n' C2 K! z6 z; t) d9 [
      access_log /var/cache/squid/squid.log squid          & x) e: y! I9 R/ N
      acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?                   - x8 g% M1 r3 o4 m3 J4 O' o
      cache deny QUERY
/ r$ @: @4 ~; c8 k: X7 v. ^8 E      
. q2 _7 R! c% H4 B& w      # replace the ip address with the address of your proxy
6 Z' {% `# u' y5 }4 h      # replace the port 3128 with the port of your proxy7 C7 v; a! Y) x. F1 z3 S) ], S0 _
      cache_peer parent 3128 3130 default
# s8 ?) I/ m. V( _       ) ?0 D1 {, E0 T
      # if your proxy requires authentication, use this:
. b2 O2 f2 h7 ^8 J8 m0 u3 x      # cache_peer parent 3128 3130 default login USERNAME PASSWORD* {" C: |9 i, Z0 \4 ?# \
$ v8 u% f6 {, V      refresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080% Y! T( ?* b/ a/ M- R1 j
      refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      14403 R: F+ @( B; A0 G
      refresh_pattern .               0       20%     4320
" d/ u' Q% ^! i8 i      acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache                # g& @1 ?0 Y; e6 ?
      broken_vary_encoding allow apache    # {# j% W1 \% b7 \/ {5 v& ^
      coredump_dir /var/cache/squid        
2 }2 A# D# `2 ]7 _; ]4 _& x      cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 20 5 5
; A2 b8 q& e% f& c5 u; F      access_log /var/cache/squid/squid.log
! l3 k5 l' l  {; V* u      cache_log /var/cache/squid/cache.log% @8 s. f! L1 H% ]9 ~
      cache_store_log /dev/null3 y0 q1 e# x4 I' b; O; ^
1 f! D! J8 x0 e2 K* Y      acl all src
0 k" ^6 K4 V, Q8 L  ?: {- L      acl manager proto cache_object
+ L6 Q1 x, P3 f' e% |2 r; g      acl localhost src
1 X5 ^2 S9 A& @6 v      acl to_localhost dst
  x/ M, E' U8 r: f4 f2 Z      acl SSL_ports port 443
8 V7 o7 |" {: a* F0 Y      acl Safe_ports port 80          # http
) W& i" P" a5 x$ R      acl Safe_ports port 21          # ftp6 p6 ?" Y6 B9 p& l& w  z1 l" l
      acl Safe_ports port 443         # https
# F6 n7 U+ p0 k      acl Safe_ports port 70          # gopher8 V. z+ M: m1 I# V& G
      acl Safe_ports port 210         # wais6 l1 Y& o" h4 G% h) D/ Q
      acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
* v3 `9 ]6 j9 m/ B/ J& c      acl Safe_ports port 280         # http-mgmt
# l# q0 `$ G* B" j" j' I      acl Safe_ports port 488         # gss-http/ w0 v& d. X, T; @1 ?
      acl Safe_ports port 591         # filemaker+ }" _3 I$ b' Y& m9 x2 `' o
      acl Safe_ports port 777         # multiling http3 ~- m  |  u) R0 n! u+ L
      acl CONNECT method CONNECT
1 e& L2 o1 Z! }+ S3 }      http_access allow manager localhost
& `6 }5 l  A+ `3 W8 o      http_access deny manager
+ y8 ]8 F5 K  y5 l3 h! x- N  F( N      http_access deny !Safe_ports
  i) W% p3 D; H, w) u$ M$ l      http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
0 ]7 D2 z! r/ S) Z7 L      # example for an ACL, uncomment and modify
7 v2 b9 L4 b; b: }! a      #acl enemy dstdomain www.apple.com
& d# \8 a+ e5 e9 A      #http_access deny enemy) }, g* R' U# \4 D& B
' Z2 [6 Z/ e7 x/ E/ @5 `      http_access allow all7 B3 b! ^% {7 ?& ]0 B% b
      icp_access allow all
5 S8 X  Q9 E( X; p9 t% LBasically this is a config for a transparent proxy, thus a browser will be redirected to it without knowing that it is actually connected to a proxy. We must configure it this way because the WebOS browser cannot be configured to use a proxy.
- n) Q; q) F4 O) k6 d+ O! R, v0 K# S/ A$ u0 Y8 v
Note that we have added a single ACL here, which denies access to some random site *g*. Any other requests will be allowed. SSL (HTTPS) will not be passed through the proxy because this requires the browser to connect to it using a proxy request.
5 E6 ]( G& Z( z6 z$ X; ^+ K
& \- Y( J9 o, ]9 u/ jYou WILL need to modify the squid.conf variable cache_peer, it points to your upstream proxy, e.g. your companys proxy. Refer to the comments for the syntax.; ]- A. W  I8 w5 n3 @

4 x: ^% r7 i, s; U- }& [: Z& r↑ Jump Back A Section
' H" ?- e# }* t# fHide Prepare the directories for squid
. U* I/ m7 \  N9 z7 l5 j5 ~* L
( a' {* E+ A* \1 [  C  \Squid needs a directory where to store it's files, as content it caches and logfiles. You may consider to disable caching and logging. But caching may be a good idea if your traffic is limited, so you'll save some. Logging is always usefull for debugging. If you want to turn it off, use /dev/null as target for the logfiles.( I! h3 E3 W$ h

2 S5 |; C2 G: D  v/ T  cmkdir /var/cache/squid
7 ~8 n1 {8 l& [% [8 q8 x$ I; x      chown nobody /var/cache/squid
5 Z5 @& K! Q; H  k$ L+ XNext you need let squid to prepare the directory structure using the -z option:  ^( e2 b& y$ k! V$ ^% R7 r

$ l* t, k6 N1 S8 Uroot@palm-webos-device: # squid -z -f squid.conf
% @8 j5 [  E! T$ m7 O& X      2009/11/26 23:19:29| Creating Swap Directories
5 u1 X" c+ `6 C; J4 V# C5 ~  \+ [You should not see any errors here!
) m* V: C& a% d( c/ ^6 g5 ~
- Z- U, d  r6 v. r* _5 n" j↑ Jump Back A Section( ^1 l- h) G1 b
Hide Starting squid
% B' }0 N" L( I& [5 {( d1 v. Q
$ f6 h" L; }5 ^& t8 zThe installer already added it to the startup daemons, now we will start it manually:* a3 Y( h; F) k4 b, U

1 {( v* O4 w- B/opt/etc/init.d/S80squid start
0 l: E3 e+ Q# r4 v4 ILook in /var/cache/squid/cache.log for any errors. Use ps to see if it really runs. You may consider to install lynx and test the proxy:
& \8 c( p7 C$ I; u4 O/ Z' U! j* y
ipkg-opt install lynx1 U7 L  ?, k# U0 i7 A; n
      export http_proxy=http://localhost:31287 X4 k" S+ t% y- R0 K+ O" b- l
      lynx www.google.com- V6 K" K) e" y
If you see a google textmode site, it works.
8 \  T2 p8 l& l- Z% Q% w  \
$ _/ A* x6 \' V7 \. q; h/ C8 U9 {1 o% eTurn it off if everything is ok:
8 r4 A# h- s3 T9 M8 ]; P2 p. R. d0 Y5 m. x
/opt/etc/init.d/S80squid stop
1 {8 j6 C2 X4 z. p↑ Jump Back A Section
7 w* Y5 W  D8 g  Z: }Hide Add the rules to the squid startup file4 K; l1 w0 y/ ~2 W1 j" g

( B5 }/ E! Y% H: DNow comes the ugly part. I'll not explain it in detail: we install some iptable Rules. We tell iptables to forward any traffic destined to tcp port 80 to localhost port 3128 (this is where squid listens for incoming connections). To avoid that the requests of the proxy itself are forwarded to localhost (which would create a loop), we add a rule telling iptables to not forward web traffic if it were generated by user nobody (the user squid runs as).  s+ G3 X2 p6 M5 N5 m

$ y& L# N  C0 q6 hTo do that, edit /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid so that it looks like this:
  d  v0 m+ K: F5 ?; ~3 i2 t/ R( `( g+ w+ P1 U. ^4 L+ f
#! /bin/sh- B! k6 z( |( O$ s
0 F2 g# u$ u( W! G) V9 m$ }& G) e      case "$1" in: {7 b; Z) O$ I2 ~' r
          start)1 |5 m/ O" _( |2 h/ |
              echo -n "Starting proxy server: "
$ a) H7 G: s% {              if [ -n "`pidof quotacheck`" ]; then; Z) w! ], X1 ^" @- s: O: H
                 #you don't need it if you don't have quota check enable.
' e) \6 z) w$ ]6 G                 echo "Starting squid-cache server after delay for few mins:"
& u) S3 G; ^) t; l; L                 /opt/etc/squid/squid.delay-start.sh&2 g8 `  r# t. U1 U
              else0 n1 t% F# v+ `! B
                 /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf
" K( w; Z! N) Q/ M5 R/ u                 iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --gid-owner 65534 -j ACCEPT
6 |- z, ?5 m* S$ ]                 iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination w3 F% @7 U) [0 |2 ^9 w8 U
                 echo "done."! N* t7 m8 D/ {
              fi+ u/ p- a# z) T
              echo "done."3 I- b: [  I# h* e9 ?: k% O
+ `- H8 V8 A9 L! d: _          stop)
% ~+ p, Q# C, `1 m              echo -n "Stopping proxy server: "" @/ e, y9 Q' u& g3 s8 r9 O
              /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf -k shutdown* z7 c5 p' D0 H3 l" _  D8 \
              iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --gid-owner 65534 -j ACCEPT8 _) t' v6 m* w: B
              iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination ]8 q% a% h1 B9 l0 e& }
              echo "done."& c9 Y" Q) X0 ~% O
              ;;8 V$ W& s! {- g7 U; L+ P8 k; Q/ `
9 h! O( ^- C. _0 k              echo -n "Reloading proxy server configuration files: "
, y8 D4 O, K/ ]2 B8 t              /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf -k reconfigure
- g/ l+ ?# s8 C) v" v              echo "done."
0 d) q' m0 _3 o6 o) \' {) M              ;;
, ^! v& ^1 F/ q) ^- v/ F1 v5 |# Q          restart)( l4 g$ z/ |. o4 C7 Y
              echo -n "Restarting proxy server: "
0 |1 V: F( W6 q              /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf -k shutdown8 [9 ?$ b  @/ f6 K. z, W3 Z
              sleep 26 J6 z  B/ L4 z  W$ V# Q; q
              /opt/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf0 P! G3 [9 R& e4 b7 `
              echo "done.") G& l: V$ x# M" I  A  K
4 t# `8 c2 ?4 b8 j/ n          *)
6 M2 ?7 d& H0 p/ b! v; f* z3 Q              echo "Usage: /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart}"
: ^' p) _/ n- F6 E/ X, _1 G              exit 1, P! ^+ |& L) N( s( U0 A" {* r& Q
$ L5 g* j1 d  f( o      esac
. U$ e$ y! L1 @9 e↑ Jump Back A Section& w% A# _# G; l3 f4 G& D% L
Hide Configure network to startup squid if WIFI comes up. R' L9 P; [$ v6 q+ R! k
6 o3 x+ S; f/ H  Z0 Z( J
Now we need to alter the behavior of the palm network manager so that it starts squid if WIFI comes up and stops it when WIFI goes down.
0 ?+ l  {( T) y1 e9 J5 h7 [# \/ t8 g$ v5 f
Change to directory /etc/pmnetconfig/.! @5 x9 `* ?, `" y) D1 o$ ?

5 l8 z4 ^- i- k% Z' v5 S* KIn the file if-up modify this part:$ b6 C7 J2 U- Q1 `" ^6 b1 G; O
; v: T* A4 n& m* ?$ h
if [ "$ISPPP" -ne 4 ] && [ "$ISRMNET" -ne 6 ] && [ "$ISTUN" -ne 4 ] && [ "$ISCSCOTUNVPN" -ne 8 ]; then
/ j) h; i6 z- Q6 p. U& I8 h" s$ V! s          NetCfgSetAddr
- a! [6 D6 S7 g5 l- R          CMSERVICES=$((${CMSERVICES} | ${CMSVCINTERNET}))1 t  W7 Y6 v: D- Z8 ~
# \/ W: R4 M" O  z9 {to* \+ l/ ?4 {% M6 B+ l$ i! H/ s+ v
2 p+ c6 S- \4 ~% P) ^" z
if [ "$ISPPP" -ne 4 ] && [ "$ISRMNET" -ne 6 ] && [ "$ISTUN" -ne 4 ] && [ "$ISCSCOTUNVPN" -ne 8 ]; then
4 W$ Z" L4 w" W          NetCfgSetAddr! E8 L3 {# V7 p6 }' i' @9 A
          CMSERVICES=$((${CMSERVICES} | ${CMSVCINTERNET}))1 b- l( ^' S! {$ x
          /usr/bin/logger "wifi up: execute /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid start"
+ r6 ~6 P: Q/ R' G) A          /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid start
3 ^5 u& N3 S* X) g       fi
6 T- l# j" J; l" W/ Q8 \; zIn the file if-down modify this part:' i1 _# p8 T! _- F8 A
. W* w" |. ]* Y$ X) w( P" Y
& n7 O+ N- i8 O4 `4 z8 t! i          ${IPTABLES} -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s $CMNETADDR/$CMPREFIXLEN -j MASQUERADE9 f+ e, F, t9 t: y# s
          ${LOG} "${ECHO} 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
8 _: ?4 H0 H* V8 B: B6 _          ${ECHO} 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward3 S+ ?: A# H# q  c3 z
. x% I/ X& c! Z! o2 `0 a6 a4 eto:; R; |2 i" w3 p. L
  J, N- }4 t' |: J2 t
( V9 m9 y/ y, y  r) x0 ^0 r  r+ x          ${IPTABLES} -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s $CMNETADDR/$CMPREFIXLEN -j MASQUERADE
5 c5 ?, [  x0 g# P$ C) \! w          ${LOG} "${ECHO} 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"1 T1 v% X8 q- q" Q3 m
          ${ECHO} 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
6 B9 S; H; H6 F5 J- l4 r          /usr/bin/logger "wifi up: execute /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid stop"     ( f! V3 F( d) A# Z1 y- f! |0 _
          /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid stop         
/ ]! i, H  e7 s9 L6 D, L7 I       fi
. {3 U% w$ C# v; }↑ Jump Back A Section6 ^! k7 u3 h4 T) P4 F
Hide Make your root disk read-only again
' I  [% j, I9 A4 {3 Z/ u; T/ i5 @# o5 W  r6 N7 B
root@palm-webos-device: # cd / && mount -v -o remount,ro /3 S7 b$ I7 R! \, B  k4 F7 S
↑ Jump Back A Section; t' ^8 a/ D- t* V7 I
Hide See it working
3 }! d1 U, F+ N" V1 {$ V+ I9 ?
0 e' T+ S) ]& {' v0 ]! VSo, let's see how it works. Enable WIFI and fire up the browser and see if it works. You should see your requests on the remote proxy.
$ [- d; H7 _7 f3 p0 d1 J# F5 A6 B6 }8 R  G4 O& L& ~) @
If you added an ACL as mentioned earlier, a message like the following should appear if you enter the url of your favourite enemy vendor (the one we configured above):" A+ p8 {" h4 X% @, D! b9 [

4 x) L! g; e; H- S9 d
* v( ^/ W, b& m: H, p1 H( B$ u/ f+ i
↑ Jump Back A Section. a. x; g; S( D1 e( S
Hide Blocking Adverts8 K+ M8 C/ X7 ?. e
) Y+ a# s3 }  I5 h/ H. N
Now squid is set up, we can use it for ad blocking. There are two steps to this:7 \$ p% E# u# {

# t* y5 w; i, B( Z' [9 L  GObtain a block list. ~: o# \" h3 b$ `( W( z3 g

1 C5 {& G; ?5 T; V! D; ^4 I2 AAn excellent ad block list is maintained at http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/. We need to download it in a suitable format for squid, which can be done by running the following command:2 d/ s; M3 Z- I+ t

+ _, b9 Q/ m- A+ {wget -q -O/opt/etc/squid/blocklist 'http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist.php?hostformat=squid-dstdom-regex;showintro=0&nohtml=true&mimetype=plaintext > /opt/etc/squid/blocklist
, g, t1 {; A7 r! W% A7 l1 c. |5 y(Technical details: the wget command downloads the URL given in single quotes, then we strip the HTML mark-up and blank lines using grep. The filename at the end is where the black list will be stored.)! @0 N: e( y/ s8 v' M

9 _( l7 ^2 {9 b5 o% \Configure squid to use the block list+ |( k! K2 L0 B- \

) V# K2 {, k  n3 d2 L6 BNow we need to tell squid to block the list of URLs in the file we've just created. Open the /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf file we created above, and scroll down to where it reads:6 M) A" w& |( L  t

& U: d. `7 A4 sacl enemy dstdomain www.apple.com: N' y% J" b$ L
Replace this line with:, C  g9 t) e' o; g
7 h9 H9 i: H$ X) M
acl enemy dstdom_regex "/opt/etc/squid/blocklist"* w+ t" b# S6 x& n# u! O- C/ O
Finally, restart squid:7 d% C9 ?; x" P* G; q& p2 O

+ w; j: y: b2 ~& e! p- A* I/opt/etc/init.d/S80squid restart
4 {& |6 G3 d- O% r9 v, O% fTo test it's working, open a browser and try to visit ads.msn.com (one of the blocked URLs). The error given should be similar to the screenshot given above.3 P2 C* i& E! r, [" j; \& Q
7 B" u& [8 w" l0 u3 z  o& r! _8 J9 O4 [
If in the future you need to update the ad blocking list, run the commands:
# u. S+ B5 A; n4 `$ o! g( ^  z: p/ K
* ?" Q( y4 U9 F/ d4 o, Z4 o& L( B' i; acd / && mount -v -o remount,rw /
. l/ p  z' P, d7 ~! ]) J9 l      wget -q -O - 'http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist.php?hostformat=squid-dstdom-regex;showintro=0'  | grep -v ">" | grep "." > /opt/etc/squid/blocklist
8 u5 @2 W% `5 `6 v( ?& C+ b      /opt/etc/init.d/S80squid restart$ d0 W6 }/ k8 R- `4 i3 \
For further details of filtering URLs using squid, please refer to the excelent documentation of the squid cache project.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-19 21:12 | 显示全部楼层
英文还给老师了  求大神  直接出方法- ~5 L( A$ v$ F5 U6 d; [
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-19 22:34 | 显示全部楼层
这里有跟详细参数 看下http://bbs.gfan.com/?fromuid=179411
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-20 12:53 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-20 15:19 | 显示全部楼层
如果有td的模块就好了, B" N4 G" b) `2 X
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-20 20:05 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-21 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-21 18:32 | 显示全部楼层
' Y, _# S6 O9 C2 X
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-28 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
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